HOnestly, i'm really really surprised by the response i'm getting from all of you cause..
Well i started writing this.. as a mere experiment you know?
Never thought people would actually really eh.. enjoy reading it?
Well.. let's just say.. I didn't expect all this cool feedback
Tnx Gerbiljammer I hope the other parts of the story will be as entertaining and interesting to you as the previous were..
in english: I hope it rocked!
Ok, here's.. part 2 of the new Necris story..
Again, this one is different from the previous.. maybe you'll get the feeling i'm off to a slow start.. but i'll take my time, developping the characters, the world around them.. the storyline

main ingredient: humour.
Only 5 leading characters this time.
Part 2: A changed city…
It was almost impossible penetrating the huge, thick crowd of creatures populating the grand boulevard.
To the left and right there were techno shops, nali souvenir stores, mecha mania malls, dozens of bars/taverns and the all famous Skaarj hell holes. Most creatures were afraid of going in there, since the Skaarj were notorious for their brutality and ruthlessness.
Visse looked up to the sky and admired a huge techno shield protecting the boulevard from environmental hazards such as the dark blizzards, purple rain and thunder storms.
All of the sudden she noticed 2 big, white buildings appearing down the Boulevard. She looked at the left one, and studied the Logo hanging above the entrance.
“What does that mean”, she asked George.
“Oh, the building on your left is the HQ of the Tribe of the Red moon”, he answered her,” the one on the right, is owned by the Tribe of the Tarantellas…very dangerous female species.”
“This place sure has changed since my last visit”, Visse sighed.
“Sure has”, the Skaarj smiled at her”, this boulevard is the home of many notorious clans, teams, tribes, war parties and so on.. the boulevard isn’t the most friendly place on Nalina I’m afraid.”
Visse frowned.
“Ah but you Necris like that eh?”, he grinned and started poking his nose.
“Do you have to do that now?”, Rumiko snarled, clearly disgusted by what she was seeing.
“I’m sorry, force of habit”, the Skaarj mumbled and started blushing.
“Interesting logo though”, Visse whispered while looking at the building of “the Tribe of the red moon.”
Neoknight walked up to her, and squinted his pale eyes…
“Bet it’s made up entirely out of gibs”, he smirked”,” those Red moon creatures are real artists!”
“Got to agree”, Visse answered him,” it really looks nice.”
“Apparently we’re expecting a heavy thunderstorm”, the Skaarj said while scanning the sky,” when the shield colours green… better hold on to your tights. So, let me guide you to your stay here in the city. Tomorrow we’ll go and see the wreckage of the Vortex Rikers. And I guarantee this, you will love it!”
Rumiko sniffed.
“Bet we will”, she thought and looked at the crowd around her.
It was raining outside. The thunderstorm had broken loose. Visse was staring through the window of her room. The 4 of them were staying in one of the largest “hotels” of the city.
The sky was green and red, and a shade of blue covered the horizon. It was getting darker around the Boulevard. Neon lights began flickering everywhere below…
A loud bang resounded as Visse walked up to a table. She grabbed a seat, sat down and opened her backpak. Necris never leaved home without that and an evisceration knife.
“Ok, got my portable com with me”, she sighed. She putted the device on the table and closed her backpak, gently putting it next to her on the floor.
She entered a code, and so opened a channel to Necron.
5 kraylins passed.
“Jared speaking”, a Blaidenmaidens’ voice rang over the com channel.
“Hi Jared”, Visse smiled,” it’s me.. Visse!”
Jared uttered a cry of joy.
“Heeeeeeeeeeey girl”, she laughed,” glad to hear from you. How are things on Nalina?”
Visse wiped her long dark hair out of her eyes, and shook her head.
“Well not bad I guess,” she sighed,” it’s raining outside as we speak…”
“Oh well no big deal”, Jared smirked,” we’re used to **** like that on Necron right?”
