The necris story

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Rattus Norvegicus
Jul 17, 2001
HURRY POST THE LAST PART IN THE NECRIS STORY!!! I WANNA READ IT!! But if you cant post it right away, at least answer this... Is Marylin Manson (he scares me!) a Necris??? :lol:
see ya - :sniper:


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Nah he's a wannabe necris :D

Well this is the end, part 13 is here...
What more can I say..
start reading!! :D

Part 13: The End is a new beginning…

Necron. The wormhole opened and the mighty Necris fleet came flying through.
Zenith looked at her home planet and smiled.
“I know it hasn’t been THAT long”, she sighed, “but I sure am glad to be home again.”
Zenith really loved her planet. She was one patriotic Necris.
The fleet made it’s way to the surface, and docked in one the big bases.

“O.k. people, you are as of know, officially off duty, enjoy..”, Zenith shouted while standing in front of her commanding seat, looking at her staff of technicians, engineers, pilots and officers.
The ship soon ran empty of it’s “inhabitants” and Zenith took a cab home.
“Here cabby”, she said while yawning,” a fellow officer brought this back from one of the techno cities. I guess this will do if I ask you to bring to the south end of the city right?”
The cabby showed a wide grin and sniffed the liver.
“You got it,.. eh.. captain!”, he shouted,” he had never seen a human heart before...”
The cab took off.

Loque watched Visse talking to her fellow blaidenmaiden. Most of them survived. Yet they knew they had been lucky.
He observed her for a while, waiting for the other maiden to take off.
When they finally did, he ran up to her and said;
“Whew, what a raid that was.”
Visse smiled at him and answered:
“Sure was Loque, very.. unique..”
She paused for a second and slapped him on the cheek.
“We did make one heck of a team, now didn’t we?”
Loque grinned.
“So who’s.. going to lead the Phayders now”, Visse asked using a soft voice.
“Some of the clan vote for Rhaynor, others for Barak..”, Loque whispered,“Rhaynor has my vote though..”
“Of course”, Visse said using a high pitched voice,” he’s your friend.. know.. I understand.”
Visse looked at the city around her and continued:” What do you say, if we meet tomorrow midnight, at Neve’s crossing, at 15/18?”
“Sounds like a good idea to me, Visse”, Loque mumbled. He was also feeling tired.
But he was still able to add a silly smile to the answer he had given Visse.
“Ok”, she whispered,” meet you at Neve then.. I’m off, home.. see you later”.

Loque watched her take off in an aerocat.
All of the sudden , he opened his backpak and took out a small “something”.
He carefully studied it, frowned, and took a deep breath.
“This better work”, he sighed.
Carefully he putted the “something” back, safely hidden in one of the compartiments of the backpak.
“Cabby”, Loque yelled. A cab stopped nearby, and Loque waved at his fellow Phayders.
He jumped in, reached for his pocket and took out a human ear.
“Hmmm nice”, the cabby grinned, “where d’you get that?”
“Oh”, Loque smirked,” from a shall we say.. weird looking, old and miserable human. Now take me to the west end, the D’jjloQi part, building 5Gx.
“Got it compadre”, the cabby laughed. He was so happy he could finally add a human ear to his collection. He had almost knocked together an entire human face. The only parts missing now, were the nose and the left eye. But he would get them somehow.. he could wait.

Loque arrived at what he called home. He knocked on a rusty metallic door, waited for 5 kraylins, then started shouting impatiently in the speaker.
“Laque, are you home already? I forgot the password again!”
“You moron,” Laque sighed through the speaker and the door opened.
“Gee I’m sorry laque,” Loque mumbled to himself,” it’s just that I had a lot of things on my mind.. and I forgot this silly password sorry .”
He made his way through the dark corridor, and came out in what appeared to be a “kitchen”.
“Hey sis”, Loque smirked and let his body fall down on the seat near the table.
“Feeling tired are we?”, she whispered.
“You better now it”, Loque sighed and took a deep deep breath. He looked outside the window, staring at the 3 moons who where (versieren) de dark sky of Necron.
“Meeting Visse tomorrow midnight right?”, Laque smiled at enjoyed watching the surprised look on his face when he heard that.
“Do you girls keep ANY secret at all from each other”, Loque said using a somewhat desperate tone in his voice.
“Not really”, Laque said amused,” only the really important, personal stuff I guess. Here.. drink this GeFun (You can compare this to our tea), and go to sleep. It really looks like you need some sleep brother. Prepare yourself for that date tomorrow.”
Loque smirked, drank his Gefun, slowly got up from the seat and went to his room.
He slowly entered the voice command in the speaker, next to his door, and stumbled into the messy room. He fell down on what appeared to be a bed, and dozed off.

Visse couldn’t catch the sleep. She walked up to her balcony, and looked at the impressive Necris city.
“The moons really look beautiful, this late night..”, she whispered to herself…
She kept staring at them for half a quatron and then finally went to sleep.

The next day, Neve’s crossing…
“So I’m just standing here, and I’m not interested in buying one of those Tygron paws! Now get lost you brat!”, Visse hissed.
The young Necris took off, mumbling to himself, swearing while looking back at Visse.
She pretended she wanted to chase the little rascal, he got scared and quickly ran away.
Visse laughed.
“Well this one will never become a great warrior.”
She stared back at the cool, dark water of the “canal of pain”.
A Tygron jumped out and gave her the eye.
“Eh?”, she stumbled ,”what the..”
She rubbed her eyes, and noticed she was still feeling very tired. “Me and my silly imagination”, she sighed, “ I should go and write stuff..”
A Thundercracker stopped nearby (=a motorcycle on earth, but bigger and really nasty looking).
It was Loque.
“So you finally made it”, Visse jested.
“I’m sorry, I know I should’ve been here 10 trinitons ago.. at 05/18.. I’m so sorry, Laque made me clean up my room..”
Loque blushed. He shouldn’t have said that.
“That’s ok Loque”, Visse grinned,” I understand. Now come stand beside me.”
She gestured Loque to start moving and join her at the edge of the bridge…

“So what know”, Loque whispered and enjoyed the cool breeze he felt while standing there.
“Now”, Visse answered,”… you know.. I too have no idea. What are we going to do now Loque?”
“What exactly are you talking about”, Loque said while looking at her beautiful white face, her shiny eyes, her raven dark hair and sensual lips.
“I’m talking about .”, she whispered, “we really need to do something here on Necron, I do enjoy time off.. but I need an assignment, a job, a challenge.. just hate sitting on my hands like this.”
“I know what you mean”, Loque mumbled.
They kept staring at the city together, for what seemed an endless amount of trinitons.
All of the sudden a cab stopped near the 2 Necris.
A nervous, strange man jumped out. He was carrying a notepad.
Quickly, almost stumbling over his legs, he ran up to Visse and Loque, and stopped right in front of them.
“Good night to you two”, he quickly said while greeting them. He paused a kraylin, inhaled and wiped the sweat of his nose.. apparently this man didn’t have that much time on his hands.
“Anyway”, the man continued , still heavily breathing,” I… I’m Neoknight, writer for the “Neo Moon”, you know.. the biggest Tredd on Necron (Tredd=newspaper).
I’ve heard about the two of you pulling that stunt back on earth and I must say, I’m impressed..”
Neoknigh showed a big smile while looking at Loque and Visse. They were both frowning and Loque asked the nervous writer:
“And.. what do you want from us???”
“Oh oh”, Neoknight mumbled,” my boss .. the jerk.. ordered me to .. well.. if you guys agree with me on this.. to follow one of you around .. for a couple of days…the daily life .. of .. one of the heroes.. please it’s my job we’re talking about here..”
Visse looked surprised.
“Heroes”, she said, “are we heroes? We merely took out a leader of a technocity.. and it was a ****faced cowardly pig… nothing to write home about. We did our job, and that’s that.”
“No no”, Neoknight quickly said, “see I would REALLY appreciate it if one of you would allow me to.. you know…it’ll only take up to 3 or 4 days, that’s it…16 hours of the 38.. what do you say?”
Visse shrugged. Loque wanted to say something, but Visse interrupted him.
“Maybe.. I don’t know..”
“Wait wait”, Neoknight yelled,” I know! I was planning a trip to Nalina, home world of the nali’s right.. until my boss had to mess things up as usual.. it’s a special planet.. how about you joining me.. so I still can make my trip.. and write the story..”
Visse looked at Loque.
“What do you think?”
“I think this Neoknight guy is crazy”, he whispered.
“I don’t feel like going alone on a trip with him… hm want to join me?”, she asked Loque using a silky voice.
“I would if I could Visse.” Loque sighed, “but me and the eh guys.. have planned a 3 day hunt I’m sorry..”
Visse growled. “Men...”, she tought.
“Ok. I’ll give my half sister Rumiko a call.. see if she wants to join me on the trip..”
“So ok,” Neoknight laughed, “ I’m glad you want to come.”
“Only if my half sister Rumiko joins us”, Visse whispered.
Neoknight raised his eyebrows.
“But of course, no problem, consider it done.”
Boy, was he going to regret saying that.

