Glad I inspired you pineconeboy 
Yes I know about me and switching tenses.. I should be more careful in the future..
Ah well, this is my first big story, it's my first story on a forum
I hope the second one will be better we'll see
Phoenix, where have you been?
I've read the entire "tournament story" ..
It's not bad! I'm really glad you came in though.. if it wasn't for you, the story would have died a cruel and painful death meaning.. well.. you created a good storyline..
But all of the sudden, I was reading the part were Creator was on callisto, searching for Phoenix
and .. ehm.. 4 guys jumped in right and made their own contribution and kind off ruined the story..
Luckily you jumped in and set things right.

It's not bad. I hope you'll be starting a story on your own on puf real soon.
Oh the link :/ silly me .. i'll correct that small problem
And here's part 11...
Two more parts to come and then.. well.. then it's over. At least, this story is
Part 11: A little, old man…
Visse frowned and the surprised look on her face immediately changed to that of a furious one. She reached for the person lying inside the skeleton, grabbed him and slapped his head.
“Wake up, you dirt miserable human”, she hissed.
All of the sudden he did. He blinked and stared at the 2 Necris in front of him.
He started shivering and said with a highly pitched voice:
“No please don’t hurt me”.
It was the old man from the pic. The big, weird eyes and the sloppy hear on the head, yes.. it most definitely was him.
The little, old man started sweating and his hands were trembling.
Loque couldn’t believe his eyes. Was this supposed to be a joke? The large man who was insulting them a couple of trinitons ago, was nothing but a scared, little old man using a state of the art exo-skeleton.
He started laughing at the thought of it.
Visse slapped his cheek.
“Cut it out Loque”, she snarled,” this is no time for jokes and fun.. We’re about to give this little human rat a special treatment. She took out her evisceration knife. That knife was only used at special occasions.
“Wait Visse”, Loque quickly said,” I want to know why this human was using an exoskeleteon.. although I do have a good idea why..”
He studied the old man: bony legs, skin like parchment,…
“Get on your feet”, Visse shouted at the little man. It only took him one kraylin to obey the order the dangerous Necris had given.
“Yes ma’am”, the old, wrinkled guy said with a timid voice.
Visse looked him in the eyes and showed her white, sharp teeth.
The little old man almost pooped his pants.
“You know what this is?”, she said while pointing at the knife with her head,” I save this knife to disembowel my prey.. and I think it’s an appropriate time for using it.”
The little man swallowed and his eyes grew bigger with the second. It was as if they were going to burst out of their sockets.
“But I might change my mind”, she growled dangerously,” my friend Loque here wants to know why you’re wearing an exo skeleton….”
The little man turned his head towards Loque, only to be greeted by another angry looking Necris.
“B..B..”, the little man stumbled.
“SPEAK OR REST IN PIECES!”, Visse shouted.
The little man really started shivering now.. He swallowed twice, took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered:
“I. I was .. using that “, he stumbled, and Visse had about enough of it and put the knife on his throat.
She hissed. “Last .. chance, human rat”.
The little man couldn’t stop his body from trembling, but still tried his best controlling himself.
He swallowed once again, staring at the big knife on his throat.
Loque took him by his left ear and snarled: “Your name first!”
He let go of the man’s ear, as he was waving like a madman.
He sighed and started talking:
“ name is.. John summers.. I.. I am the .. the leader of this .. city..”
Loque frowned and started laughing. He couldn’t help himself. Visse sniggered.
“What.. what’s funny,” the little man said with a trembling voice, still looking at the large knife on his throat. He could have sworn it was cutting his flesh.
“You HAVE to ask”, Loque said with a surprised voice and patted the man on his head,” how is it possible, that an old and little man like yourself can run a city?”
“Only trough treachery”, Visse continued while looking at the exo skeleton.
“Yeah”, Loque whispered,” I still want you to explain this thing with the skeleton to me, little man.”
The little man shook his head.
