How hard can it be to add what the stuff people liked from UT1 (UT99 if you want), UT2 (UT2003/UT2004) and UT3 to a possible UT4.
Oh yearh
UT1 - the variety of levels, dirty feeling (ut3 has it partly)
UT2 - the even more variety of levels, the many textures and static meshes
UT3 - the gameplay, the upgraded armor system, the powerups!
This reminds me of Colin Mc Rally 5 career mode. Well why not. But Skaarj.. =Krall? Eh what?SP would actually be a tournament that you have to win to save your race (not a race, has in racing). The story would be something like, while trying to win the battle (UT3) no race was able to get an advantage, with that in mind they choose their best warriors to participate in a new tournament that will decide which is the best race, Humans(Ronin), Necris, Skaarj(Krall), Liandri(robots o/). With this 4 teams you could even have MultiCTF, MultiDM, MultiONS(warfare) games, etc... This would allow to promote even more the new engine (huge maps with 32 players, 8 for each team)
You could add a new MP mode, like a race (racing with cars), where you have to go from point A to B (passing some control points in the middle) and use the weapons in the vehicles to make the other vehicles crash. Manta's races, Hellbender races and even some Goliath races eheh Mario Kart style lol
However, Multi Team Matches also sounds like a lot of fun and action.
But those races should take place in the night: UT Underground is born.
Come on.. whats with tournament licenses?
Amateur Class - Final Test: With some rocketjumps you have to climp up the slop. You are only able to land on certain plattforms, otherwise you fell down back. Ok.. this is TO Gran Turismo like. (is a joke anyway)