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eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
when i say no chat..i don't mean no chat log...but instead..no chat shows ingame. The triggers work (don't appear), but sounds play...just wanted to clarify.
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New Member
Sep 10, 2004
Did you test 3 or 4 frogger? I think Ben meant 4 had fixed everything and 3 was to be scrapped.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Yes several changes were made to Beta 4.
When I tried Beta 3 on my server some things worked and some things did not and I was fiddling with Beta 3 all the time, recompiling etc so I did not know what it was like originally anymore, thats when I renamed it to Beta 4 and uploaded it.
Beta 4 had Zound45's BroadcastHandler, almost to the tee.
As I said I lost 46's source and I cannot Batchexport as there is no source in my mods :)

Btw, thanks a mil for all the hard work last night, eish you were going hammer and tong :)
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Quick question.
The ZoundsNN.DMMutator that we did to get around the Whitelisting problem, does it still work as I've had 2 reports now that Epic blocked this hack with 3339 :(


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
when i say no chat..i don't mean no chat log...but instead..no chat shows ingame. The triggers work (don't appear), but sounds play...just wanted to clarify.
Make sure:

also tested with a few mates..no one noticed any additional lag..so hopefully we can scratch that off of the 'big concerns' list..
This is very good news although I have improved on this further in Beta 5.
The sounds are now loaded into memory when the game first starts before any player has logged on and cached there so it should speed up quite significantly :)
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eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
ProAsm said:
Make sure:

i have set to false..i wasn't trying to imply they should have shown...but no regular chat messages showed...and yes...everything previous to this post is beta 3... tonight i hit b4..

i'll test the whitelisting tonight also..i have enough other muts on our regular servers that i quit caring about whitelist...but is good to know..
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eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
B4 initial testing

1.still no chat shows up
2.messes with Uadminmod's ingame messages..they are all larger font now
3.still no noticable lag
4.all zounds played as designed

will test locally to verify it acts same with no other muts..and also test standard server switch..


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
frogger, 2 is a bug with UAM, noted on TBone's forum, and that has nothing to do with UT2Vote or Zounds. I had that happen with UAM without any other mutators on the server. It is interesting to note that UAM messages show but no chat...try it without UAM and see what happens.


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
my text actually is different with this version..i know it is a bug with Uadmin...but for me it is only intermintent size changes...until now..with 48b4 it is larger font 100% of time... not saying it's a ut2vote issue or uadmin issue...just noting it..


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
1.still no chat shows up
This bothers me somewhat.
Is this all the time, sometimes, occasionally or once in a blue moon.

Remember if SayTrigger=False then if a triggerword is anywhere inside a long sentence, the whole sentence will not be displayed.
I would like to change this but not sure how.
Also if bDedicated=False you will have the same result as about whereas with bDedicated=True only the actually trigger word wont display.

Also remeber if people type messages too fast, SoundDelay kicks in and dumps the message.

We MUST get this new version/system/idea going as it makes the whole mod very flexible.
I found a way (thanks Epic) of how the client can disable Zound permanently and it works great :)

I wonder if UAdmin100 has gone the 'new' BroadcastHandler way shown in 3339... maybe I should make a beta with it only that way and see what happens.


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
TBone has nothing new about UAM100 posted yet, he's at www.bonesolid.com. Perhaps you could get together and enlighten him on the new BH and work out something along the lines of bDetectUAM=True and vice versa:)


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
the chat has nothing to do with the trigger words... it is normal chat that doesn't show...and no, no updates have been made to uadminmod since patch 1 i think..

I tested locally and got odd results..nothing worked. No zounds or chat. When I tested on my regular server with all the other muts...the zounds all worked... here i had no chat and no sounds.

also...it did NOT show as standard.


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
i have no issues passwording one of my servers if you want to use it to test sometime...we have enough to shuffle people around if its busy.. at least then we can all see the same results...


