Great thanks, although I have struck a few minor obstacles.
The fixed items like the NewGameSound, MidGameSound and EndGameSound.
I had to give these 3 items Fixed triggernames - newgame, midgame and endgame.
Now this should be ok as you have no need to change the Triggernames for fixed events simply because there are no Trigger events as the timer triggers them.
You can however change the Soundname to something else.
Zounds=(Soundname="newgame", Triggername="newgame", SoundFilename="", Hidden=True, AdminOnly=False)
Zounds=(Soundname="midgame", Triggername="midgame", SoundFilename="", Hidden=True, AdminOnly=False)
Zounds=(Soundname="endgame", Triggername="endgame", SoundFilename="", Hidden=True, AdminOnly=False)
Then there is the Hello and ByeBye sounds, these I have had no choice but to fix the Soundnames and they default with the same Triggername.
Zounds=(Soundname="hello", Triggername="hello", SoundFilename="", Hidden=True, AdminOnly=False)
Zounds=(Soundname="byebye", Triggername="byebye", SoundFilename="", Hidden=True, AdminOnly=False)
It is also imperative that the Admin adds the correct SoundFilename in each of the above cases.
Otherwise things are coming along well.
Oh, the other thing I had to do was restrict the total number of trigger words that can be displayed when a player calls a Mutate Zounds as it is now possible to have 1000's of sounds.
It would be interesting to know if UT2004 restricts us with a Struct as well or whether there can be 1000's of entries.
There is one BIG difference in doing things this way and you guys are going to have to test very carefully for lag and server slowdown.
With the old way where we had a fixed 250 sounds max, and with strict structuring, everytime Zound started it loaded all the sounds into memory and worked from there which would bring CPU time down to next to nothing.
However the new way where Zound now works with a unknown and indefinate amount of sounds, the lookup or sound search happens live and on the fly which could be a problem and may force us to abandon the new method and go back to the current method.
This is one of the main reasons I restrict UT2Vote to 50 games and 50 mutators.
Oh one more restriction I had to do as I ran into a problem with the Random Sounds.
This restriction is that the other random sounds MUST be in the same file as the primary sound, also the random sounds do not need to be defined in the Zounds=
Zounds=(Soundname="game@3", Triggername="game", SoundFilename="", Hidden=False, AdminOnly=False)
In this case the actual sound files would be: game - game1 and game2 which I think is the same as now.
Only game needs to be defined as a Triggername as long as the other 2 exist in the same filename as game.
Zound will now strip the @3 and add the appropriate number next to the sound name.