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Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Just looking at the code I can maybe see why its crashing.
First let me try and explain to you guys what happened over time with the BroadcastHandler and the drastic change Epic did to it in 3339.
In UT1 there was no BroadcastHandler or anything that a Mutator could do to intervene with the screen messages and we all complained bitterly to Epic to change this in UT2003.
UT1 had a Message class but it was only available to Mods (Games) and it only loaded after the game had started and this sucked, as the more advanced coders could not even 'hack' it.
When UT2003 came out, it had a BroadcastHandle which was all chinese to us as we did not know how to interface into it so most mods just treated it as a UT1 Message class.
It was EL Muerte that eventually broke through to this handler and past the good news onto me but still we were not interfacing properly as it still only allowed one chat type program at any one time.
So between EL Muerte and myself we developed a multi manner for everyone to use the BroadcastHandler (he did most of it).
It was very simple and basically all we did was as follows:
MyMutator Starts up.
Have a look at the BroadcastHandle and see if anyone owns it yet.
No - I'm the first so I own it and others will hook into me.
Yes - someone does already own it so now I make a note of its address, store that address, use the BroadcastHandler for whatever purpose I want to use it for and when I'm finished I call the address that I stored.
In this way a zillion mutators could use the BroadcastHandler except on the odd occasion where a author did not know how to chain with everyone else and was to dumb or proud to ask how and owned it all to himself and we all lost out.
Anyway we soon passed the message to the modders on how to do this and by the time UT2004 was released everyone knew how to do this and we all lived in harmony.
During the development of Patch 3339 by Epic, their programmer suddenly decided "Hey I believe the modders are having problems with the BroadcastHandler - mmm let me make it nice and easy for them to use"
Grrrrrrr what an allmighty cockup.
The idea was good, their intensions were good, but it was a little too late as we had already done our thing.
What they did was add a routine where you have to Register your BroadcastHandler with theirs (the original) and then you can use yours and when done call the next one in the chain. Very similar to what we were already doing but instead of doing it via a memory address, you call a physical address.
Looking at the code of mods out there ONLY Zound47 had followed their new rule which screwed everything up.
So now for those modders who have spotted the new rule dont know which way to go, so that why Zound48 now looks to see what the handler looks like, memory or physical - lets hope it works.

Now getting back to the crash........
Zound starts up, it registers its BroadcastHandler with Epics one as required.
That BroadcastHandler now spawns and it tells the Game that "Hey I'm now your new BroadcastHandler"
Spot the error ?
The Zound BroadcastHandler has registered itself with itself and this now goes into a loop and will eventually end up in a crash.
Beta 3 will now be identical to Zound46 BroadcastHandler and to hell with Epic and their stupid moves that come 18 months too late.
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eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
okay.. ran it locally with same zound files (no other muts) this is crashlog

Log: Client netspeed is 10000
ScriptLog: New Player HTM|Frogger id=629d0f4d87de5d7990bf3237b51876bf
[b]Critical: UnrealPlayerChatManager DM-Liandri2004.UnrealPlayerChatManager (Function Engine.PlayerChatManager.AcceptLocalized:0000) Infinite script recursion (250 calls) detected
Critical: Windows GetLastError: A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. (10035)
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError[/b]
Critical: FFrame::Serialize
Critical: UObject::ProcessEvent
Critical: (xDeathMatch DM-Liandri2004.xDeathMatch, Function UnrealGame.DeathMatch.PendingMatch.Timer)
Critical: AActor::Tick
Critical: TickAllActors
Critical: ULevel::Tick
Critical: (NetMode=1)
Critical: TickLevel
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: Level Liandri2004
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: MainLoop
Critical: FMallocWindows::Free
Critical: FMallocWindows::Realloc
Critical: 642E3933 0 FArray
Critical: FArray::Realloc
Critical: 0*2
Critical: FMallocWindows::Free
Exit: Exiting.
Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 77 MByte 870 KByte 715 Bytes from HD took 6.529962 seconds (6.452962 reading, 0.077000 seeking).
Log: FileManager: 0.555998 seconds spent with misc. duties
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 02/01/05 23:04:43
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Regarding your startup line - why all one line ?
Also the ini does not have a question mark by rather a hyphen.

