Ok here's part 5. 6 pages this time

I'm already working on a another story, it's no sequel.. more like a eh.. you'll see
Part 5: They will repent…
And so it began.. the hundreds of Razors, follwed by dozens of Grallinz entered the earth atmosphere, engaging attacks on earth’s biggest metropoles.
Earth had changed a lot during the last 3 centuries. There were only 250 million humans left.
Back in the late 21st century a horrible techno virus wiped out 80% of earth’s population.
Only 1.4 billion survived. But it was not the end of the misery. Then came the fifth world war. It lasted from 2090-2105. Fifteen horrible years, and again, a horrible loss for humanity. 1 billion died in that war.
The early 22nd century wasn’t much better. No world wars or techno viruses this time, but dissension. People were divided in small camps, separated…
Then came the smaller “gang-wars”. Camps fighting it out, simply cause they couldn’t stand one another.
But the 5th world war also caused the continents to move. Also some countries were completely wiped out ,vanished…
2259 introduced a new era for mankind. People were sick and tired of being divided. So their leaders came together and agreed in merging all small lands into one state.
The Neo Earth Conglomerate was born. Why conglomerate? Because the new earth leaders were the dark corporations, born out of the ashes of the Genocide conflicts, back in the late 22nd and early 23rd century
Before they were enemies, now they were partners. This was merely the beginning, the mistrust wouldn’t vanish like that, it would take decades to unite the remains of the human race.
Huge “Bridges” were build, to close the gap between the continents known as America, Europe and Asia, back in the 21st century.
These Bridges were called the “technolands”. Along the coasts of these Bridges rose many technocities, each inhabited my many humans and other species, the visitors.
The visitors were no one less than inhabitants from close star systems.
The oceans were also polluted, nothing more than huge pools of filth, death and decay.
Many seas were gone, dried up. What was left was a huge crater, a deep canyon…
The Humans were afraid of going into these canyons, they were inhibited by Mutants, crossbreeds ( a bloody marriage between human and other species).
If it wasn’t for the dark corporations, earth would start to rebuild. But that was merely a dream.
Dreams hadn’t died on earth. There were still poets, writers and many other artists, but …
Their work wasn’t really appreciated, and they were nothing but social outcasts.
It was if time stood still on this once blue and wonderful planet.
The Necris didn’t care. Their first Assaults were on the capitals of Ergonon, one the biggest states on earth. Again, the humans weren’t prepared and the Necris were victorious.
It was a beautiful day for the Necris race. They knew the humans were still divided, not as before, but the team spirit wasn’t present.
The first Necris war parties invaded the Capital, after having it bombed for over 5 hours.
It were the Phayders.
Malakai jumped over the debris. What was once an impressive building, owned by the Grundack Corporation, was now reduced to a bloody ruin.
He shot a human soldier. And another one who all of the sudden jumped from behind a wall.
“Sooo there you go, I always knew that Reaper would come in handy”, Malakai laughed.
“Damn fine gun, I agree,” Rhaynor sighed,” If only I had one of those…”.
“Hey”, Malakai grinned,” this baby has cost me 16 pairs of human eyes. It was worth it!”.
“Lucky”, Loque whispered.
Rhaynor looked at him.
“So.. Loque, how are we feeling?”, he asked.
Loque frowned.
“You NEED to ask, compadre?”, he laughed, “ we’ve successfully invaded and beaten a human metropolis. THE biggest metropolis.”
“Hehehe, yes, it’s a great day for the Necris, isn’t it?” Rhaynor smiled.
“Sure is”. Loque walked towards a wall, and noticed the huge poster.
“What are you looking at Loque”, Barak asked.
“I don’t know well.. this is weird”, Loque stumbled, “ I saw it one of the previous raids on earth, but that was before I’ve found the game and...”
“Come to the point”, Barak sighed.. He knew Loque could be very very chatty when excited.
“OH well, you see, in this game I’m playing..”, Loque continued but Rhayon interrupted him.
“Grown men shouldn’t be playing games anymore compadre”, he laughed.
“Yeah yeah whatever” Loque said with an impatient tone in his voice.
“Look the thing is, you see the name on the poster?”
“Hmm yes it says époque rising games”, Rhaynor whispered.
“No no, in the left corner of the poster”, Loque almost shouted.
“Wow cool your engines compadre”, Rhaynor laughed,” let’s see .. Li-an-driii ..corporation…
Rhaynor likes to mess around with his friend.