“Ok ok”, he said and shrugged, “look at me will ya ? I’m old, weak.. and .. butt ugly.. can you blame me?”
Visse had to agree with the guy: “ Yes sir, you’re more ugly than a decayed Tygron!”
Loque smiled at her.
“Nice skeleton by the way”, he said to the little man,” ultra modern, state of the art.”
The little man was still heavily trembling.
“How come he felt the blow to his head?”, he asked Visse.
“Simple .. look at all those sensors in the suit. The user connects him or herself with the suit trough these sensors, it has it’s advantages and disadvantages..
biggest disadvantage is feeling “pain. If we hit the exoskeleton on the head, the user will feel it. Just to give you an example here.”
Visse grinned.
Loque slapped his hands together and grabbed the skeleton.
“W..w..wait what are you going to do?”, the little man said with a trembling voice.
“Why.. destroy it of course”, Loque smirked.
“No do..”
But it was too late. Loque switched his gun to the highest frequency, threw the skeleton at the near wall and fired his weapon at it. The skeleton simply disintegrated.
Then he kneeled in front of the little man, called John Summers.
“Now I only have one more question for you”, Loque sighed,” can you please explain THIS to me?”
He took out a copy of the Unreal tournament game.
The man called John Summers uttered a cry of surprise when he saw the blue and black game box.
“Where .. wh.. where did you get that from”, he whispered. He reached for it, trying to grab it, but Visse still had to large knife sitting at his throat.
Louqe looked at the game box, then at the man called John Summers.
“On one of the previous small raids on earth.”, he said with a heavy voice,” I’ve been here before, in the streets of this big techno city..”
John Summers shook his head.
“Well, I’m waiting,” Loque impassively said.
John dropped his head to his chest, and sighed 3 times…
“It all started in the year 2009”, he said with a grim, still trembling voice,” I was a kid back then. A company called “époque rising” made this wonderful game. The gamers all over the world were captivated with the shear excitement and sphere the game offered. There was another game called “the quaking arena”, … but it wasn’t nearly as popular. The unreal tournament took the gamers world by storm.”
He paused for a second and looked at Visse.
“Could you please careful with that thing”, he stumbled,” I think I felt it cutting through my skin.”
Visse hissed and pushed the knife deeper down his throat.
John Summer swallowed and a highly pitched scream left his mouth.
“Go on”, Visse ordered him and she looked at Loque. She knew this was important to him.
“Basically”, John continued,” this was the king of all videogames. It was released for many platforms such as the z-box, the Tintendo and let’s not forget about the p.c.
I was a young kid back then. Of course I had to buy me a copy of that game, all my friends did. 6 years later it was more popular than ever, and the “quaking arena” was nothing but a vague memory. Then it happened.
A corporation called “Avatar” bought the rights of the game, and transformed it into a real event. They simply made the game concept reality. From all over the world foolish, young fighters enlisted for the grand tournament.
A bunch of scientist at the Avatar corp created a new form of technology.
The fighters in the tournament would never actually die… it’s too long and boring to explain now..”
Loque frowned.” I don’t care, do explain this technology”, he whispered.
John sighed.
“Ok, every fighter in the tournament was connected to a mainframe. A virtual representation of the fighter entered the arenas, and fought for it’s so called “virtual” life..
the winner won huge amounts of money.
I was among them.”
Visse observed the man called John Summers for a while. She did not understand. How could he have been there? Sure, this man was old, but he couldn’t have reached the 350 years.. could he?
“How come you’re still alive”, she said using her most intimidating voice,” how can you explain that..if this event happened all these centuries ago..”
She wanted to put John under so much pressure, he would simply snap.
“Well, you see it went like this. Me and my friends enlisted in the games, and.. we made one hell of a team..”
“Hell”, Loque interrupted him”, what is .. hell?”
John looked at him and stumbled:”…H.. how do you m.. mean?”
“DOESN’T matter”, Visse shouted,” go on with the story.”
Loque mumbled something and agreed with Visse.
