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eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
well..if it runs clientside then it should just read the system time..whatever it is..and increment to it...and yes..may not have resolution of seconds..


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Ok Let me say a few things here now that I have fiddled around a bit.
Just one thing, dont compare UT2Vote capabilities with Zound.
UT2Vote is a fully fledged Admin tool so it knows when you last went to the toilet, let alone when the game started.

Thanks to some patch (not sure which one) but Zound now knows everything also as far as a Server goes anyways.

In 48B1 I have added 4 new triggers - taken from the txt file:

Fixed bug when player sends a blank message.

Removed bSetupDone as it was miss-placed.

Add 4 additional fixed triggers (2 variable)

NewGameSound=0 (startgamesound)
Can be from 0 to 180 (seconds) and is timed from the game starting.
The sound name here needs to be startgamesound

EndGameSound=0 (endwaitsound)
Can be from 0 to 180 (seconds) and is timed from the game ending.
The sound name here needs to be endwaitsound

The 2 other sound names are:

If TimeLimit is greater than 1 and if the sound is available it will
be triggered in the middle of the game.

If this is sound is available it will be triggered exactly when the game ends.

What ya think ?


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
trying to understand fully..

NewGameSound=0 (startgamesound) is played this many seconds AFTER match starts?

EndGameSound=0 (endwaitsound) is played this many seconds AFTER match ends?

midgamesound is played at midgame? What defines midgame?

endgamesound is played at end of match?

if all of these assumptions are true..a couple of things...I don't see a need for EndGameSound. If you have endgamesound playing immediately when match ends, then having another play after that doens't seem necessary...and i would think if you have this variable higher than say 30 seconds..i would see it never being played on most servers. Ever if you have UT2vote running..i seldom see a vote take more than 30 seconds...

with hello playing at server entry..and NewGameSound playing at game start, and endgamesound playing at gameend..and migamesoundplaying at midgame..the one thing i see as omitted is one sound at a variable time after game start. This could be played anytime after gamestart..up to gameend...so assume like 60 minutes as upper limit?
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Nov 21, 2003
isn't the "you have won the match" etc played at gameend normally?

what about the q3a-soubds i mentioned. Is that possible?


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
NewGameSound=0 (startgamesound) is played this many seconds AFTER match starts?
Correct - thats after the first player starts the game, Bots included.
EndGameSound=0 (endwaitsound) is played this many seconds AFTER match ends?
midgamesound is played at midgame? What defines midgame?
Correct - Game TimeLimit devided by 2 defines midgame.
If TimeLimit=0 then MidGame is disabled.
endgamesound is played at end of match?
Correct - the very instant a game ends.

But I get your point about the unnecessary second game end trigger.
I'll just make it the one which will become EndGameSound and its name will also be endgamesound instead of endwaitsound which is confusing to say the least.
I'll just extend the max time for NewGameSound to say 600 (5 minutes) and make EndGameSound 180 max or something.

Q3A sounds ??? what q3a sounds - sorry I missed that somewhere.


eat. sleep. frag.
May 2, 2003
sounds good..

as a sidenote midgame playing at half of time limit may not be midgame if goalscore is also enabled.. (but you likely know this)


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Yeah its very possible that it'll screwup in Assault and Onslaught.
I'll put a beta up tomorrow night (my time) and you guys and test it.


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
Even if it is mid-round in ONS and AS, it's still accurate...it's the middle point of that round which is nice to know...although, in AS people have to watch the clock anyway so it might be best left out of AS if it will cause problems...if that's even possible.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Thats what we need to check.
Cutting anything out in Assault or ONS is no problem, the problem comes in when an Admin makes his own Assault or ONS game with GameMake.
When UT2004 came out we had a hell of a problem getting UT2Vote to work with Assault and ONS but after many headaches we got onto track.


New Member
Sep 10, 2004
ProAsm said:
Thats what we need to check.
Cutting anything out in Assault or ONS is no problem, the problem comes in when an Admin makes his own Assault or ONS game with GameMake.
When UT2004 came out we had a hell of a problem getting UT2Vote to work with Assault and ONS but after many headaches we got onto track.

I don't think there are that many people running ONS or AS that way. I know I DO use custom ONS games, but not AS games.

I'll take a look as the server browser tonight at the AS servers and see what everyone else is running. There aren't that many AS servers so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
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Nov 21, 2003
hmm, i use custom ons-gametypes and custom as-gametypes (AS-insta roxx ;) )

regarding the q3a-sounds:
as i spoke with gomjaba aka mephisto i had the idea of an announcer sound like in q3a, saying things like "two frags for the lead" etc. Is something like that possible?
in q3a as player i hear "three frags left for the lead" if i'm 3 frags behind the current leader. But this is clientside, as only i am hearing it.
If that is possible, i would run throu q3a to hunt for the sounds :)


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Socke that sounds very interesting and it might be possible I will have a look see for the next Beta.
Only problem I see is that it would have to be a Global sound, in otherwords everyone hears it as Zound does not have any replication or client classes.
I was called out last night (in the storm) and only got back this morning so I did not get anything done.
I'll go finish the Beta now quickly.

