Again not really surprised
If anyone couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel being a freight train coming their way, well consider how UT2kx and UT3 were handled.
They didn't listen to any fans when they made 2kx and were hassled and beleaguered into making changes into UT3 that made it to a now playable state.
The writing was on the wall and the lipservice was more than any fan could bear to see through.
But we still do, in hopes that we'll continue to see updates to our beloved games Unreal and UT.
I will be patiently waiting for the next PC release of either Unreal or UT, whenever that may be.
COD, TF, KF and the likes have no place on my machine.
I want my games to be (yea i know) unreal and be so because it is a freaking game!
Reality sucks as does money, so why pay for something that sucks!
That's what rocketlaunchers, flak cannons, enforcers, shock rifles, sniper rifles, biorifles, stingers, pulse guns, impact hammers, rippers, miniguns, chainsaws, translocators and the mighty redeemer (any new ones I missed) are for. Escape from reality.
MMO's don't inspire me either.
I do look forward to Diablo 3 though
Anyway, its better they've said it than to string hopes along.
I still play UT1 and UT3 regularly, lets hope people don't stop playing altogether after hearing this news!
Unreal Forever!