“Yah ok, so the Liandri corporation are the ones responsible for this huge tournament in the game..”, Loque continued.
“ So?”, Rhaynor asked with a silly voice.
“Well I don’t know.. I thought Liandri was .. well..i’m sure they’ve made up that name.. I mean”, Loque stumbled once again.
“Hm but it’s not.. it actually exists”, Rhaynor whispered.
“Yes!”, Loque shouted.
“So, where does that leave us .. I mean”, Rhaynor continued,” what does this have to do with us? And the current attack on Earth?”
Loque opened his mouth, but didn’t know anything to say aside from…
“I . I just think it’s weird.. you know”, he sighed, “ I wonder where the Liandri corporation is established ? I mean, what if it’s right here, in this metropolis? I feel like it’s worth checking out.”
“Why Loque”, Rhaynor laughed, “it’s just another dark corporation on the face of this planet”.
Loque stared sulking.
“Oh really, go ask Malakai if he knows of the whereabouts of the Liandri corporation you never know..”, Rhaynor sighed.
“Yeah maybe.. maybe he can help me out”, Loque smiled.
Malakai was meeting the leader from the Zungrin clan. The Zungrin had finished their raid through the streets of the metropolis.
“So, anyone knows the whereabouts of the capital building yet?”, Malakai whispered.
“Yes”, T’kAnn sighed,” finally we’ve been able to locate it. It’s well hidden, deep into the bowels of the city. It’s a jungle out there.
“So, when are we going to attack it, my fingers are itching!”, Malakai snarled.
“Patience leader of the Phayders”, T’Kann said with a heavy voice, “ Zenith will keep you up to date.”
“Ooohkay”, Malakai mumbled.
“Anyway”, T’Kann continued, “we have to go now, and meet the other clans at the technocentre. Our commander Aryss will be waiting there.
“Aryss, the former captain of the Phalanx, right?” Malakai whispered.
“Damn right”, T’kann almost shouted.
“So.. is he coping with his loss, I mean is he doing all right..?”. Malakai just had to know, somehow he still admired Aryss, he believed it wasn’t his fault for what had happened on board of that ship, a long long time ago.
T’kann sighed. “He’s a fine commander”..
Visse kicked a human skull in the nearby river. A black river that is. Visse kind off licked it.
It was dark an beautiful, and dangerous. She looked at her reflection: pale skin, white eyes, black hair.. shiny armor, human blood on her hands. She started smiling. It was as if she had never felt so alive in her entire life.
“Hellllllllllo you little nymphomaniac, we’re about to raid the outskirts of the technocity,” Laque laughed,” are you with me?”
“Oh oh yeah heh”, Visse grinned,” I .. I was only ..you know..”
“Yes I know girl”, Laque smiled,” but save it for when we’re done here. Sure we have beaten the army who was defending the city, but we can’t forget about the small war parties and gangs.”
“We need to weed them out!”, Jared cried,” kill ‘em all! Kill ‘em aaaaaaaall!”
Laque nodded.
“Damn right we do”, she shouted,” now get ready, we’re about to kick some human skull!”
“I can’t wait to slith another throat”, Arachne yelled!
Visse took her special bladegun. The gun fired 10 small blades every 2 Kraylins (One Kraylin= 0.75 seconds)
You could compare them to small fish hooks. Once attached to a prey, the only way to get them out was losing a limb or a huge chunk of meat.
“First one to rip of a head, may drink the eyeball juice!!!”, Laque yelled and ran towards the outskirts!
The other Blaidenmaiden cried and followed their brave leader.
“What’s our status?”, Aryss yelled. He was commanding the Alpha Necris Freylon.
Freylons were small hovering “tanks”. The sound of the huge lasercannons, the battle cries, the yelling of the ones being killed, the collapsing buildings, the razors flying over the city…
“We’re breaking through the defense grid surrounding the Capital building!”, Habran shouted throught the com channel.
“Good work luitenant-shra”, Aryss yelled back,” show them what we’re made off!”
“Yes sir!”, Habran cried.
It was very hectic in the Freylon’s control room. The Yellow flashing lights, the men and women manning the consoles, incoming messages on the com channels.
But they didn’t complain. They actually liked situations like these. Necris were a war breed.
“An incoming message from the Phalanx, sir”, said a young female tech.
