Ok, :-I this is the last part. Sorry I just felt like ending the story. I really want to start writing on the New story. BUT that doesn't mean "Hey I'll give Nali skins a crappy ending and to hell with the others

" NO! Don't worry
I've been planning this ending since DAY ONE!
So here it is. The last part of the Nali skins story. I've written almost up to 5 pages this times.
Total pagecount of Nali skins: times new roman, 10 pt: 66 pages.
How about that eh
Third story will probably be "larger" "bigger" though... it'll be so different and I truly hope you guys will like it. I'm really looking forward to it.
The end, .. To be honest

I enjoyed writing Nali skins. Especially the Morbias part.
FAQ about naliskins:
Q: Will this story have a sequel?
A: Yes
Q: Are joo Nuts you m0 ending the story at this stage?
A: I felt like it, I hope you guys don't mind

but I gave the story a beautiful "shocking" ending.
Q: Are you nuts?
A: why yes.
Q: What about the third story?
A: I'll prolly start posting it in the second week of Octobre. PH34R!
Q: what about this preview pic you posted a couple of days ago?
You know, the one with the weird lady in it?
A: patience
Q: You suck! This story should've had like 100.000 chapters!

18 isn't that bad?
Here, start reading the final part of Nali skins.
Part 18: Final destination…
There she was, standing in the small room of the chapel, knife ready in her left hand. Heart beating like a drum.
Two walls opening. One on the left and right. Visse squinted her eyes, and started growling.
“What the?”, she mumbled.
She couldn’t believe it! Was this actually happening?
There they were: Laque and Neo on the left, Barak and Rumiko on the right.
They were smiling. Why where they smiling? It didn’t make sense. Visse shook her head, rubbing her eyes, trying to say something…
But all she could do is stare at them, mouth wide open.
The Nali cow was mooing.
On the landing above them she noticed George and Agouba entering the room!
This just didn’t make sense anymore? George was death! She heard him die. Or at least… that’s what she thought had happened to him. But there he was, alive and kicking, standing on the landing above her. And so was that irritating Nali Agouba, who had all of the sudden disappeared, back in Serpent Canyon.
“I .. I don.. don’t understand”, Visse hissed,” what the **** is going on here? What is this?”
Neo walked up to her. Visse waved her knife at him, growling.
“Don’t .. take .. another step, “writer-person”!
Neo swallowed, staring at his reflection in the shiny, dangerous evisceration knife.
“Eh Visse”, he smirked,” let me explain please?”
“WHO is responsible for this???”, she yelled.
Agouba fell to the floor, hands waving up and down.
“Oh please, not again”, Visse sighed.” Talk Neoknight! What is going on here?”
“Well you see..”, Neo answered her,” remember the bridge back on Necron? You and Loque were standing there, watching the two moons…”
Visse was showing her teeth. It was kind of upsetting Neo.
“See.. I noticed you being tense .. a bit stressed .”
“Well… later that day, I talked with Loque about you.. and…”
“Loque? He’s in it as well? What the ****?”
“Yes.. see he knew you felt like .. taking a breather.. after the raid on earth you know? So he asked me about the trip to Napali….what cities we would visit and so on…”
“Go on”, Visse whispered.
“See, he knew you’d enjoy this trip, but .. there was the possibility you’d get bored .. no action makes Visse a bad girl right?”, Neo smiled. His smile faded when he noticed Visse her angry stare.
“E.. eh.. h.. well.. ehmm.. so I looked up any information regarding organised trips, adventures on Nalina.
I winded up with this Nali called Ygian. He organised these special “Nali hunts”. I mean, it’s not exactly hunting Nali but ah … you know what I mean?”
Visse lowered the knife, waving her hand through her hair.
“This is… Ygian was.. I can.. ‘t believe this .. oh man..”
“See the thing is … we as me, Laque, Barak did it for you, so you could relax.. visse-style that is”
Neo grinned.
Visse showed a weak smile, not knowing exactly how to feel. This whole trip had been planned, her friends had known everything from the start.
“But what about Morbias?”, Visse mumbled.
“Morbias”, George smiled,” was also making part off this planned adventure. He’s not cursed, he’s no prisoner from Spirevillage…”
“You guys were scared ****less!”
“Nah.. we faked it.”, Laque laughed.
“You .. dirty”, Visse smiled.,” you’re kidding me.. and what about Agouba pooping his pants?”
Agouba’s face turned red.
“I have.. this problem you see..”
Visse rolled her eyes. “Oh boy, please don’t bother telling me…”
“And the Iceskaarj?”
At that exact moment 4 Iceskaarj came through the Chapel’s gate.
“Their job is to make sure the participants of these Nali hunts are having a good time, and move on..”, Barak smirked.
“Oh.. really?”
Visse glanced at the Iceskaarj. Apparently they were enjoying themselves.
“But the detpack back at village? The teleportation room?”
Barak swallowed. He noticed 2 of the Iceskaarj watching him, squinting their eyes.
“Eh.. it seems I’ve used a snot bomb.. a mix up I guess.. I ordered another type of fake bomb but..”
“Fake bomb? A dragon being part of an organised adventure?”, Visse cried, “what next?”