“Anyway, we won all the ctf.. capture the flag that is, events, and the assault, domination and last man standing games…Our so called “clan” had become notorious. We were the best of the best. No team of challengers could beat us.
I had a girlfriend back then..”
Loque opened his backpak and took the picture.
“This woman ?”, he said to John.
“Yes, that’s here”, he sighed and glanced at the shiny knife on his throat.
There was definitely a wound in his neck now. The blood was dripping on the blade.
“O..ok I’ll shorten the story for you… see.. she.. the tournament was so important to me.. to her as well.. but..”
Visse started growling. Somehow this sounded familiar.
“Eh, well…”, John continued while his voice was heavily trembling,” it was the year 2023.. we had won the biggest tournament of all. We had defeated the upcoming GS_destructa clan. We owned the tournament.
But then things started to go wrong. Our clan slowly fell apart… my girlfriend realised I cared more for the games, the millions watching the fights, the glory.. than her ..”
He felt the knife cutting in his throat.
Visse was really hissing now.
“H..h..hey lady”, John almost yelled,” y.. you .. you want me to finish the story .. or wh.. what?”
Loque grabbed Visse’s hand and took the knife. John fell to the floor.
He saw the wound in the human’s throat. Visse growled and walked towards the window. Loque looked at the knife, and put it back on John’s throat. This time, more careful. He really wanted to hear the story of “the unreal tournament”…
John continued his story. He asked Loque for the handkerchief lying on the nearby table, for taking care of that nasty wound.
Loque disagreed. “Finish the story first, human”, he snarled.
“Ok, our clan fell apart, I moved to Europe.. the name of one the continents back in… the 21st century. My live was empty. It had been insane if I would’ve continued fighting in the tournament solo. I was a team fighter. In a free for all I would have been slaughtered.
The years went by, I grew older.. developed an interest in the field of science, and worked with famous scientists. These people attempted building a “time machine”.. of course they did not succeed.
Then it happened. The earth quaked on march the 23rd, 2063. A mad man released a technovirus on humanity. 80% was online by then. Onliners had a virtual representation of him/herself. The techno virus would invade the consoles and attack their virtual person. The real body would suffer the same fate as the virtual one.
I was working on a break trough at that time, I had perfected the “time travel” machine.. my colleagues wouldn’t believe me though…
The techno virus worked fast. In no matter of time, half of earth’s population was death.
Lucky for me I wasn’t online at that current time. See, a major event took place when the techno virus was launched on the virtua net..and indeed.. 80% was watching it.
My console started flickering, I noticed the chaos and disorder when I looked outside the window of my apartment.
Maybe I was insane for doing so.. but I took some of my belongings, I panicked I guess.. took a copy of the ut game I had kept to myself for all those years.. and stepped inside the “time travel” machine.. I randomly entered a date.. and wound up in the year 2350.
At first I didn’t like what I saw.. humanity was broken, destroyed, robbed of it’s strong will..
But the time travel machine must had done something to my brain,.. I took advantage of the weak people living in the so called techno city.. and took charge. I let them build this construction, this “towering building”, and was the founder of the Liandri corp. Using the new technology, .. well.. there wasn’t that much.. humanity hadn’t made that much progress in the last 3 centuries..
And recreated the ut games.. added a couple of the new species as the nali and skaarj to it..but I grew hungry.. hungry for more.
So I started messing with the weak minds of the city people.
I created “little darling”, the white console..”. John paused and sighed..
“Go on”, Loque impassively said and slapped him in the face.
“Ok ok!”, John said with a quivering voice. He rubbed his hand over his large forehead and continued:” Little darling was able to create illusions. The illusions were nothing but “posters”, hanging on the city walls. Only those who were strong willed, had the spirit of the wolf sleeping inside them, could see them. They came to my building, I drugged them and connected them with the mainframe.. little darling..”
“The storm troopers”, Loque whispered.
John nodded.
“What about the yellow fluid and blue organs? What about the trooper we’ve found on the 3rd floor? Loque slapped John again in the face.
“Well, the ones with the yellow fluid etc.. WERE my elite guards.. you’ve killed them obviously .. and the others were common troopers.. as the ones who are fighting your friends down there. I wanted to perfect my elite guards, but something went wrong I guess.. their blood changed colour etc..I still can’t explain why..
I became obsessed with the Ut game once again, and organised private tournaments in a section of my penthouse. I used the holoroom technology, entered designs of many arenas in little darling’s dbase, and she transformed them to live settings. If one of my troopers died in the arena, .. he was immediately revived. We used no heavy artillery, as we wanted to keep the bodies in one piece.
“We?”, Loque mumbled.
John shook his head and rolled his eyes:” Me and little.. darling.. Anyway, everything seemed to go fine, a couple of days ago, one of my elite guards started rebelling.. I still don’t understand why.. I HAD robbed him of his free will! I ordered my other elite guards to terminate him. I never used the 3rd floor anymore so…I let him down there, to crumble away, decay..
“What about our friends?”, Visse asked the man with a firm voice and growled. She couldn’t hide the disgust and hatred she felt towards the man sitting on the floor, at her feet.
The man bowed his head.
“They’re o.k.. well most of them are.. I had ordered my elite guards to capture them, and.. save them.. I needed .. new .. healthy guards.. and although. I don’t like Necris.. I have to admit, you.. are fine warriors.
“WHERE.. ARE THEY!”, Loque all of the sudden yelled. He cringed his teeth. There was a chance his sister was still alive and kicking.
“I.. in the quarter down the hall”, John quickly said while looking at the knife, which once more made a scar in his neck.
Visse took the man by his hair, and kicked him in the arse. “Lead us the way, maggot”, she snarled,” and no sudden movements, or I’ll fry you alive.”
The man got to his feet once again, wiped his shady clothes, and turned towards the 2 Necris. Their guns were aimed at his head.
“Th.. this way”, he said with his cowardly, trembling voice.
He lead them to a darker quarter.
When Loque and Visse entered the room, they were baffled...
Yes I know about me and switching tenses.. I should be more careful in the future..

Ah well, this is my first big story, it's my first story on a forum
I hope the second one will be better we'll see
Phoenix, where have you been?
I've read the entire "tournament story" ..
It's not bad! I'm really glad you came in though.. if it wasn't for you, the story would have died a cruel and painful death meaning.. well.. you created a good storyline..
But all of the sudden, I was reading the part were Creator was on callisto, searching for Phoenix
and .. ehm.. 4 guys jumped in right and made their own contribution and kind off ruined the story..
Luckily you jumped in and set things right.
It's not bad. I hope you'll be starting a story on your own on puf real soon.
Oh the link :/ silly me .. i'll correct that small problem
And here's part 11...
Two more parts to come and then.. well.. then it's over. At least, this story is
Part 11: A little, old man…
Visse frowned and the surprised look on her face immediately changed to that of a furious one. She reached for the person lying inside the skeleton, grabbed him and slapped his head.
“Wake up, you dirt miserable human”, she hissed.
All of the sudden he did. He blinked and stared at the 2 Necris in front of him.
He started shivering and said with a highly pitched voice:
“No please don’t hurt me”.
It was the old man from the pic. The big, weird eyes and the sloppy hear on the head, yes.. it most definitely was him.
The little, old man started sweating and his hands were trembling.
Loque couldn’t believe his eyes. Was this supposed to be a joke? The large man who was insulting them a couple of trinitons ago, was nothing but a scared, little old man using a state of the art exo-skeleton.
He started laughing at the thought of it.
Visse slapped his cheek.
“Cut it out Loque”, she snarled,” this is no time for jokes and fun.. We’re about to give this little human rat a special treatment. She took out her evisceration knife. That knife was only used at special occasions.
“Wait Visse”, Loque quickly said,” I want to know why this human was using an exoskeleteon.. although I do have a good idea why..”
