All those weapon tweaks talked about earlier are false, by the way.
Has anyone had any problems with getting there keys to work with the patch ? menu's all seem great, but when I try to join a game, I get no response from any keys, not even the "F" keys, with the exception of the F12 Key so I can type suicide, but can't respawn. throughout the menu system, mouse and all keys were fine, try to join or join and once the map appears, nothing...
i sense differences in the game that i was never be able to saw before with the other patches, maybe because it was an early patch
...after having such a clean and professional looking HUD in 2k4.
Player nametags were made smaller (they were obnoxiously huge before), and the names of all people in a vehicle with more than one seat are shown (if you're close enough)
I suppose the nametags still don't display teammates' health? Any chance of that being added before release?
I think the nametags do already display the health of your teammates.
Great news. Now there is only one thing left to say:
I've been away from the UT scene for quite a while now. Did they ever come back and say why the promised Linux client never materialized?
What sarcasm? The images were well drawn, obviously by someone with significant art experience.. They understood how to align the graphics smoothly.. During the first release of UT3 we got this:Sarcasm??
Nope, at least not in botmatch.