She still couldn’t believe what was happening. She slapped her hand against her head..
“This is so … unreal!”
“And the outpost, what about that?”, she grinned, pointing at Neo.
“Eh. It appeared a couple of Skaarj were not informed of the Nali hunt.. and.. eh.. they’ve told us they’re very sorry..”
“Yes, that was a dummy.”
“What?”, Visse yelled, almost laughing.
“Well.. it was a cybernetic Skaarj..”, Neo grinned, “eh.. the Skaarj are an advanced race. And so where the other killed Skaarj. When they saw you killing the “dummy”, they send in the other .. dummies..”
“Unbe-friggin-lievable!”, Visse sighed.
“But hey, on the bright side, this wasn’t such a bad trip after all right?”, Rumiko smiled.
“You.. what about? When did THEY inform YOU about this..?”
“Oh.. before I left home. They called me on my interstellar communicator (Acron for telephone)
and . eh to be honest.. at first I didn’t really feel for any of this..”
“Yeah you even had second doubts back at Serpent Canyon”, Neo mumbled.
“So what writer person”, Rumiko said,” I never gave up on you guys, now did I?”
Visse frowned.
“Yes, but what about the Krall at the fortress.. and the brute back at the mill in Serpent Canyon?”
“Unforeseen consequences”, George sighed, “poop happens, I’m afraid. Won’t happen next time though!”
Visse leaned against a wall, staring at her friends, at George, the Iceskaarj and Agouba.
She bowed her head, leaning on her chest. The Nali Cow tried crawling up her legs.
“Visse are you ok?”, Neo said in a concerned manner.
Visse rose her head, mouth half opened.
“You .. guys.. did all of this.. for me?”
Laque came closer and sat next to her.
“Yes, we did honey”, she grinned.
“I don’t know what to say.. I’m very angry.. but on the other hand..”
“You had tons of fun didn’t ya?”, Barak smiled.
“Yes I did.. it felt really good.. the whole.. experience.. the tension.. the thrill..”
Visse scratched her head.
“Where’s that Ygian fool?”
“Oh I’m here”
Ygian was standing at the corner of the wall.
“I found the skins, didn’t I?”, Visse asked him.
“Yes you did”, Ygian smiled,” you’re the first one to ever successfully finish a Nali hunt.”
Visse had to ask him.
“What do you mean.. successfully..?”
“Eh.. well.. the other groups.. “
“They’re still alive are they?”
“SO..”, Visse all of the sudden yelled, “this is great! An adventure, planned by the whole lot of you, intended to relax me, after that huge raid on earth.. that LIFE threatening raid!”
“Yes”, Ygian said, sweat drops rolling down his neck.
“So.. the Krall and Brute have never been a part of this program.. but .. I COULD .. we COULD have died?”
Laque took Ygian by his stinky cloth.
“You never told us we could’ve lost our lives? This was supposed to “relax” everybody. Despite the Krall and Brute of course… and the dragon.. sure scared the **** out of Visse and Agouab.”
“No it didn’t”, Visse muttered.
“Yes, old Nali”, Barak growled,” what’s up with that?”
The Iceskaarj were laughing.
“So the old fart didn’t tell you about the high risks involved with this adventure?”
“NO he didn’t”, Rumiko yapped at them.
Agouba pooped his pants.
George jumped down from the landing.
“I wasn’t informed as well old man”, he sighed, “ why didn’t you tell me?”
“I .. I ..”, Ygian stuttered.
“You .. ARE … a TOUR guide, aren’t you?”, Visse asked him.
“Yes, I am, don’t worry”, George grinned.
“Eh.. this has been fun, you’ve all enjoyed the adventure, now didn’t you? So.. if you want to you can enjoy the rest of your trip on Nalina back at Bouvaja right?”
Visse turned her head at Barak.
“What happened at the Castle?”
“Oh, when you were sleeping, we took off and called for the ship to pick us up and bring us to Bluff Eversmoking.”, Barak answered her.
“And the note.. who wrote the note?”
“I did”, Neo mumbled, “eh.. a simple note.”
Visse was biting her nails. She had never expected anyone doing this for her. She didn’t know whether to thank Loque.. or not?
She got up, and took a deep breath.
“Well.. it appears this adventure.. is over..”
“Yeah.. we sure had loads and loads of fun didn’t we”, Laque smiled.
“Yes.. . George, you .. bastard”, Visse said, smirking…
“I enjoyed hanging out with you Visse”, he said, “you’re a cool Necris chick.”
“Woman”, George grinned.
“Eh to be honest.. I feel like going back to Necron. What about you guys?”
“Same here”, Laque yawned, “this trip has taking a lot of energy out of me..
“Hey, what about the Freylinn?”, Visse cried!
“Oh. Don’t worry about that”, Barak sighed, “see.. there was a third Necris on board.. a blaidenmaiden called FrayLizz.. after we took off, she piloted the ship back to our home world.”
“Wow”, Visse mumbled, “I’m impressed. Where was she hiding?”
“In the left wing..”
“Say what?”
Visse walked up to the front gate, followed by the other Necris, Agouba, Ygian, the Iceskaarj and George.