“Open a holochannel”, Aryss shouted.
Zenith, captain of the mighty Phalanx, appeared on the holoboard, right in front of the commander’s seat.
“Commander Aryss”, Zenith said with a firm voice,” what is your status?”
“We’re doing fine”, Aryss sighed,” we’ve almost breached through the defense grid surrounding the Capital building We’re almost there.”
“Excellent work commander”, Zenith said with a soft voice.
She knew much about Aryss his past on the Phalanx, and like other Necris she didn’t agree with what he had done, but she still admired the true Necris in him. The warrior, the leader.
Starting with a clean slate was a wise decision. That’s what she liked to believe.
“I’ll order the ground troops to assemble at the Capital building in one third of a quatron. Zenith out.”
Aryss turned around and shouted: “Well, what are we waiting for, alert all Necris clans! Send all Freylons and Razors to the C.B.!
The Blaidenmaiden were still raiding the dark outskirts of the devastated city.
Arachne took her Slasher (large sharp sword) and decapitated a human.
“Seee-weeet!”, she grinned.
She grabbed inside her left pocket and took out a small notebook. Then she used a small blade to cut open the arm of the human, laying in front of her.
“Need.. something… to ..write of course”, she smiled.
“Hm.. dark nice, red blood. Just what I need!”
Without hesitating one moment she plunged the sharp little blade in the small “pool” of blood.
“Now let’s see, that’s the fifth one I’ve decapitated today.. and already dismembered …7”, she sighed, “do I love these raids or what?”
All of the sudden a human scavenger jumped at her from behind a wall. Completely overwhelmed she fell on the ground and the human grabbed her arms.
Arachne started hissing and growling.
The human spitted her in the face.
“Shut up Necris wench”, he shouted.
“You you dirty, filthy rat”, she snarled.
The human paused. He had a rough time trying to keep that wild blaidenmaiden under control.
“You know, I always wanted to know what it’d be like, ****ing a ..”
But all of the sudden 3 small sharp blades appeared from under Arachne’s glove. She broke out of the humans’ grip, and cut of his nose and upper lip.
The human rat fell on the ground, yelling and screaming, waving his arms like a madman, trying to protect himself.
Suddenly Arachne heard footsteps nearby. Nothing to fear, it were Jared and Nocturna
They looked at her sister and then at the filthy human rat.
“Did this .. thing.. cause you any harm, sister,” Jared said with a voice filled with anger and rage.
“No, ..but he did call me a wench”, she growled.
“WHAT?”, Nocturna cried, “this piece of human **** called you, a member of the proud Necris race, a WENCH?”
“You know, I do enjoy a good kill”, Jared hissed,” but most of the times dead comes rather quickly.. too quick if you ask me.”
“I agree”, Nocturna growled”, let us skin this rat, let us take him apart, piece ….by piece”.
“You have the honor Arachne, “ Jared smiled,” where would you like to begin?”
“We’ll start at his feet, and work our way up”, she growled.
The 3 blaidenmaiden grabbed the human. The small critters populating the nearby sewers ran away scared when they heard the loud yelling, echoing through the dark neighbourhood.
“Can you? Can you tell me Malakai?”, Loque asked.
Malakai was getting pretty sick and tired of loque’s begging and “whining”.
“Give it a rest, Phayder!!!!”, he shouted,” I’m not sure if there’s a Liandri corporation in this city, this place is huge!!! And even if there was, I’m pretty sure it’s already bombed or being raided. It is of no interest!! Now cut it out!!!”
“Oh okay”, Loque sulked.
Rhaynor smiled at his buddy.
“Yeah well, see I told you it was a lost cause, now didn’t I?”, he laughed.
“Hey you were the one encouraging me asking Malakai if he knew about the Liandri corp!!”, Loque shouted.
“Okay”, Rhaynor sighed,” but it’s just.. we both knew it was a waste of time, right ? Heck, I’m even surprised you actually did ask him!”
“I’m .. only curious.. about..”, Loque stumbled.
“Phayders!”, Malakai shouted all of the sudden,” we should be going on our way, all clans are meeting at the Capital building of the technocity!”
And so the Necris Phayders climbed aboard of their ship, took off and set course to the rendez vous point.
“Don’t worry Loque”, Rhaynor whispered,” maybe.. maybe we’ll accidentally come across the building.. you know??