Frogger, yes I am GMT+2 and I figured you would be a round +3.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Zound 48 Beta 1

Fixed bug when player sends a blank message.
Removed bSetupDone as it was miss-placed.
Added 3 additional triggers (2 variable)

NewGameSound=0 "startgamesound"
Can be from 0 to 600 (seconds) and is timed from the game starting.
The sound name here needs to be startgamesound

EndGameSound=0 "endgamesound"
Can be from 0 to 180 (seconds) and is timed from the game ending.
The sound name here needs to be endgamesound

The other sound name is:

If TimeLimit is greater than 1 then if the sound is available it will
be triggered in the middle of the game. (TimeLimit devided by 2)

Please also test in Assault and Onslaught.




Nov 20, 2004
Cool Ben, thats what I was looking for :)

One another question (or two actually)

1. Is it possible to set more than three sound files ? I am (actually) sure I haven't seen any infos in the readme

2. Is there a way to trigger sounds silently ?
a. Specific sounds are not in the mutate zounds list, but can be triggered (fox example only when specific members are on the server
b. It does not give the chat message when triggering a sound ....

Just a few ideas ....

I think I can test this beta today, will try later ...
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Nov 20, 2004
ProAsm said:
Socke that sounds very interesting and it might be possible I will have a look see for the next Beta.
Only problem I see is that it would have to be a Global sound, in otherwords everyone hears it as Zound does not have any replication or client classes.

What about "Player Bla is leading with 2 frags" ... So basicially the other way around ?

Just curious if there isn't a copyright issue for the original way ...


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
1. Is it possible to set more than three sound files ?
This has been asked many times and to date I still get requests for more sounds.
Eish what do you do with so many sounds.... hehe :)
Anyways the 250 current sounds is a UT2004 restriction in that the maximum number of entries a string can have in UT is 255.
This is why Zound only has 250 sounds, UT2Vote only had 255 maps etc etc.
About 6 months ago UT2Vote introduced and additional 255 maps once off for DeathMatch only, then in 47 I think it was we now managed to have an additional 255 maps for every game.
This extra 255 is a 'hack' to the code and not some that Epic has given us.
BDB also used this hack in UT2003 when I think his Mapvote alowed 1024 maps, he just hacked it 4 times (256 x 4) but in his case he stored the names clientside when UT2Vote has to store them serverside and replicate them to the client on every mapmenu call.
Now the idea would be to incorporate this 'hack' into Zound to achieve an additional 250 sounds bringing the total to 500 sounds.
Not impossible, but at this stage I dont really know how to go about it as Zound does not have any Replication or Client classes.

2. Is there a way to trigger sounds silently ?
Can you give an example ?
a. Specific sounds are not in the mutate zounds list, but can be triggered (fox example only when specific members are on the server
This is no problem, except the problem comes in with the number of members part - how many members, 1, 2, 10, 50 , 1000 ?
It is always very difficult to satisfy all or most Admins when you come to a situation like this and thats what we as modders often just leave it out else you end up with a zillion emails :)
b. It does not give the chat message when triggering a sound ....
I think it already does this - SayTrigger=False ?
What about "Player Bla is leading with 2 frags"
How you gonna say the playername ? :lol:


Nov 20, 2004
You the programmer :) :) :)

Let me say it in that way :

DOAH !!!! :D :D

Ok, that one wasn't so intelligent :)

Can you give an example ?
What I mean is, there is a sounds called beer which plays Homer "Mmmmm... Beeeeer".
So, within the packager, I have the file beer which I have to use as triggerword in the ini as well ....
But when someone now is checking this list with MUTATE ZOUNDS, he can see the trigger word beer ...

What I mean ist, NOT displaying the trigger word beer in that list, but make it still accessible with beer :) It is just not visible for the other guys. So basicially you need to know what the words are ...

I think it already does this - SayTrigger=False ?

Need to do my homework better :)

Another bug ?
I had this already with previous versions, but I am not sure if this is a Zound bug or maybe a problem with the UED3.0

When modifying packages, then ... No stop, let me start again...

For example : There are some nice announcer in the standard file announcerSexy ..

Like Combowhore ... So I wanted to put that on my server as we have a lot of whores :)
Anyway, I exported just this file, created a new package, modifyed server.ini and zound.ini. The file is being downloaded now, and I can see the trigger, that fine.
BUT : The sound is not being played ... I even tried just to remove all the other sounds, and saved it with another name, same situation ...

In some other Forum, I have heard the same problem several times. But nobody really knows why that is ..

ps: I hope you can understand my sometimes stupid English :) I really have some trouble with my grammar .... :eek: