Holy poop on a stick
2 new posters!
Make sure you use or the male grail skin, or the female cryss or visse skin :
Heh here's part 7.. and i've already started on part 8...
Yeah I know i'm insane.
Part 7: The first floor…
The turbolift stopped at the first floor. A soft humming sound, and the doors opened.
3 rifles came out, pointing at different directions.
“All clear”, a large man said. It was Tchi, a member of the Raven clan.
“Ok, let’s proceed..”, Rhaynor whispered,” Visse, show us your copy of that g-console image again?”
There were few lights illuminating the long corridor. Not a sound could be heard, aside from the footsteps of the Necris wandering through the corridor.
All of the sudden Rhaynor raised his hand and the group stopped moving.
“What is it, Rhaynor?”, Jared whispered.
“I’m not sure, my tensor is registrating lifeforms at the far end of the corridor”, he whispered back.
They had to be quiet, suppose the humans had installed screaming devices on the walls and cloaked them? “Screaming devices”, small horrible weapons, activated when someone exceeded the maximum sound limit. Then they would produce a highly pitched, brain stewing scream. Most of the times good enough to blow your head apart. The tensor should read them though…
“Keep your gun ready”, Visse ordered them.
“Who made you the boss?”, Cilia mumbled.
“I’m the second in command of the Blaidenmaiden clan”, she hissed.
“Ok, but this isn’t your clan you know”, Cilia whispered back.
“Will you 2 keep quiet?”, Rhaynor hissed,” I’m not sure what to expect down the corridor, but it appears we might be in for a fight!”
“Why don’t we go to the left?”, Jared mumbled.
“Cause it’s a dead end, you know,” Rhaynor whispered,” that g-c image showed us that, didn’t it?”
“Oh oh yes”, Jared stumbled,” I’m sorry I’m nervous.
“Dead end”, Loque mumbled,” let’s hope THIS won’t be OUR dead end.”
“Oh do shut up already,” Tchi snarled,” what are you a Necris warrior or a human cry baby?”
Loque nodded.
“Yeah you’re right”, he sighed, “I’m sorry. I’ll try and keep my cool from now on..”
Visse held her gun with a steady grip and aimed it and the far end of the dark corridor.
“C’mon then”, she whispered,” what the **** are we waiting for? Let’s move!”
The other Necris followed her.
Outside the building, the Necris war parties and clans had a rough time battling the small human army.
“Status”, Aryss yelled. His voice was barely heard amongst the cries of the soldiers, the gunfire and the roaring of the Razors flying by.
A semi veteran Necris lieutenant looked at the battlefield, then at his commander:“ Despite the heavy resistance we’ve stumbled upon, we’re making progress. It appears we have found a weak spot in the humans their defensive systems.”
“So what are we waiting for?”, Aryss yelled back.
“Quiet frankly sir”, the lieutenant shouted,” it’s not going to be that easy, you see the humans have powerful lasercannons, but it takes time to reload them. Unfortunately a group of snipers is holding us back from destroying those cannons!”
“Snipers?”, Aryss sighed,” how many?”
“We’ve counted 15 so far”, the lieutenant yelled. A razor was hit and fell down to earth. A huge explosion, and debris flying by made the two men search for cover behind a nearby Freylon.
“So what we have here”, the lieutenant continued,” is a small, but prepared human army, who put up a heavy fight!”
“There must be a way to end this quickly”, Aryss mumbled,” If only Loque was here…”
“Excuse me sir”, the lt shouted.
“Loque”, Aryss yelled back. A squad of Razors flew by.
“You see kid”, he continued,” Loque is one of our finest marksmen, he’s has a wonderful aim.”
“But he volunteered to infiltrate the building sir right?”, the lt yelled.
“Yes he did”, Aryss shouted and started coughing. The smoke surrounding the battlefield got to him.”
“Let’s go inside the Freylon sir”, the lt said with a worried tone in his voice.
“No no”, Aryss laughed, “thanks for the concern officer, but I’m fine. I can take this.
No, I think it’s time for me to do, what I ought to have done when engaging assault on that human resistance army.”
“What sir?”, the lt asked him with a husky voice.
“Join the battle, up close!”, he cried and took his laser rifle and an ammo belt.
“I want 10 Necris to cover my back, I’ll take those snipers out, even if it’s the last thing I’ll do!”, Aryss yelled.
“Ok you’ve got it sir”, the lt smiled. He really admired his commander.
Aryss crouched down on a “ safer” spot nearby the Capital building and put on his sniperview. These were specially designed hi-tech goggles, enabling a zoom up to 50 meters distance. A small x-lock would appear on the goggle if a target was in range. 10 Necris warriors surrounded him, shooting at the human barricades.