“Yeah”, Visse whispered,” but you see, .. this is going to crank you up…”
Jared held her voice, waiting for Visse to tell her what sounded like something really hilarious..
“We have a Skaarj guide, and his name is .. GEORGE!”
Jared started laughing hysterically, and so did Visse.
In one of the other rooms on the same floor, Rumiko was having lunch. Or dinner. Or brunch. Call it what you want, Rumiko really enjoyed eating. And the big advantage of being an Acron was, they wouldn’t grow fat. Eat all you want, stay slim.
Rumiko really enjoyed being an Acron.
“And another Gwanx”, she smiled,” hmmmm I really love this indigenous delicacy…”
Nearly having finished her meal, she opened a can of Tc-DF, a cool drink on Nalina.
“I think I’m going to like my stay here”, Rumiko said while leaning back in her chair.
All of the sudden someone knocked on the door.
Rumiko started grumbling. “I was about to relax and know some halfwit stops by.. whoever it is..”
She opened the door and immediately froze. A huge blue Skaarj was standing in front of her.
Staring him in the eyes, frightened, she reached for the gun on her belt. But the Skaarj moved one of his big arms towards her!
Rumiko started yelling.
Neoknight was about to finish the piece he was working on, as he heard a yell resounding in the corridor. He hesitated for not one Kraylin and ran for the door, eager to see what all the fuss was about.
Visse came running down the corridor.
“What was that?”, she yelled.
“You got me”, Neoknight mumbled.
All of the sudden Rumiko appeared from around the corner, followed by the blue Skaarj. Rumiko had a sore look on her face.
“Ok the show is over”, she snarled,” that’s George behind me..”
“George?”, Visse said with an amused tone in her voice,” I thought he was red?”
A silly smile came upon the Skaarj his chapped lips. “Oh see it’s the time of the year us Skaarj shed our skin.. I like my new one”.
Visse rolled her eyes, scratched her raven black hair, and shook her head.
“Yeah George”, she sighed,” it’s a nice colour. Your mommy would’ve been proud.”
“See, I’ve never had a blue skin before”, George smirked, “ I love it!”
Neoknight was gettting bored, and closed the door of his room.
“Dry as dust, “, Visse said while looking at an apparently agitated Rumiko.
“Why didn’t you immediately tell me it was you, you idiot”, she growled and stared George in the red eyes.
He started smiling.
“Oh I thought you knew it was me..”, he mumbled,” I’m sorry miss Rumiko.”
Rumiko glanced at him.
“Never, ever call me Miss Rumiko again, George.”
The Skaarj scratched the back of his neck and looked at Visse, while Rumiko headed back for her room.
“My she can’t take a joke, now can she?”
Visse had to agree. Then, she also returned to her room. George felt like having another drink in the bar on the first floor.
The thunderstorm didn’t seem to end. It’s endless roaring kept the inhabitants of the city Bouvaja on their toes. The green shield successfully blocked all purple rain from coming through. This kind of particular rain was extremely harmful for your skin, as it would eat it away.
Purple rain made it’s entrance on Nalina after Skaarj had set up these huge factories and industrial zones. The Nali’s however had no say in this… they slowly had to witness the decay of their planet.
Visse woke up. She squinted at the window, and blocked the view with her left hand.
“Eeeh, sunlight, too strong..”, she snarled,”.. bleh”.
She got up, stretched and yawned. She didn’t catch to much sleep last night. Blasted thunderstorm!
Putting on her Blaidenmaiden uniform, she grabbed a snack and looked in what appeared to be a “mirror”.
“Uh I look awful today”, she said with a mouth full of spamwich, “… but my skin has never been this pale before.. I’m happy..”
A couple of trinitons later she left her room, walked down the corridor up to Rumiko’s quarter.
“Ruuumiikooo”, Visse yelled,” wake up! We’re going to visit vortex ricers and Vandora’s temple today!!”
A door opened, and a drowsy Rumiko looked at her.