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
What puzzles me right now is Beta 4 has Zound46's BroadcastHandler in it now, word for word and you say you getting all these odd things happening.
Does 46 work great ?
Btw I found the source for 46, found a copy on my wifes PC.
I tend to backup some stuff there occasionally seeing we share the LAN :)
The only difference now is the word search and the new way we have done it.
Beta 4 still uses the ini file and hard drive access.
Maybe I should post Beta 5 as it now uses everything in cached memory, same like 47 and before.
I've also made several other changes as well - let me go finish it off and post a link.


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
frogger187 said:
i have no issues passwording one of my servers if you want to use it to test sometime...we have enough to shuffle people around if its busy.. at least then we can all see the same results...

I can actually set up a UT2Vote test server on our colo and give everyone ftp and serverdoc stop/start access to it. Fast redirect, passworded and all that good crap...I'll do this tonight and post the ip's, port's passwords here. The only thing I can't provide is command line access because I have serverdoc running as a service and I'm not sure how to allow commandline access when running this way. It's on a 100MBit Cognet/Level3 backbone, so bandwidth is NOT ever going to be an issue.

We also have a completely empty and unused teamspeak server that is private if anyone would want to use that as well. I'll add that info too.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Beta 5

Frogger I think you will like this one as I think I found the reason why the chats would not display.

Please play with the SayTrigger and Dedicated options.
I have had to change the way in which these work in comparison to previous versions, no big change, just different - check em out.


Thanks on the server offer there guys but from here regardless how good your system is I still have huge lag, high ping etc even though I'm on a 512k also - its just the distance, also I just dont have the time.
Just jumping between my LAN server and coding takes too long :)

*** Edit ***
Oh! I nearly forgot...
If any client wants to permanently disable Zounds then in his User.ini file right at the top under [DefaultPlayer] make the last entry:
Its case sensitive :)
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New Member
Sep 10, 2004
Bah, I'll do it anyway Ben. :) We all run busy servers so it's hard to test. If you want to use, use it. If you don't, then don't.:) It will give busy-server ops like frogger and myself and whoever else a place to test without interrupting or chancing corrupting their working installations. It will be meant to be destroyed.


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
ok..this one is working very well (B5)...

1.mutate zound off/on works
2.chat now shows correctly
3.uadmin messages back to 'normal'
4.endgame,startgame working as designed
5.zound=0 works.....but typing 'mutate zound on' turns them back on, but just for that level (not sure if this is by design, but is very nice)
6.SayTrigger=True does NOT work (but i think is a feature that can go away)
7.midgame was never heard (GoalScore=25?TimeLimit=20?)
8.AdminOnly=True/False works as designed
9.Uadmin chat logging works fine (w/ UT2Vote 44)
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Now does that post put happiness by the body or what :)
5.zound=0 works.....but typing 'mutate zound on' turns them back on, but just for that level (not sure if this is by design, but is very nice)
Yes that is by design.
6.SayTrigger=True does NOT work (but i think is a feature that can go away)
Ok let me explain how the SayTrigger and the Dedicated work.

In all cases the trigger word is cool

Dedicated=True and SayTrigger=True
Player types message: "this is a cool map"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: this is a cool map" - no word is spoken.
Player types message: "cool"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: cool" - the word cool is spoken.

Dedicated=True and SayTrigger=False
Player types message: "this is a cool map"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: this is a cool map" - no word is spoken.
Player types message: "cool"
Everyone sees "ProAsm:" - the word cool is spoken.

Dedicated=False and SayTrigger=True
Player types message: "this is a cool map"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: this is a cool map" - the word cool is spoken.
Player types message: "cool"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: cool" - the word cool is spoken.

Dedicated=False and SayTrigger=False
Player types message: "this is a cool map"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: this is a map" - the word cool is spoken.
Player types message: "cool"
Everyone sees "ProAsm: " - the word cool is spoken.

Maybe the SayTrigger should be ShowTrigger ?

7.midgame was never heard (GoalScore=25?TimeLimit=20?)
Did the game go past 10 minutes ?
Maybe you should set ?GoalScore=0?TimeLimit=10 just for the test.
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