Business first:
1: Go for next story thread and discussion thread being linked to your sig. That's a great way of anchoring. And if discipline is lost and it doesnt work ... well so be it.
I like the rambling juxtaposition of thread and comments .... not to mention the way that this story thread has had it's internal Off Topic operating. For me, this thread has been a special home from home, within that home on the web called PuF.
The feeling of being surrounded by the job in hand [your story] and related work[comments, suggestions, time and motion] gives a special flavour and context to the more personal elements.
Neo .. you and your GF as part of the world in which you were getting the story together. Phoenix and the computer not working, me and making various hints and mentions of that song - part of my way of being in this thread for the last few weeks included sidelong references to it .... er, didn't I take the liberty of doing the first posting of my lyrics here?!!!

!! ... I'd've never done a thread, I wanted you guys to see it but I didn't want to air it all over the place that early in the production. [shout]AND I FELT SAFE HERE[/shout]. Most recently, Laffnboy and his intense mission to get the guitar that he actually wanted.
And I also entirely agree with the point about needing to make it accessible to new readers. That's why I'm fully supporting the idea of the separate discussion thread. With links in your sig [BTW, if you want to modify your sig image or to add another one, then just upload as attatchment and I'll do my bit]
2: PuF Classic?
I vote
And away from business ... well I have a few immediate impressions:
Neo, you have kept going with determination and doggedness to create not one story, and not one story plus a small extra story, but to complete two well-developed and full size works. Inexorably developing in style, creativity, characterisation, lyricism and plot.
Your appreciation for the support that your loyal readers have given is well recieved.
And in my opinion that loyalty has been well earned by you as you have consistently applied your talent, your skills, your spirit.
[At the moment I feel like we are at a dinner in honor of your acheivements and that this is the bit where we have had the starters and the main course. We just about managed the pudding and though the cheese and biscuits are on the table, we're too bloated to touch them, but some fine drink is at our elbow and we sip as we stand up and make speeches - as I write, I'm putting away a glass of spanish brandy]
And as you begin to draw this thread to a close then I say you have been have been a kind, generous and hospitable host to all who have entered. I value that.
And as you usher us to the door so that you can turn out the lights and lock up, then at this moment when we look back at the journey so far travelled. I am humbled.
And I thank you form the bottom of my heart.