well..if it runs clientside then it should just read the system time..whatever it is..and increment to it...and yes..may not have resolution of seconds..
Correct - thats after the first player starts the game, Bots included.NewGameSound=0 (startgamesound) is played this many seconds AFTER match starts?
Correct.EndGameSound=0 (endwaitsound) is played this many seconds AFTER match ends?
Correct - Game TimeLimit devided by 2 defines midgame.midgamesound is played at midgame? What defines midgame?
Correct - the very instant a game ends.endgamesound is played at end of match?
ProAsm said:I'll put a beta up tomorrow night (my time) and you guys and test it.
ProAsm said:Thats what we need to check.
Cutting anything out in Assault or ONS is no problem, the problem comes in when an Admin makes his own Assault or ONS game with GameMake.
When UT2004 came out we had a hell of a problem getting UT2Vote to work with Assault and ONS but after many headaches we got onto track.
ProAsm said:Socke that sounds very interesting and it might be possible I will have a look see for the next Beta.
Only problem I see is that it would have to be a Global sound, in otherwords everyone hears it as Zound does not have any replication or client classes.
This has been asked many times and to date I still get requests for more sounds.1. Is it possible to set more than three sound files ?
Can you give an example ?2. Is there a way to trigger sounds silently ?
This is no problem, except the problem comes in with the number of members part - how many members, 1, 2, 10, 50 , 1000 ?a. Specific sounds are not in the mutate zounds list, but can be triggered (fox example only when specific members are on the server
I think it already does this - SayTrigger=False ?b. It does not give the chat message when triggering a sound ....
How you gonna say the playername ?What about "Player Bla is leading with 2 frags"
What I mean is, there is a sounds called beer which plays Homer "Mmmmm... Beeeeer".Can you give an example ?
I think it already does this - SayTrigger=False ?