“Now where are those filthy rats hiding”, Aryss grinned and putted his finger on the trigger.
“Told you it was a trap”, Visse whispered.
“What are you whispering for”, Rhaynor laughed, “the humans are dead! See, they’re lying at our feet, their blood is all over the place oooh I like this…”
“But but suppose there are others hiding..” ,Visse mumbled.
“Eh my …tensor.. would read them?” Rhaynor smiled.
“Oh okay”, she sighed.
Tchi looked at his leg.
“Does it hurt bad?”, Loque asked him.
“Yeah, kind off”, Tchi whispered and cringed his teeth, “it won’t stop bleeding.”
“Don’t worry,” Loque sighed,” give me your medkit.”
Loque opened Tchi’s backpak. Tchi sighed. How could he forget about that medkit?
“Why is everybody so nervous?”, Loque smiled and looked at his friend Rhaynor.
“Well, this IS a bloody important raid Loque”, Rhaynor mumbled,” if we find the leader, hiding somewhere in the building, and take him out.. well.. it’s all over then.”
“Hope he can tell me something about UT”, Loque whispered.
He grabbed Tchi’s medkit and took out a small needle, and filled it with a healing fluid.
“There Tchi, this should stop the bleeding and ease the pain”, Loque smiled.
“Now that is one yucky uniform you got there Tchi”, Jared said in a teasing manner.
“Ahaha”, Tchi laughed, “you’re just jealous cause I’m wearing a blue uniform and blue really goes with white!”
Jared laughed back and shook her head.
Lucky for them they had been able to switch on the emergency lights. The human storm troopers where stationed near a power control room. Of course the corridors we’re still poorly lit, but if was way better than before.
“Nice red lighting”, Visse said to Loque.
Loque looked up and was rather surprised.
“You talking to me?”, he stumbled.
“No, I’m talking to the wall behind you Loque, “ Visse whispered,” see I really like talking to
the walls!”
Loque frowned and a scratched his right cheek.
“Very funny”, he smiled.
“How are you doing”, Visse asked in a serious manner, “Are you coping through all this?”
Loque looked at her, and then at his boots.
“I’m .. I’m doing ok, I mean this is my first real battle, you know..my first real BIG battle..”
“Yes”, she smiled, “and in my opinion, you seem to be doing fine.”
“How is that”, he asked her and frowned.
“Oh, you see,” she whispered,” you’re keeping your cool, I mean, sure you’re under a lot of stress, as all of us are..” She paused and took a small snack out of her backpak.
“Energizers”, she said whilst eating the delightful snack,” makes sure .. you stay alert you know.”
Loque smiled.
“Anyway”, she continued,” … when we were fighting those troopers, I noticed you staying really cool while the others went berserk. I mean, you and Rhaynor… one of you could absolutely make it to “leader of the Phayders” if you ask me.”
She raised her eyebrows and nodded at Loque.
“Want a bite?”, she asked him.
“Eh?”, Loque mumbled,” oh yeah sure thanks Visse.”
“That’s o’right Loque”, she smiled and walked towards Jared and Cilia.
Loque was baffled. He didn’t know what to think. Here he was, sitting down on the cold floor of a dark building of the Liandri corporation. Two Trinitrons ago, he had been battling a large group of human storm troopers and indeed, he didn’t lose his cool.
But what gripped him most, was the fact that Visse had been watching him.
Could it be, that she still had feelings, hidden feelings that is, for him.
He was too afraid to ask her. What if she wouldn’t know what to say?
What if it would open old wounds?
I mean, it had been a long time since Visse actually talked to Loque.
And he didn’t feel like spoiling this precious moment.
He looked at the packaging of the small snack and read the content on the back.
“This .. will.. make ..you.. feel .. alive .. again.. more .. than .. ever”, he whispered.
He sighed. “ It sure has”.
“Incoming message from Laque’s team”, Jared shouted.
“Not so loud”, Cilia whispered!
“Oh okay”, she mumbled.
The other Necris gathered around her.
“This is Laque, what is your status? We’ve eliminated 2 teams of storm troopers. Unfortunately we’ve also lost 2 team members.”
“Fine over here”, Visse said with a firm voice,” we’ve also eliminated a team of troopers, but we have no losses on our team, Tchi is hurt but he’s getting better.
Laque sighed through the com channel.
“Glad to hear that. We’ll make our way to the second floor. Appearantly there are a lot of life signs up there. Expect heavy resistance. We’re teaming up with team 2.
I suggest you guys teaming up with the other teams! Meet them at a nearby turbolift.”
“Talk about a tygron”, Loque mumbled,” we’ve just received an incoming message of the third team.” Loque opened a second com channel.
