This game so so rocks....
I have been playing XMP since..... well... the original beta-testing era (if I can pretend it was so long ago)....
TO THIS DAY..... I see nothing wrong with any of the weapon balances. I like to think that the gas is so large and strong because well.. frankly, the tech hasn't really got much special goin for him 'cept for easily destroyed deployables and a point blank alt-fire shottie you betta stay away from.
I AM the original gas spammer

I declare that proudly because I have never felt that there was anything wrong with the stuff.... Gas will kill your own team too... You pay the price for using it. I am also "famous" for using gas to slow the action down. This is on purpose so's I have a chance to see that super-fast-freakily-good-shot-enemy that would otherwise just walk right thru me while I never even see them coming... this is a wonderful "action equalizer" for those hectic scenes where everyone is everywhere all at once. Gives you a chance to SEE what is going on... who's where, and to try to save yer own skin.
The pistol with its seemingly outrageous range.... Well... it has so few shots and at close ranges in heated action is VERY difficult to use. I have noticed that it is easier to use at distances than up close... Is it just me? Regardless.. so few shots, at least it is useful in some capacity... (Someone did alude to the fact that reality need not apply because this IS a game) It's supposed to be a VERY large calibre pistol... so... it stands to "virtual reason" that it will shoot VERY far and with lethal force.
Regarding the power & Range of the shottie... I guess to me it's the "spirit of the game".... this game isn't set in the OLD WEST... where you could only hope to hit the side of a barn IF it wasnt raining.... We're talkin HI-TECH super-inductive particle accelerator barrels here!!! wAhahahhhahaaa... This AINT YO-GRANPA'S ol' shottie Boyz-n-Gerlz.... get with the TIMEZ. Embrace it or DIE!
Regarding turrets and mines. All I can say is anybody who complains about them is LIKELY the type of player who doesn't like to deal with unpredictable environments. Walk thru a door... BOOM... killed by a mine... well... that mine was in plain sight.... WHY?... did you just walk in? Turrets killed you? well...GEEEEEE... they ARE pretty easy to see.... and easy to kill... There is no excuse for any complaining in my book as relates to XMP...
The only spamming I would like to see stopped is that of those whining about what weapon is "the cheese". If it's part of the game.... Enjoy your well deserved death by that part of the game... .else.. .STHU and go play elsewhere.
Most who play XMP have met me in game & will be happy to point out to me that I am not the "upperclassman in skills" here... which I plainly acknowledge, so I may not be qualified in their eyes to offer some advice... but here goes:
Everyone who plays XMP should become equally comfortable with all 3 classes so as to learn a full appreciation for the variety of gameplay available. Each class has its DEVOTEES to attest to this idea, that you CAN enjoy each class, for "all of the inequities" etc..
My longwinded rambling now done..... Here are my possibly dumb questions which have possibly already been answered:
SO... WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE VEHICLES FROM UT2K4? and .... pLEEEEEASE... make spidermines available to gunner?