He studied the old man: bony legs, skin like parchment,…
“Get on your feet”, Visse shouted at the little man. It only took him one kraylin to obey the order the dangerous Necris had given.
“Yes ma’am”, the old, wrinkled guy said with a timid voice.
Visse looked him in the eyes and showed her white, sharp teeth.
The little old man almost pooped his pants.
“You know what this is?”, she said while pointing at the knife with her head,” I save this knife to disembowel my prey.. and I think it’s an appropriate time for using it.”
The little man swallowed and his eyes grew bigger with the second. It was as if they were going to burst out of their sockets.
“But I might change my mind”, she growled dangerously,” my friend Loque here wants to know why you’re wearing an exo skeleton….”
The little man turned his head towards Loque, only to be greeted by another angry looking Necris.
“B..B..”, the little man stumbled.
“SPEAK OR REST IN PIECES!”, Visse shouted.
The little man really started shivering now.. He swallowed twice, took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered:
“I. I was .. using that “, he stumbled, and Visse had about enough of it and put the knife on his throat.
She hissed. “Last .. chance, human rat”.
The little man couldn’t stop his body from trembling, but still tried his best controlling himself.
He swallowed once again, staring at the big knife on his throat.
Loque took him by his left ear and snarled: “Your name first!”
He let go of the man’s ear, as he was waving like a madman.
He sighed and started talking:
“ name is.. John summers.. I.. I am the .. the leader of this .. city..”
Loque frowned and started laughing. He couldn’t help himself. Visse sniggered.
“What.. what’s funny,” the little man said with a trembling voice, still looking at the large knife on his throat. He could have sworn it was cutting his flesh.
“You HAVE to ask”, Loque said with a surprised voice and patted the man on his head,” how is it possible, that an old and little man like yourself can run a city?”
“Only trough treachery”, Visse continued while looking at the exo skeleton.
“Yeah”, Loque whispered,” I still want you to explain this thing with the skeleton to me, little man.”
The little man shook his head.
“Ok ok”, he said and shrugged, “look at me will ya ? I’m old, weak.. and .. butt ugly.. can you blame me?”
Visse had to agree with the guy: “ Yes sir, you’re more ugly than a decayed Tygron!”
Loque smiled at her.
“Nice skeleton by the way”, he said to the little man,” ultra modern, state of the art.”
The little man was still heavily trembling.
“How come he felt the blow to his head?”, he asked Visse.
“Simple .. look at all those sensors in the suit. The user connects him or herself with the suit trough these sensors, it has it’s advantages and disadvantages..
biggest disadvantage is feeling “pain. If we hit the exoskeleton on the head, the user will feel it. Just to give you an example here.”
Visse grinned.
Loque slapped his hands together and grabbed the skeleton.
“W..w..wait what are you going to do?”, the little man said with a trembling voice.
“Why.. destroy it of course”, Loque smirked.
“No do..”
But it was too late. Loque switched his gun to the highest frequency, threw the skeleton at the near wall and fired his weapon at it. The skeleton simply disintegrated.
Then he kneeled in front of the little man, called John Summers.
“Now I only have one more question for you”, Loque sighed,” can you please explain THIS to me?”
He took out a copy of the Unreal tournament game.
The man called John Summers uttered a cry of surprise when he saw the blue and black game box.
“Where .. wh.. where did you get that from”, he whispered. He reached for it, trying to grab it, but Visse still had to large knife sitting at his throat.
Louqe looked at the game box, then at the man called John Summers.
“On one of the previous small raids on earth.”, he said with a heavy voice,” I’ve been here before, in the streets of this big techno city..”
John Summers shook his head.
“Well, I’m waiting,” Loque impassively said.
John dropped his head to his chest, and sighed 3 times…
“It all started in the year 2009”, he said with a grim, still trembling voice,” I was a kid back then. A company called “époque rising” made this wonderful game. The gamers all over the world were captivated with the shear excitement and sphere the game offered. There was another game called “the quaking arena”, … but it wasn’t nearly as popular. The unreal tournament took the gamers world by storm.”
He paused for a second and looked at Visse.
“Could you please careful with that thing”, he stumbled,” I think I felt it cutting through my skin.”
Visse hissed and pushed the knife deeper down his throat.
John Summer swallowed and a highly pitched scream left his mouth.
“Go on”, Visse ordered him and she looked at Loque. She knew this was important to him.
“Basically”, John continued,” this was the king of all videogames. It was released for many platforms such as the z-box, the Tintendo and let’s not forget about the p.c.
I was a young kid back then. Of course I had to buy me a copy of that game, all my friends did. 6 years later it was more popular than ever, and the “quaking arena” was nothing but a vague memory. Then it happened.
A corporation called “Avatar” bought the rights of the game, and transformed it into a real event. They simply made the game concept reality. From all over the world foolish, young fighters enlisted for the grand tournament.
A bunch of scientist at the Avatar corp created a new form of technology.
The fighters in the tournament would never actually die… it’s too long and boring to explain now..”
Loque frowned.” I don’t care, do explain this technology”, he whispered.
John sighed.
“Ok, every fighter in the tournament was connected to a mainframe. A virtual representation of the fighter entered the arenas, and fought for it’s so called “virtual” life..
the winner won huge amounts of money.
I was among them.”
Visse observed the man called John Summers for a while. She did not understand. How could he have been there? Sure, this man was old, but he couldn’t have reached the 350 years.. could he?
“How come you’re still alive”, she said using her most intimidating voice,” how can you explain that..if this event happened all these centuries ago..”
She wanted to put John under so much pressure, he would simply snap.
“Well, you see it went like this. Me and my friends enlisted in the games, and.. we made one hell of a team..”
“Hell”, Loque interrupted him”, what is .. hell?”
John looked at him and stumbled:”…H.. how do you m.. mean?”
“DOESN’T matter”, Visse shouted,” go on with the story.”
Loque mumbled something and agreed with Visse.
“Anyway, we won all the ctf.. capture the flag that is, events, and the assault, domination and last man standing games…Our so called “clan” had become notorious. We were the best of the best. No team of challengers could beat us.
I had a girlfriend back then..”
Loque opened his backpak and took the picture.
“This woman ?”, he said to John.
“Yes, that’s here”, he sighed and glanced at the shiny knife on his throat.
There was definitely a wound in his neck now. The blood was dripping on the blade.
“O..ok I’ll shorten the story for you… see.. she.. the tournament was so important to me.. to her as well.. but..”
Visse started growling. Somehow this sounded familiar.
“Eh, well…”, John continued while his voice was heavily trembling,” it was the year 2023.. we had won the biggest tournament of all. We had defeated the upcoming GS_destructa clan. We owned the tournament.
But then things started to go wrong. Our clan slowly fell apart… my girlfriend realised I cared more for the games, the millions watching the fights, the glory.. than her ..”
He felt the knife cutting in his throat.
Visse was really hissing now.
“H..h..hey lady”, John almost yelled,” y.. you .. you want me to finish the story .. or wh.. what?”
Loque grabbed Visse’s hand and took the knife. John fell to the floor.
He saw the wound in the human’s throat. Visse growled and walked towards the window. Loque looked at the knife, and put it back on John’s throat. This time, more careful. He really wanted to hear the story of “the unreal tournament”…
John continued his story. He asked Loque for the handkerchief lying on the nearby table, for taking care of that nasty wound.
Loque disagreed. “Finish the story first, human”, he snarled.
“Ok, our clan fell apart, I moved to Europe.. the name of one the continents back in… the 21st century. My live was empty. It had been insane if I would’ve continued fighting in the tournament solo. I was a team fighter. In a free for all I would have been slaughtered.
The years went by, I grew older.. developed an interest in the field of science, and worked with famous scientists. These people attempted building a “time machine”.. of course they did not succeed.
Then it happened. The earth quaked on march the 23rd, 2063. A mad man released a technovirus on humanity. 80% was online by then. Onliners had a virtual representation of him/herself. The techno virus would invade the consoles and attack their virtual person. The real body would suffer the same fate as the virtual one.