“So I’ll meet you and Rumiko right.. tomorrow early night, at the Quadranx dock, and we’ll take of to Nanali,” Neoknight said to Visse, who seemed to be frowning her hair…
“Have you heard what I’ve just said?”, Neoknight shouted.
Visse “jumped” and yelled: “Yes I have you idiot, I’ll be there”.
Neoknight shrugged, laughed.. and wrote down the exact time, place on the notepad.. printed out a sheet and gave it to Visse.
“Don’t lose this paper”, he said while heading back to the cab,” see you tomorrow early night.”
The cab took off, with the crazy writer waving at Visse and Loque out of the window.

“Are you sure you didn’t make a crazy decision,Visse”, Loque sighed,” I mean that guy looks weird, and .. eh.. your half sister Rumiko..”
“I’m ok with it”, Visse mumbled,” it’ll be an enjoyable trip.. and if not.. I’ll rip of that writer his head.”

Loque opened his backpak and took out that “something”.
He showed it to Visse.
“What is THAT”, Visse said and her mouth opened all the way. She was very impressed by what she was seeing.
“I .. I honestly don’t know”, Loque whispered,” Dessloch gave it to me, back in the human base on mars… it suits you doesn’t it?”
“Why thanks Loque”, Visse said and a wicked smile came on her face, “but why… me? Why did Dessloch..”
Loque looked at her. Visse already knew the answer. Dessloch had been a close friend of look a couple of years ago, when she and Loque were still an item.
“It’s beautiful Loque”, she said, speaking softly while gently touching the “something”.
“I want you to wear it Visse,” Loque said to her,” If it’s all right with you, I want this thing to represent the bound of friendship between us. I do have your friendship.. do I?”
“And my respect”, Visse whispered.
“Have I ever told you how much I like your beautiful raven hair,” Loque sighed.
“A million times”, Visse laughed,” but I never grow tired of hearing it..”
They stood there watching each other and the city for many countless trinitons.. but then the moment came for Visse to head home, and prepare herself for the trip to Nalina.
“See you in 3 days, friend”, she said to a radiating Loque.
“I’ll be waiting for you, compadre”, he shouted at her, while she was heading for her aerocat.
She took one more look at him,waved and jumped on the aerocat and set course home.
Tomorrow early night, she’d be going on a trip.
But Visse didn’t know by that time that she would be part of a new exciting Necris adventure, called…


The end!!! For now!

You have been reading “the Necris story”

Written by Neonite, a die hard fan of the coolest
Characters in Unreal Tournament…
Visse being his favourite.

This story began writing itself on the fifth of july, and
gracefully ended on the twentieth of the same month.

I had fun creating this story, and the next one will be as cool and
enjoyable. I’m looking forward posting the first part!

But I really hope you the reader had as much fun reading as I did writing it!
Or I have failed my quest. :)

The story took place on the homeplanet of the Necris, called Necron, and
Of course Earth.

Now to conclude this first story, here’s the cast of

Loque Phayder
Visse Blaidenmaiden, second in command
Laque Loque’s sitser, leader of the blaidenmaiden
Jared Blaidenmaiden
Nocturna Blaidenmaiden
Rhaynor Phayder
Barak Phayder
Arachne Blaidenmaiden
Necroth Blaidenmaiden
Zenith Captain of the Phalanx
Aryss Commander
The Raygi The Raygi
Spidrella The Raygi’s wife

The old man Human called John summers

Nayli Blaidenmaiden
Lyque Phayder
Pharon Phayder
Kosak Phayder
Magrok Phayder
Cali Blaidenmaiden
Cayla Blaidenmaiden
Ramij Phayder
Tygrun Phayder
Ygrun Phayder
T-kann Leader of the Zugrin clan
Gundra Leader of the D-struktas clan
Talgrik Phayder
Sirifa Phayder
Zoljo Phayder
Tchi Raven clan member
Vaughn Raven clan member
Gax Tuglock clan member
Habran Luitenant-shra
Jiggar fastest pilot on the fleet
Goel Techie 1
Jun Techie 2
Fugo Techie 3
Dran Little boy
Manji Little girl
Ychtu Cabby 1
Monjol Cabby 2
Flan Cabby 3
Safrin Luitenant
Patran Sergeant with big moustache
Neoknight A silly writer
Last edited:


New Member
Jun 11, 2001
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This is almost so good as a blizzard-story!!!(Thinking of starcraft and the diabloseries who have the best storys ever in games)
I really liked it and now I will play UT with necrisskins.(hated them before)


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
BUt the fun has only started yet, there's a sequel to all of this :D

You know what the damnest thing is, i have only found one custom skin pak for the necris.. ONE! on utskins.. :(



62 pages, can you believe that? I never expected to write that many on this story...
62 friggin pages...


Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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Argh no! That's it? damn! What the hell am I meant to read now? ;)

Thanks for that story Neo, it was definately entertaining throughout; you certainly kept me guessin :)

I look forward to your next part in the story. Making it a series huh? I was thinking of doing that with the Tournament thread (im finishing right now) but I don't know... The ideas are there but...

Anyway, I definately hope to be hearing more from this:) (even if you do insist in using necris ;))

[edit] BTW, if any damn Necris tryed to take my eyes, I'd have to use my evisceration knife on 'em :D [/edit]


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
BUt of course I will!!! :D

I've said it before Phoenix, start your own story thread! Write a couple of good stories on your own, like I do...
Finish the t.s., link it in your sig :) and start a new thread!

More Necris mayhem to come.. and that's a promise!


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Threads like that shouldn't simply dissapear in the dark parts of the puf forest, right?
:) No tnx phoenix.

Anyway, i'm leaving.. see you guys later.
I'll leave you with a pic showing the lovely Visse :D
(yes i'm getting obsessed with the necris.. help!)

Coming soon: Visse's great adventure!


Turbo Adept+10%
Jan 31, 2001
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Well ... What can I say, pal?

62 pages!!!!!
From the 5th ... I mean, the fifth [thx, Pine:)] of July to the twentieth. Hero.

I hadn't known what to expect and that was one of the best endings I could have hoped for.
And I'm looking forward to the sequel :D

As I think about this last couple of weeks, and your story, ... bugger, I can't find the words.

I've just got out some of my best single malt whisky and I'm sitting here, and I'm drinking a special toast right now.

Here's to you, Neo :)


Turbo Adept+10%
Jan 31, 2001
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Ah, Just seen the subsequent threads!

Tea ... yes, thx for reminding me. I'd better put the kettle on. I've been doing some hard rehearsing. Starved. Needed food.

[Elliot]Time passes. [/Elliot]

Yep. Got the tea now
And the whisky.
Sorted. :D

Neo. I can well appreciate that picture. It's one of the best I've seen in ages.

[Though S Shepherd, J Lumleyand S Beachum must still be credited as having a special place ;)]

For a long time I have had a fond regard for Freylis. :)


Official Photography Thread Appreciator
Apr 29, 2001
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Well, it's obvious that you put a TON of hard work into this story; it really shows. Great characters and very imaginative, complete world. Excellent job man; I'm looking forward to reading your next story.


Turbo Adept+10%
Jan 31, 2001
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PCB .... 'Complete World' ... Yes, that's how it feels to me too. :)

Phoenix ... Rehearsing in Twickenham for a classical choral music concert at Waltham Abbey with my GF. My ex-wife and I used to go there often on Sundays for picnics and cream-teas. This is gut-crunch nostalgia ... with new relationship and different reason for going. Life is interesting :D :( ..... :)


Turbo Adept+10%
Jan 31, 2001
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Cheers:) When I get to 1000, I might follow TinMan's example and post a celebration song. Might as well stand up and be counted/walk my talk some time.

Though I must admit, I do feel insecure ... I relate to PineConeBoy's sentiments on his recent post in your thread. :)


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
o.k. i'm back :)
:) Looking back on it now.. well I'm happy with it.. it's ok I guess.

62 pages using a corps of 12
55 using a c. of 10.



Almost finished the first part of the sequel.. there will be LOTS of humour in this one.. :)
And no Loque this time ah well... :D

Tnx to everyone who's made the effort so far for posting, commenting on the story, the regulars phoenix and zenda, tnx for the feedback pineconeboy :) and the tips..

Now.. I really want to read the last part of the tournament story!
See y'all later :D
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