yurch said:
Although I hope we will have a while before RAv3 starts (like, maybe an ICLR season or so, I dunno) there's no harm in commentating.
1) I dislike the scope freeaim system in general, I find it too easy to maintain a sense of view through frequent motions (think jogging ACOG). It looks like a zoomed in view with a cutout being moved around.
2) Perhaps. Most of my concern is with the quick ability to rapidly change jogging directions, the rest isn't too much a concern. Leading or following a target isn't a problem until you can't guess which direction he is going intutively, which is when it then becomes an issue. Slowing down the process of going up and down stairs/ladders is something that perhaps can be considered in concurrance of this.
3) I don't find it too much a problem. Consider it a low shouldered maybe. When have you lost a CQB fight to a hipped minimi?
4) Yes, the 5.7mm P90 ammunition is horribly inaccurate IRL. I also doubt the subsonic munition's actual capabilty to penetrate armor at range. A surpressed FAMAS may follow in the same catagory if it's supposed to be using subsonic ammo.
5) In order to kill with leg wounds you need to hit multiple times with most weapons as it stands. Considering the hitbox covers much more surface area than it should over the legs, something is off with the current system. Reducing damage may not be the best approach however.
6) Nades are quite overpowered as they stand. How they work graphically is a matter of taste/performance.
7) Same as 6.
8) A given. It'd be nice to recalibrate the HK69 ladder to match it.
9) Not sure what this accomplishes. Do you mean skewing the shot that was taken?
10) It is a full length shotgun. Don't really consider it a problem. Use 'hip' mode if it's colliding and you need to be that close.
11) Sight misalignment is something that needs to be looked at and thought about carefully, the old system I don't consider good enough anymore.
12) This was in RAv2, and I rather liked it as a subtle effect on firing.
13) This can be tied into the old 'misalignment' methods, and it looks/works quite well this way.
All in all though, only about 8 of these topics should be involving RAv3 (keep the mutator to playerclass/Aim-oriented subjects). I'd like to, this time around, keep many mutators seperate from each other rather than a one-mutator fixall. Later, if it's really required, we can combine them under a standard I guess.
IE we can have a ballistic mutator that changes damages/accuracy, grenade mutators that change the explosions, loadout mutators to enforce restrictions, ect.
We DO owe 2.9 at least some time before we begin mutating on this large a scale. Keep in mind this will be an extremely controversial topic for some people, and visibly dividing the community this early will not foster any love.
1>Agreed. I miss the old RAv2 scopes.
2>Agreed. Ive seen some pretty quick strafing by some ppl and ive been popped almost instantly by ppl who knew enemys would most likely be in that choke point then sweep right back to cover.
3>yah minimi hipped really only works well in very CQB. And then just about any weapon with some proper skill knowledge can be used well in that instance.
4>Agreed. P90 should be fixed. Although i dont see too many P90 whores online which is ok I guess. Wheres the woffen when you need him?

5>Agreed. Leg damage is fine. Would be nice if perhaps you could be knocked to a crouch with a few hits and have to get up slowly from that one crouch.
6>I like the nade effects IMO, for funfactor reasons. Nades seem UNDERpowered to me now..

7>No comment.
8>No comment.
9>Agreed. Its also much to easy to jump onto a ledge and pop somone in the street or alley in ACityBlock.
10>No comment.
11>Well ill miss you old school sight misalignment.

12>No comment.
13>Must agree with KW here. Would be more realistic and more random like in real life overall. Just like there isnt a perfect circle that man can create, no one should have perfect aim.
*adding point 14> M16 hipped should be closer to body. Like Duke coded it in RAv2 update.
Now i do think we should wait awhile before worrying about RAv3 or whatever Yurch decides to name it. Why not code more guns? EVERYONE in the community will use that no doubt
I think its right also that RAv2 expanded the community not devided it. In fact, now that I look back at it and look at the times now, as we get more players we could use more types of mutators cause more servers would be available to play on different game types. I love how i can now just enter a server and start playing at any time of the day. Its great!
But I must agree in the end we need a real aim again. Maybe in mutator forms like Beppo hinted. But lets not start disrespecting Beppos work. His dream was 2.90. He toiled and sweated and worked with people around the globe to accomplish what we all love now.