To Yurch:
Infiltration community is already dying. Sometimes i enter into the server browser for a game and i watch the number of players: 0. Zero, all empty. And other times more than 50% of ppl are in a tdm, full of 'run and shoot'. :S
I´m saying this because i ask: "is a mutator that split the community bad?" And i answer: Ja ja ja! Good joke. The number of regular players is already too little to "split" it, therefore you (or whoever) can make a mutator to try to improve the game.
At least you can try it.
Another point to improve should be the EAS maps, his design. About the 70% actually have a "fixed gameplay", thanks to the spawn system, and predefinied paths and choke points. The knowledge about how the other team will try to defend/attack the cd makes an special gameplay, which is not "as real as get it". It promoves the sprinting to be first in arrive to the future hot zones and, again, the "run and shoot". With semi-random locations of the objetive and spawn points it should be a lot better. Ironically, then it would be something like dtas.
But, well, all this is other story for other day.
All "imho", "ymmv", etc. And sorry for my bad english.