@echo off
ucc server DM-Rankin?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch?Mutator=UT2Vote44.UT2Vote -ini=ribservers.ini multihome= -log=1400.log 
copy 1400.log servercrash.log 
goto 10


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
all one line becasue i copied from my serverdoc control panel interface which shows it that way..my bats here aren't like that.

i'll try the '-'..have seen it done both ways.. thanks.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Beta 3

Identical to Beta 2 except few fixes.

New ZoundConverter - should eliminate that wierd last line and also add the first filename to the hello and byebye.

Fixed Broadcasthandler to not register itself with itself but is now almost identical to Zound46

AdminOnly - if this is True, then only the admin can trigger this word, also this word will only be displayed to him in console.



eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
can you verify if i need to modify Triggername= or soundname= for the endgame and such..?


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
For the fixed events like New/Mid/EndGameSound, the Triggernames dont even exist but are needed for lookup.
For hello and byebye you cannot alter the Triggernames as they too are fixed events.
In all the above cases you can alter the Soundnames though.


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
frogger187 said:
okay...have tried a few things..no luck.to get rid of one question..is this right? I first had changed the soundname to be the soundfilname...tried this way also..not exactly sure which way is correct..


anyone help me see why i am not getting a crash log here?

ucc server DM-Rankin?game=XGame.xDeathMatch?mutator=UT2Vote44.UT2Vote?ini=ribservers.ini multihome= log=1400.log copy server.log servercrash.log goto 10

If your looking in the servercrash.log you're not going to find anything...you're logging to 1400.log, then copying a blank server.log to servercrash.log. Shouldn't you be copying 1400.log to servercrash.log?


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
hmishima said:
If your looking in the servercrash.log you're not going to find anything...you're logging to 1400.log, then copying a blank server.log to servercrash.log. Shouldn't you be copying 1400.log to servercrash.log?

yes!..that's it (yet to test)..thanks...been awhile since i changed any commandlines..


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
hehe...glad I could point out something helpful around here rather than just point out bugs. Ben, you're probably hating me after opening this zound can of worms;):D
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New Member
Sep 10, 2004
Can't the Zound46 be decompiled? I know next to nothing about actual programming (I can limp through C++ if I REALLY have to) so forgive me if that's a stupid question.

Just for the record, we've never had any trouble with Zounds 44, 45, or 46 and UT2Vote chat logging.

I will have my other admin test the b3 just in case frogger made some type of error or typo.


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
hmishima said:
I will have my other admin test the b3 just in case frogger made some type of error or typo.

good idea... i did test both on my local pc and one of our production servers..but used same files.. so who knows..


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
Maybe the Zoundconvert is corrupting the ini file...I've had ini's go bad and simply ceating one from scratch fixes the problem.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Ok a few pointers here.
The ZoundConverter has a bug.
The first heading it does ok - [Zound48B4.ZoundConfigs]
The second one it makes it - [Zound48.ZoundConfigs] - it leaves out the B4

Dont forget the ServerPackages.

I have just finished Beta 4 and busy testing it on my server at the moment and everything works 100% except I cannot test the Chat.
Will have a link in a jiffy :)


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
ProAsm said:
Ok a few pointers here.
The ZoundConverter has a bug.
The first heading it does ok - [Zound48B4.ZoundConfigs]
The second one it makes it - [Zound48.ZoundConfigs] - it leaves out the B4

this was my problem..working now... any reason to test b4 or is it just a converter change?

off to try to break b3.....


well...it worked once...but my weaponstay got goofy and stuff and chat still didnt' work... may need to push this til tomorrow..

also to note...i heard gamestartsound on one match, but not next.

also tested with a few mates..no one noticed any additional lag..so hopefully we can scratch that off of the 'big concerns' list..
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