Although I hope we will have a while before RAv3 starts (like, maybe an ICLR season or so, I dunno) there's no harm in commentating.
keihaswarrior said:
Stuff to fix in RAv3:
1) Scopes should not go off the screen when bobbing (maybe lessen the sideways bob of crouch walking a little too).
2) Sidestep and backpeddle should be slower than forward jog.
3) Hipped Minimi too easy
4) p90 too accurate
5) Lower damage done to legs by all weapons (but keep stamina hit the same).
6) Make nades look and act more realistic (no glowing shrap and stuff)
7) Make 40mm almost exclusively shrapnel damage
8) Fix 40mm range.
9) Make 40mm jerk up or to the side due to recoil if the person is moving while shooting or hipping it.
10) Shorten shotgun collision length
11) Sight misalignment when turning quickly
12) Time based recoil (recoil after just stopping is more than after a second or two of remaining still) - to simulate building good firing position
13) Make weapons bob very slightly even when breath is held, most when standing, barely noticable when prone for a few seconds.
1) I dislike the scope freeaim system in general, I find it too easy to maintain a sense of view through frequent motions (think jogging ACOG). It looks like a zoomed in view with a cutout being moved around.
2) Perhaps. Most of my concern is with the quick ability to rapidly change jogging directions, the rest isn't too much a concern. Leading or following a target isn't a problem until you can't guess which direction he is going intutively, which is when it then becomes an issue. Slowing down the process of going up and down stairs/ladders is something that perhaps can be considered in concurrance of this.
3) I don't find it too much a problem. Consider it a low shouldered maybe. When have you lost a CQB fight to a hipped minimi?
4) Yes, the 5.7mm P90 ammunition is horribly inaccurate IRL. I also doubt the subsonic munition's actual capabilty to penetrate armor at range. A surpressed FAMAS may follow in the same catagory if it's supposed to be using subsonic ammo.
5) In order to kill with leg wounds you need to hit multiple times with most weapons as it stands. Considering the hitbox covers much more surface area than it should over the legs, something is off with the current system. Reducing damage may not be the best approach however.
6) Nades are quite overpowered as they stand. How they work graphically is a matter of taste/performance.
7) Same as 6.
8) A given. It'd be nice to recalibrate the HK69 ladder to match it.
9) Not sure what this accomplishes. Do you mean skewing the shot that was taken?
10) It is a full length shotgun. Don't really consider it a problem. Use 'hip' mode if it's colliding and you need to be that close.
11) Sight misalignment is something that needs to be looked at and thought about carefully, the old system I don't consider good enough anymore.
12) This was in RAv2, and I rather liked it as a subtle effect on firing.
13) This can be tied into the old 'misalignment' methods, and it looks/works quite well this way.
All in all though, only about 8 of these topics should be involving RAv3 (keep the mutator to playerclass/Aim-oriented subjects). I'd like to, this time around, keep many mutators seperate from each other rather than a one-mutator fixall. Later, if it's really required, we can combine them under a standard I guess.
IE we can have a ballistic mutator that changes damages/accuracy, grenade mutators that change the explosions, loadout mutators to enforce restrictions, ect.
We DO owe 2.9 at least some time before we begin mutating on this large a scale. Keep in mind this will be an extremely controversial topic for some people, and visibly dividing the community this early will not foster any love.