Yurch's antics reach a new level!

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New Member
Aug 5, 2000
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well maybe it is a bit extream, hmm but what if there was a smaller freeaim zone in which only the back post moved? transfer my idea to the smaller "freeaim zone"

no the scope does not currently deform or if it does its not nearly enough, the scope should only be unobstructed if its in the very center of the screen


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Beppo: The gun was aimed directly at his forehead. 100% sure of this. Besides, the vest was useless after the shotgun blast. Any more ideas now? heh. I think it was Ghost that I shot, I'll have to find out. Either way, I shot two rounds into his forehead and we were both standing still. :(
Normally I would agree that it's the engine's fault, but this time, I was 100% point blank and aiming at the forehead. Two rounds, still alive. Craziest thing I've ever seen in INF (next to ghost-cams dragging bodies around and stacking them on the poles in Cuban Dawn).

While we're on the subject of the Mk23, why does the supressor for that weigh 3lbs when the MP5 supressor only weighs 1lb? And the same for the tactical light. They can't possibly add 6 lbs to the pistol in real life, that would be way too heavy. Also, what is the point of the LAM in INF? To shine it into the eyes of your fellow soldiers until they say "Stop it"? Actually, what is the point for the LAM in general? Seems like it wouldn't be very usefull in a game. Just for fun/looks? ;)

Maybe you should come on the server someday and we'll try to re-create this, hehe.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
I don't want to get too OT here... so only some short replies:
- again, it depends on the animation... test it out with some bots (give them the Hold Up command and they will stand still) and you will notice where to aim at for a headshot while wearing a vest, a helmet or none of these armours.
- the bulk value is a balancing issue, nothing more. It fits to the loadouts and that's it.
- the LAM... you can use it to aim from the hip with it for example. While in the aiming position it is more or less useless for ironsights, yes.

but now back OnTopic...


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I think random damage should be reimplemented. Its sad to know you always need to shoot someone 2 times in the chest with an M16 to down them.

There should only be a 2-5% chance of surviving a headshot, and even then drop your health to 10-15.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
{GD}NTKB said:
Why not? From what I understand the black part is a "sheet" covering the screen, if it could be snipped away some around the outside it could be done... ?
If you chip away at the black around it, that area will be all zoomed, as well. It is possible to simulate the effects of a zoom + not zoom, but to do that would require creating a warp zone in the HUD, which would effectively half rendering speeds for all people using scopes.

{GD}NTKB said:
Question: Just who the hell is the ICLR? Do these bastages even forum here or play INF? Or are they some mafioso group like ASscrac claims?
Yes, we are a mafioso group, here to annihilate all the realaimers. Crowze, Keihas, CoMaNdore, myself, none of us want the best for anyone, we're just here to RULE THE INFILTRATION LEAGUE UNIVERSE WITH AN IRON FIST OF MISERY!



Back to champion the L85
Sep 15, 2001
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Keganator said:
Yes, we are a mafioso group, here to annihilate all the realaimers. Crowze, Keihas, CoMaNdore, myself, none of us want the best for anyone, we're just here to RULE THE INFILTRATION LEAGUE UNIVERSE WITH AN IRON FIST OF MISERY!


Well tell us what's the matter with Yurch's Grenade mutator and what you want fixing, because I will not be taking part in the ILCR if your using Flak Grenades.

And I'd really like to take part too........


New Member
Aug 5, 2000
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Request for Yurch(or anyone): can you make a mutie to remove the tracers from supressed weapons? only a complete idiot would load up tracers when using a supressor.

and could someone get to making a Realaim v1 style mutator so i can convince NT to give me my sniper rifle back on the GD server


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Snake13 said:
Request for Yurch(or anyone): can you make a mutie to remove the tracers from supressed weapons? only a complete idiot would load up tracers when using a supressor.

and could someone get to making a Realaim v1 style mutator so i can convince NT to give me my sniper rifle back on the GD server

heyyyy Dont blame that crap on me. It was Ghost and ODIE that didnt want scopes. I asked them several times to get scopes on the server. In fact if it wasnt for me there wouldnt be a scope night tuesday.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Yurch's nade mutator or bust....
His nades are more realistic than 2.9's original nades. Besides the black smoke, what's wrong with them? Is the ILCR deciding that using flak nades = more realistic simply because of the smoke? Dear god, Yurch, do something!