“This is Nocturna speaking. All the other team members are dead. We were overwhelmed by 4 teams of troopers and the bastards had set up a series of screamers along the walls.. cloaked of course. For some reason, our ****ing tensor didn’t read them. I’m meeting up with you, stay where you are. I’ll be there in a couple of Trinitrons. Nocturna out.”
“Damn, how about that”, Tchi whispered.
“Wait”, Visse yelled,” what about team 5?
Jared tried contacting them.
“No response”, she said with a grim voice.
“Ok”, Visse whispered,” this is not good, it appears we’ve already lost 13 fellow Necris.”
“Maybe the tensors aren’t THAT reliable”, Rhaynor sighed.
“Then”, Visse whispered back to him,” we’ll have to rely on our feelings instead of on a not so trustworthy device.”
“Agree”, Loque said with a firm voice, “we better carefully watch every move we make from now on.”
“We’ll wait for Nocturna to meet us here”, Visse mumbled,” and then we’ll make our way to the turbolift, which will take us to the second floor.”
“Got another one”, Aryss grinned.
“You’re doing just fine”, a Necris soldier smiled back at him.
“Of course”, Aryss laughed whilst scanning the barricade with his goggles, “this laser rifle is state of the art.”
And a scary rifle it was too! It literally fried the enemy, searing the flesh of their bones!
“10 down, 5 to go”, he snarled,” c’mon arseholes, show me your faces!”
The Necris team stopped in front of the turbolift.
Nocturna pressed one of the buttons. Nothing happened.
“It’s secured, those dirty bastards secured the lift with a code”, she hissed and slammed the wall.
“No biggie”, Rhaynor smiled and started hacking the console on the wall.
It only took him half a triniton.
All of the sudden Loque received an incoming message on his com channel.
“Laque here dear brother”, she smiled, “we had to hack the turbolift in order to gain access to the second floor. I’m sure you’re experiencing the same problem. We’ve already taken out a team of high classed troopers. Laque out.”
“Was that Laque?”, Jared whispered.
“Yes,” Loque sighed,” the other teams have already made it to the next floor and they’ve taken out a squad of high classed troopers.”
Rhaynor frowned.
“Damn”, he said,” those guys wield heavy weaponry you know!”
“Yeah, “Visse smiled, “but they’re slow and clumsy.”
“How do you know”, cilia whispered.
“Heh me and Jared here”, Visse grinned,” once fought one of those squads, and it took us only 2 trinitons to terminate them We were raiding a building of the Shades corporation.”
“Ok fine,” Cilia sighed,” your experience might come in handy now…”
Visse smiled and stepped into the turbolift.
All of the sudden a trooper fell through the roof and almost crushed her! He aimed his gun at Rhaynor but before he was able to pull that trigger, Loque took him out with a lasermark between the eyes.
“****!”, Visse shouted!
“Oh man”, Rhaynor yelled,” thanks.. thanks for saving my life Loque!”
Loque put his hand on Rhaynor’s shoulder.
“Are you o’right compadre?”, he smiled.
“Thanks to you Loque,” Rhaynor laughed, “I OWE you BIG time.”
Visse got on her feet and whipped the dirt of her uniform.
“Damn son of a bitch,” she growled.
“Are you ok”, Loque asked her. He was very worried that she might’ve been seriously injured by that trooper falling on her.
Visse sniffed and whipped the blood of her lips. Her nose was bleeding heavily.
“Guess I’ll have to use my medkit now”, she smiled, “don’t worry Loque I’m ok, nothing broken. I’m still in one piece.”
Loque was relieved.
All of the sudden he received another message on his com channel.
“Who is it?”, Tchi asked.
“Oh well what about that”, Loque smiled.
“This… is Barak, from team 5. Me, Vaughn and Nayli are still alive. We’ve lost 2 team members to those blasted ****ing trip mines. It appears we’ve underestimated the human cloaking devices.
“It appears we have”, Jared sighed,” Laque’s team has also lost 2 members.”
Barak sniffed. “Anyway, we’re making our way to the turbolift. Don’t wait for us. We’ll manage.”
“Prepare yourselves for high classed storm troopers on the next floor”, Loque said with a husky voice.
Barak nodded: “Thanks compadre. Barak out.”
“Well, no use in waiting any longer”, Jared mumbled”, lets make our way to the next floor.”
“Wait”, Loque whispered and took out his special shockrifle. He took one step inside the lift and literally perforated the ceiling.
Another storm trooper fell trough.
“Stupid son of a bitch”, he growled.
“Smart thinking”, Visse smiled.
“Ah well, you see the other part of the ceiling was still in one piece and..” Loque mumbled.
“Good work compadre”, Jared grinned,” now let’s move.”
The Necris stepped inside the dusky turbolift.
The doors closed and the lift set his way to the next floor.
The death silence returned to the gloomy corridor.