So I have a fanclub? Cool Mohamz
I know Jolt, I hope everyone who's read these two stories found it not to be a waste of time
Yeah 75 pages.. I know. Ns 1 counted 65 pages. How about that.
I hope your printer is feeling better now?
OK people, now a more "sad note"

THis is the end of the Necris story thread. I won't post any stories anymore in here cause quite frankly, it's a monster... c'mon .. face it.. over 540 posts, 19 pages (!).. Who's going to feel like going through all that, just to read the story parts? :I
I'll probably zip both stories, and attach them in 2 new posts
ANyway, a new thread with a sparkling, brand new story

will be coming soon.
I don't know if I should close this thread though.. when all is said etc.. :-S
Maybe this is one for the classics f0?

Nah don't know.. it' d be pretty cool though...
I'd like to say "THANK YOU" to everyone who's been reading these 2 stories, posted in this thread and the loyal fan base of course:
Zenda, Zd_phoeinx, Lafnboy, Mohamz, Pineconeboy, zd_jolt1r

and zd_synastren (hey the zd clan rules!)
Thanks guys. Without you're support, this thing would've probably died in it's early stages

(check page 2)
This is the end.

And to conclude this wicked storythread, here's a gift from me to you peeps.
Enjoy and hope to be hearing from you soon!