“Give me 10 more trinitons, I’ll meet you in the bar.. ok?”
“Ookay”, Visse whispered. The door slammed shut.
“Ho boy, did someone get out of bed with the wrong biscuit today”, Visse smirked.
She walked up to Neoknights’room. “Wake up Neo”, she shouted in the speaker. Nothing. She knocked on the door. No one answered.
“Hmm bet he’s already in the bar with that Skaarj”, Visse mumbled.
Slowly Visse walked towards one of the turbolifts, taking her down to the first floor.
Arriving in the bar, she saw nothing but the strangest creatures one could imagine. From Cloigs (they have 5 eyes and only one “leg”) to Immaginz (no description available).
A cool tune played through the speakers, named K-Vision. It was very popular around these parts.
There were Neoknight and George, having a drink at one of those white metallic tables. Visse made her way through the crowd of creatures, and sat down at their table.
“Good Nalina morning to you Visse”, George greeted her while having a red Gwanx.
“Same here”, Neoknight yawned.
“Didn’t get too much sleep either eh?”, Visse smiled.
“Bet ya”, he answered her.. and looked at his drink.
He frowned.
“Hey, there’s.. something moving in there”..
The Skaarj grabbed the drink and started laughing.
“Well of course, you did order a Gd-Wil right?
“Eh, yeah a good drink with Illu Lima…?”, Neo said with a high pitched voice. (Illy lima: one of the many fruits on Nalina).
“Nah”, the Skaarj whispered,” a good drink with Indigenous life form…”
Neo’s eyes grew bigger and bigger..
“GREAT”, he yelled and shoved the drink further down the table.
Visse couldn’t hide her smile anymore.
“Happened to me also first time I came to this planet”, she said to him while patting his hand.
“Don’t worry about it too much.”
Rumiko made her entrance to the bar, and most couldn’t take their eyes of her.
Visse also noticed Rumiko parading through the bar and jumped out of her seat.
“I’ve seen that outfit before Rumiko?”, she said with a surprised tone in her voice,” hey wait that’s one of my outfits!!”
“Yeah took it out of yer backpak a couple of trinitons ago, you don’t mind me wearing it now do you?”, she laughed at Visse.
Visse had to cringe her teeth. She took a deep breath.. trying to remain calm. Rumiko had always been a handful of trouble.
“Ok”, she sighed, “as long as nothing happens to it!”
“Don’t worry”, Rumiko smirked,” I’ll take good care of it.”
She noticed Neoknight staring at her as well.
“What are you looking at, writer person?”, she hissed.
Neoknight shook his head, and stumbled: “Nu nu nothing I’m..”
His eyes turned back to the table, and he continued drinking his … GD-WIL.
To be honest, Rumiko did like getting all the attention. It’s what she lived for.
“So we’re going to see that ship now, are we”, Rumiko said while playing with her violet hair.
“The Vortex rikers and temple of va..” George answered her but couldn’t finish his sentence. Rumiko had to interrupt him.
“Oh yeah”, she sighed,” that ship and the temple.. wowie”
George glanced at Visse, obviously a bit agitated how Rumiko had shown her lack of interest.
Visse gestured at him, meaning she didn’t know either what to do about Rumiko and her whole attitude thing going on.
“C’mon Rumiko, it’ll be worth it”, Visse sighed,” and if not, we’ll return to the city and we’ll go shopping ok? I’ve seen this really cool laser rifle…”
“Okay sure”, Rumiko said with a faint smile on her lips.
Finally the 4 of them took off. Visse did notice a group of humans sitting in the bar, and observed them for a couple of kraylins. As she turned her head and walked up to her companions, she heard one of the humans saying;
“Oh c’mon Bishop, do the thing with the knife man, c’mon oh c’mon do it!”
Leaving the hotel, again they had to penetrate the thick crowd populating the gigantic boulevard.
Off to see the famous Vortex Rikers, and who knows what else?