She never noticed the large ship on the other side of the rock. Slowly they entered the ship.
The large, metal gate closed and it took off, back to Bouvaja.
Ygian noticed Visse staring at him. He didn’t like it one bit. What the hell was she up to? He’d better start watching his back from now on.
Two days later.
The docking bay. Visse leaned against the rail of the shiny, large platform, watching many ships arriving and leaving Bouvaja. Countless creatures of countless races made their way down to the city.. like they did.. days ago.. years ago.. centuries ago? So much had happened, in so little time.
“Like what you’re seeing?”
“Oh hi Barak”, she smiled.
“Better hold on that rail, we don’t want you to drop down to the surface, now do we?
Visse stared at the clouds below her.
“Don’t worry about me Barak, I’m feeling fine, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Say, we’re leaving in a couple of Kraylinnz. The ship is ready to go.”
Visse looked at him.
“Sure you want to leave today? We still have two days left..”
“No I’m sure.. I miss home…”
Laque joined them at the rail.
“Ok boy and grrrl, time to go..”
Neo was standing near the entrance of the ship.
Visse walked up to him.
”So are feeling homesick as well?”, she asked.
“Yeah… I guess. My boss will be happy though.. this sure makes for a great story.”
“But .. it was .. an organised “trip”…”
“Yes, but he doesn’t know that, now does he?”, Neo grinned.
“Oh .. I see”, Visse smiled and winked.
“Time to go peeps”, Visse shouted.
“Shame George couldn’t be here today with us”, Visse sighed, “ he’s one heck of cool Skaarj.”
“Yeah he had to guide another group of tourists trough Bouvaja today…”,R umiko whispered, “despite him calling me miss all the time.. he was no bad guy. I’ll miss him.”
“Wonder if they’re planning on taking part at these Nali hunts as well?”, Visse mumbled.
“Who knows? C’mon, let’s go.. Laque is waiting.”
Visse turned around one more time. Slowly looking around the large docking bay…
Then she turned around, and entered the ship.
The hull closed and it took off, making lots of groaning noices.
“We’re on our way guys/girls”, Barak shouted throught the intercom channel, “back to our home world.”
“Don’t forget to make an intermediate landing at Space station “Fracyss Ura”..”, Rumiko yelled,” that’s where my ticket home is…”
“Hm?”, Neo said.
“My spaceship, you m0”, Rumiko hissed;
Visse was sitting in room. A window showed her the beauty of the universe, as the light of hundreds of stars shined upon her. She had turned off the lights, enjoying the moment.
The backpack was lying upon the table, opened. Visse was going through her souvenirs, precious memories of the “great adventure on Nalina”.
Someone at the door.
“Yes”, Visse shouted.
“It’s me Neoknight, can I come in?”
“Sure why not.”
The door opened, a soft humming sound. Neo walked in, noticed Visse sitting in a comfortable chair.
A Nali cow jumped from her lap, running towards Neo.
“Heh… I see you’ve taken the Nali cow with you?”
“Yes I did”, Visse smiled, “ I like that little guy.. don’t know .. something about him I guess.”
“Will it survive on our planet?”, Neo sighed.
“I’ve been thinking about it… Maybe if I alter him a bit. I’ve heard stories about battle cows the Nalis used in the human/skaarj war.”
“Battle cows?”
“Yeah well.. cows with an attitude.”
“Oh, you think this nice fellow here could .. be moulded into one of those..?”
“He might”, Visse grinned, “I’ll make sure of it. He’s lost his mother I’m afraid. I’ll take good care of him.”
The Nali cow farted.
“Ewww...well.. it’s your cow”, Neo mumbled.
“What about a name?”
“A name.. yeah I’ve been thinking about one..”, Visse whispered.
“Do you like Smydicu?”
“Ack no Neo!”, Visse shouted,” that’s a horrible name!”
“Yeah you’re right.. sorry about that…”
“I don’t know.. he’s got an attitude, he’s silly..”
“Nah… not really..”
Visse laughed.
“Yeah I like that one.. I’ll think about it though”
Neo took a seat.
“Say, you’re still not mad at that guy Ygian for not letting you take those skins home right?”
“No”, Visse mumbled,” I mean.. those are the property of Nalina.. I guess.”
“Oh, cause.. I guess you’re probably a very vindictive woman …?”
Visse showed a weird smile.
“You don’t know me THAT well, now do you Neo?”
“Guess not”, Neo sighed.
“Anyway, since I couldn’t take those Nali skins with me.. I got something else instead..”
“Get out of your chair”, she smiled, “ and walked up to the chair at the far end of the table.
Neo frowned, and did what Visse asked of him.
Visse closed her eyes, listening to Neo’s footsteps.
“You know Neo, you’re probably right”, she said, whilst giggling,” I’m a very vindictive person…I wanted a Nali skin.. I really did. I mean.. think off all the energy we’ve put into that adventure… We need a trophy right?”
“Yeah.. hey what is Ygian doing here?”
Visse laughed out loud when she heard Neo’s muffled cry.
The ship disappeared into the sea of stars, making it’s way home.. to Necron.