Soggy_Popcorn said:
This isn't about "taking a break" from the franchise, and coming back to win us over. Epic has clearly been trending toward console products. Because they can milk them more. Make more profits. They don't need UT or us at this point. If UT comes back ever, at all, it will be in gimmicky console form (and I don't mean that in an insulting way, it's just a different market)
This is not only about cash, consoles or "PC gamers". It's just that they don't
need guys like you, you can keep your money and spend it on yet the 1734293th CS clone or whatever Gabe Newell pulls out of his fat greazy ass. They got tired to have the so called "loyal fans" blaming them of everything, after providing a game, an editor and bonus packs. Fans saying that everything about what they are passionated about sucks, if there's just one single thing that they don't like, even being able to mod an open game.
Admins or content creators contribute to the scene, generic PC or console players buy the game (even used) have fun and move on. Silent and sometimes passionately. Then there are the most "loyal", "devoted" and active that don't have a balanced view, often don't have anything decent to say, resort to personal attacks after criticizing the software, exactly the ones that had the most fun and value with the previous UT release!
Lots here were teens when started playing UT. They were teens when they started coding in assembly, reading Intel manuals to squeeze that last clock cycle out of their code, exploiting undocumented video tricks. So, I guess they love to hear some of you telling them that they don't like or know how to make PC games, when they and others started the f'ing revolution.
Now some even rant about how they should make the game PC only. You are delusional enough to believe you can tell geeks or creative people what they should do with their work, what to code and where, and expect them to listen. It's like demanding Linux nerds to improve Vista
There's something else, I've noticed that the communities that praise Epic the most are the ones that don't have "loyal fans". This is not good. Yes, most PC players respect UT, just read non-UT related sites, e.g. hardware, generic gaming, Central/Eastern Europe and others. But specially PS3 communities used to get the shaft for each miserable content download went "wow!" when they got custom content and then Titan, split-screen and acheivs for free. This is BAD. With grateful console players, low piracy, hassle-free platforms and not having FPS nerds hate and badmouth their work, I'm afraid that only Intel and content-creation motivates Epic to consider another PC game