I was working on a break trough at that time, I had perfected the “time travel” machine.. my colleagues wouldn’t believe me though…
The techno virus worked fast. In no matter of time, half of earth’s population was death.
Lucky for me I wasn’t online at that current time. See, a major event took place when the techno virus was launched on the virtua net..and indeed.. 80% was watching it.
My console started flickering, I noticed the chaos and disorder when I looked outside the window of my apartment.
Maybe I was insane for doing so.. but I took some of my belongings, I panicked I guess.. took a copy of the ut game I had kept to myself for all those years.. and stepped inside the “time travel” machine.. I randomly entered a date.. and wound up in the year 2350.
At first I didn’t like what I saw.. humanity was broken, destroyed, robbed of it’s strong will..
But the time travel machine must had done something to my brain,.. I took advantage of the weak people living in the so called techno city.. and took charge. I let them build this construction, this “towering building”, and was the founder of the Liandri corp. Using the new technology, .. well.. there wasn’t that much.. humanity hadn’t made that much progress in the last 3 centuries..
And recreated the ut games.. added a couple of the new species as the nali and skaarj to it..but I grew hungry.. hungry for more.
So I started messing with the weak minds of the city people.
I created “little darling”, the white console..”. John paused and sighed..
“Go on”, Loque impassively said and slapped him in the face.
“Ok ok!”, John said with a quivering voice. He rubbed his hand over his large forehead and continued:” Little darling was able to create illusions. The illusions were nothing but “posters”, hanging on the city walls. Only those who were strong willed, had the spirit of the wolf sleeping inside them, could see them. They came to my building, I drugged them and connected them with the mainframe.. little darling..”
“The storm troopers”, Loque whispered.
John nodded.
“What about the yellow fluid and blue organs? What about the trooper we’ve found on the 3rd floor? Loque slapped John again in the face.
“Well, the ones with the yellow fluid etc.. WERE my elite guards.. you’ve killed them obviously .. and the others were common troopers.. as the ones who are fighting your friends down there. I wanted to perfect my elite guards, but something went wrong I guess.. their blood changed colour etc..I still can’t explain why..
I became obsessed with the Ut game once again, and organised private tournaments in a section of my penthouse. I used the holoroom technology, entered designs of many arenas in little darling’s dbase, and she transformed them to live settings. If one of my troopers died in the arena, .. he was immediately revived. We used no heavy artillery, as we wanted to keep the bodies in one piece.
“We?”, Loque mumbled.
John shook his head and rolled his eyes:” Me and little.. darling.. Anyway, everything seemed to go fine, a couple of days ago, one of my elite guards started rebelling.. I still don’t understand why.. I HAD robbed him of his free will! I ordered my other elite guards to terminate him. I never used the 3rd floor anymore so…I let him down there, to crumble away, decay..
“What about our friends?”, Visse asked the man with a firm voice and growled. She couldn’t hide the disgust and hatred she felt towards the man sitting on the floor, at her feet.
The man bowed his head.
“They’re o.k.. well most of them are.. I had ordered my elite guards to capture them, and.. save them.. I needed .. new .. healthy guards.. and although. I don’t like Necris.. I have to admit, you.. are fine warriors.
“WHERE.. ARE THEY!”, Loque all of the sudden yelled. He cringed his teeth. There was a chance his sister was still alive and kicking.
“I.. in the quarter down the hall”, John quickly said while looking at the knife, which once more made a scar in his neck.
Visse took the man by his hair, and kicked him in the arse. “Lead us the way, maggot”, she snarled,” and no sudden movements, or I’ll fry you alive.”
The man got to his feet once again, wiped his shady clothes, and turned towards the 2 Necris. Their guns were aimed at his head.
“Th.. this way”, he said with his cowardly, trembling voice.
He lead them to a darker quarter.
When Loque and Visse entered the room, they were baffled...