“Yeah right”, Loque sighed,” It’s just… I have this feeling, there’s more to this Liandri corporation…I can’t explain why.”
“Ok, maybe there is”, Rhaynor mumbled,” but now is not the time. We’re about to storm the most important building of the city. Their leaders are hidden there. If we take them out, it’s all over.”
“Fine by me”, Loque sighed, “ let’s do it. Let’s crush these humans.”
Rhaynor smiled.
The rendez-vous point. The Blaidenmaiden had already arrived.
“Shiiiiit Arachne, what’s that you’re wearing?”, said Laque with a surprised voice,” where did you get that?”
“Aaaah heck”, Arachne smiled,” it’s a human skin, I’ve kind off restyled it, you know, a bit of blood here and there, and other stuff…”
“What other stuff,” Laque whispered and frowned. It was if no one else was allowed to hear this.
“Sorry oh fearless leader”, Arachne grinned, “my little secret.”
“Ah well, can’t blame a girl for trying right?”, she laughed.
The Phayder ship arrived.
“Say Visse,”, Jared whispered,” won’t you meet up with Malakai?
“No way, “ she snarled, “the bastard is ignoring me. He hasn’t said a single word to me since we’ve came together at the Orb.. how about that hm?”
“Apparently his job IS more important to him than you are”, said Laque, using a soft, but husky voice.
“I.. I guess so”, Visse whispered.
“Wait, he’s coming out of the ship”, Jared mumbled,” maybe wave at him?”
Malakai jumped out of the Phayder ship. He saw his wife waving at him, he looked at her for two kraylins, and waved back. It was a poor wave.
Then he walked towards the other Phayders and war parties.
Visse bowed her head.
“I .. I’m sorry Laque I…”, Visse whispered. A dark tear rolled out of her eye, along her cheek, on her lip…
“It’s okay sister”, Laque said using a soft voice,” let it out.. let it all out”
“Never forget who you are Visse”, the voice says, “you’re an intelligent bright young woman, and we’re very proud of you. You’re a strong Necris. Make us proud. Never lose faith in yourself. And find the true meaning of dark love. Never settle with anything less, Visse. For it won’t last very long, it’s dark fire will extinguish within the blink of a setting and sleeping moon. We love you Visse, we don’t like seeing you get hurt. Never forget we’re there for you.
You can count on us.
Aryss came out of the Freylon and walked towards the leaders of the clans.
“So, the shield is down, and how many troops were hiding behind it?”, he asked Gudra, the leader of the female/male D-struktas clan.
“Oh not that much,” she whispered, “ maybe 200 or less. They do posses heavy firepower, one of our Razors tried bombing them. But one blast of a powerful cannon incinerated the ship. Furthermore, we believe the humans are using shock rifles.
“Please don’t tell me they use enhanced shock rifles?”, Aryss shouted.
Enhanced shock rifles, or instagib guns. Very dangerous, it would only take one accurate hit to eliminate an enemy. You could also lose an arm, a leg, .. your head.
“No way”, Gudra laughed,” have you forgotten already? Back in 2305, we’ve robbed the humans from their ESR’s!!
“Oh yeah, sorry”, Aryss grinned.
Gundra rolled her eyes.
“Are you eyeballing me?”, Aryss whispered.
“No no”, Gundra laughed.
Aryss pressed his lips together and frowned. Then he smiled.
“Oh okay, I’ve made a silly mistake, please forgive me yes?”
“Okeydokey smokey”, Gundra smirked.
Malakai joined the group. Loque was standing nearby, so were to other Phayder.
“When are we going to attack this building, my men are getting impatient,” Malakai asked using a firm voice.
“Cool your jet clan leader”, Aryss smiled. “Only 1/10th of a quatron left.”
“Oh okay, but I do need to known one more thing commander”, Malakai continued.
“And what is that?”, Aryss asked.
“Hm what is the name of the building? We still don’t know”, Malakai grinned.
“Well, it’s known as the Capital building of this technocity, but we have reasons to believe it’s owned by the Liandri corporation. That’ll be all. Now go back to your clan and await my orders.”
Malakai returned to his men.
“Well Loque, guess what?”, he said, whilst checking his gun.
“What?”, loque asked and stared at Malakai.
“The building we’re about to attack, is the property of the Liandri corporation.”
Malakai didn’t look up. He was too busy checking the damn gun, or that’s what he likes to call it.
Loque was smiling.