And also, if it weren't for my complaining, and the fact that only about 3 people play on Tuesdays, we wouldn't have Scope Night Thursdays! :D


Y2KHippy-Karsh or WW2Hippy-Karsh
May 24, 2001
Sydney, Australia
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Oh my... well your god... Yurch your first and only thread is STILL here...

every time I come back for a resurection in to the game I have a look around the forums while downloading the game and maps. and every time your thread is here...

oh well I wont add much more to this Thread so I will be off....

I may see you in RA if its still around


Pls don´t shoot to the Asha´man
Oct 9, 2002
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To Yurch:

Infiltration community is already dying. Sometimes i enter into the server browser for a game and i watch the number of players: 0. Zero, all empty. And other times more than 50% of ppl are in a tdm, full of 'run and shoot'. :S

I´m saying this because i ask: "is a mutator that split the community bad?" And i answer: Ja ja ja! Good joke. The number of regular players is already too little to "split" it, therefore you (or whoever) can make a mutator to try to improve the game.
At least you can try it.

Another point to improve should be the EAS maps, his design. About the 70% actually have a "fixed gameplay", thanks to the spawn system, and predefinied paths and choke points. The knowledge about how the other team will try to defend/attack the cd makes an special gameplay, which is not "as real as get it". It promoves the sprinting to be first in arrive to the future hot zones and, again, the "run and shoot". With semi-random locations of the objetive and spawn points it should be a lot better. Ironically, then it would be something like dtas.
But, well, all this is other story for other day.

All "imho", "ymmv", etc. And sorry for my bad english.


INF Online moderator
jaymian said:
This thread should be renamed General Infiltration Discussion.

was I the only one that found this increadibly hillarious?

Its nice to see that i can lurk and this thread will always be here.... been playing a lot of 2.9 offline to get back into the swing of things. now that i have a promotion at work, and i'm the team coordinator of a nation wide paintball team, finding free time to play online is difficult.

the new grenade types and refined grenade explosion rocks!

I'm still here... i lurk from time to time. rock on people.


Crunchings and munchings!
Mar 25, 2001
-=SDS=-Coop said:
was I the only one that found this increadibly hillarious?

Its nice to see that i can lurk and this thread will always be here.... been playing a lot of 2.9 offline to get back into the swing of things. now that i have a promotion at work, and i'm the team coordinator of a nation wide paintball team, finding free time to play online is difficult.

the new grenade types and refined grenade explosion rocks!

I'm still here... i lurk from time to time. rock on people.

Excellent Coop!! What team?? I've been in and out of paintball since '85 :D Though I only play woods and dislike the whole tourney thing (bling bling isn't my thing ;) ), I do appreciate the skill and dedication of the tourney player.

Let me know if you know anyone who could get a good deal on a Highlander Excaliber ;)


INF Online moderator
{GD}NTKB said:
Damnit Coop release snowshoot2 !!! I was drooling over that map like no other! :mad:

Now that I have a working computer (my paintball team leader donated me an athlon 750... i used to play inf on an athlon 700 so i can manage) i just may finish and release snowshoot 2 as an EAS map... but of course, its not going to be your normal cd capture map... they get annoying after a while. I like the idea, but suprizingly enough, i'm hooked once again on cuban dawn. cuban dawn and 2.9 is awesome. I will take the time to learn how to setup an EAS map and I will release snowshoot 2. Unfortunatley, i had lost snowshoot 2's latest version, which was sweet, incorporating a lot of suggestions to make the level look a lot more awesome than yourself or the other few select testers can recall. I will have to work back up to what i had from the copy yourself had last played. And hell, provided i can get some time away from the team (my paintball team is team tacticalmarkers, sponsored by tacticalmarkers.com. we can be reached at http://team.tacticalmarkers.com its ugly as hell and we're working on that, but our forums are very popular) I may even play inf online. I see theres no RAv3, though the community is starting to make weapons. I love the new grenade types although i have never gotten a kill with the HEDP yet. the popup grenades are just as annoying as real web popups ;) both on the giving and recieving end. i also like how the grenade launcher has been fixed slightly... havnt messed with it fully but its pretty nice... i still fire it from the hip out of tradition though :D I'm actually liking the M9... i hated it in previous versions. I use that and the fiveseven interchangeably. I find myself using the mp5 and akmsu a lot. Still always am, always was, and always will be an SMG whore.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Snake13 said:
Request for Yurch(or anyone): can you make a mutie to remove the tracers from supressed weapons? only a complete idiot would load up tracers when using a supressor.

My girlish cry exactly. I want people to be looking at the direction from the dead body to the blood spatter on the wall, damnit! I don't think someone would go hide in a bush wearing black and expect to remain stealthy, then do something as obvious as to turn on a flashlight and yell "HEY F*CKER, IM OVER HERE!"