Unreal Tournament Shelved For Several Years

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New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
How hard can it be to add what the stuff people liked from UT1 (UT99 if you want), UT2 (UT2003/UT2004) and UT3 to a possible UT4.

Oh yearh
UT1 - the variety of levels, dirty feeling (ut3 has it partly)
UT2 - the even more variety of levels, the many textures and static meshes
UT3 - the gameplay, the upgraded armor system, the powerups!

SP would actually be a tournament that you have to win to save your race (not a race, has in racing). The story would be something like, while trying to win the battle (UT3) no race was able to get an advantage, with that in mind they choose their best warriors to participate in a new tournament that will decide which is the best race, Humans(Ronin), Necris, Skaarj(Krall), Liandri(robots o/). With this 4 teams you could even have MultiCTF, MultiDM, MultiONS(warfare) games, etc... This would allow to promote even more the new engine (huge maps with 32 players, 8 for each team)

You could add a new MP mode, like a race (racing with cars), where you have to go from point A to B (passing some control points in the middle) and use the weapons in the vehicles to make the other vehicles crash. Manta's races, Hellbender races and even some Goliath races eheh Mario Kart style lol
This reminds me of Colin Mc Rally 5 career mode. Well why not. But Skaarj.. =Krall? Eh what? :D
However, Multi Team Matches also sounds like a lot of fun and action.

But those races should take place in the night: UT Underground is born. :rolleyes:

Come on.. whats with tournament licenses? :D
Amateur Class - Final Test: With some rocketjumps you have to climp up the slop. You are only able to land on certain plattforms, otherwise you fell down back. Ok.. this is TO Gran Turismo like. (is a joke anyway)


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
That is what Unreal Championship was supposed to be, more races with unique abilities etc(it is even in the final version) and battling on with vehicles and large maps(that didn't make it to the final version, which is more close to UT2003.
And even if UT had some variety in maps, these maps were rare, most of them were really bland. They were not in par with Unreal singleplayer levels.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Don't know why you are making fun of what i said Creavion, people always want something new and that is what my idea aims to. It's better and actually more fun then to just criticize everything else.


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
my poop stains are more enjoyable than ut3.

difference between ut3 and my dog is that ut3 actually liked my butthole without me pulling down my pants. D:
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Jan 20, 2008

What? :con: UT was famous for its wild environments. Sewers, Galleon, Pyramid, Face, Phobos, Hyperblast, Peak, Orion's Barricade, Lava Giant, November.... need I say more??

Nothing that ever really striked my heart as much as the stuff they did for the original Unreal. Most of that stuff is pretty bland or repetitive, such as the sewers, space stations, etc...
Creative yes, but not crazy. I'd define crazy and original the Unreal weapons that made their way throughout the series. And the UT3's weapon designs have been pretty damn impressive to me though, and are my top favourites now.
My visions differ, sorry.

I think that's the type of Unreal fanboy elitism I've witnessed for the past 9 years, and really is utterly ridiculous. It used to annoy but later on amuse me. Some people just can't view UT 1 as a complete product. They always have to berate or belittle it (in essence this is what it comes down to) as "the botpack for unreal".

I don't get it really. They're both excellent games, and both have their share of flaws.
Combined they're even better. (oldskool mod).

If UT was really nothing special, how can you explain it became so popular :con:
Prior to the release of the game I watched short gameplay footage online (hah, on 56k) and some game programs. Those varied environments really made me long to try the game, and dream away. Just like Unreal did.

Wow. When I made that post I never had in mind being an elitist fanboy of U1. I was only expressing my real opinions in the contest of the Unreal series. Oh well, I appreciate that you defend UT though, as I was never against it.
Let me say, I wasn't very keen at loving UT1 as you guys do. Now I mostly open my UT for Oldskool, MH, the recent CMP2 pack and other mods. The original game... I got bored with it, and now I moved to UT3 which personally I find a bit more entertaining.

Regarding the rest, I never said that UT1 was not a complete game. Plus, I defined "nothing special" the design of the weapons (never found them as unique as the original one - the Sniper Rifle and the Minigun for example) and environments (as said, nothing really impressed me). Not the gameplay, not the character, not the music, not the rest. Hopefully I've been more clear this time; UT1's still a beast in the series.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Nothing that ever really striked my heart as much as the stuff they did for the original Unreal. Most of that stuff is pretty bland or repetitive, such as the sewers, space stations, etc...
Creative yes, but not crazy. I'd define crazy and original the Unreal weapons that made their way throughout the series. And the UT3's weapon designs have been pretty damn impressive to me though, and are my top favourites now.
My visions differ, sorry.
Oh wait a minute... I didn't realize we were talking about what "striked my heart" Who could possibly comment on that but you? But that wasn't what you said, was it?

You said
UBerserker said:
regarding the design of environments and weapons, was pretty generic..

To which I listed the many unique deathmatch environments that shipped with UT. Your reply is that they were bland and repetitive?

I won't argue with bland - that's your personal opinion - but how on earth are they repetitive? And why are you contrasting the game with Unreal, a singleplayer game upon which it expanded? What did you want them to do with Unreal Tournament? Create an entirely different set of weapons and creatures? What would be the point?


Jan 20, 2008
Talking about the retail content.

but how on earth are they repetitive?

Only a few themes. Generally, industrial stuff never did it for me.

What did you want them to do with Unreal Tournament?

Nothing more that has been already done. It's fun - that's what I mostly care. I only complained about the stuff that I am not very fond of how did they looked. No one here wanted a new set of weapons, or even creatures for that matter.


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Dark Pulse said:
Another good idea would be a mod I saw for UT and 2kx called "Siege" which centers around building things (such as weapons suppliers) and this really changes how you play the game into less of a "run around and kill the other guy" and more of a "build your stuff in a secret location, protect it with buildings that'll hurt your enemies, blow his buildings up and oh yeah, kill the other guy."
This part caught my attention :) When I saw the mod a few years ago and havent read much about Conquest I thought: "So that's what it will be all about"


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
I am in this thread.

What? WHAT? I can't say that? After all, what can I say that hasn't already been said? Or, should I say something? Anything? I am simply unsure of what to say or to whom I should say it. Oh crap, I just realized I'm not speaking; I'm writing. Okay, now that we have that correction accomplished, let's get the real discussion underway.

What can I write about, other than that I am sad there will be no new UT for a spell? I may never again get to see a new UT, to unwrap the box, bask in its wondrous beauty and to sport a glorious erection over the graphics after installing the game and starting it up for the first time. No more will I probably ever get to experience that "oh sh1t" moment the time I get fragged by some slimy bot.

Oh Epic, how you've kilt meh. UT, my precious, how do live without thee? Oh Cliffy, why hast thou forsaken me in my hour of need? Why, oh why, have you deserted the great hall of giants? Oh blessed Redeemer, I will never know of your next iteration or run from your thunder. Why, oh, why?

Ohhhhh, WHY?????


bInputDevice=touchpad :(
Feb 23, 2008
Epic has had horribly ****ty publishers ever since Atari.
Ever since Infogrames really. R.I.P. Legend Entertainment, thanks to Infogrames/Atari.

There was no Conquest mode, and Warfare mode was basically a tweaked Onslaught.
This = FAIL

You know what I'd love to see come back? XMP. Don't be afraid of something class-based; XMP was fun as hell
Yes, but actually get a publisher who doesn't force the dev team to rush the unfinished product out the door, leaving it bug-ridden, highly-exploitable, and -btw- **completely unsupported** (as in, hello, where the f*** is the master server).

Don't be surprised if the next UT has some light class-based gameplay to it, especially if stuff like XMP returns.
Or, just make Unreal III + XMP, and let UT be UT. Remember Hal's thread, BU Poll! Epic's Next Unreal Game? Most people seemed to want Unreal III next.
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Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
As far as Epic being constricted by the fans, I disagree. They obviously knew what worked, for the most part. Straying from the original formula is what caused grief. If they did a re-make of U1 or UT1, with UE3, I'd buy it (I'd not be the only one). I've said this sort of thing before, I know, but it's the original formula and it would sell. (even to those brought up on consoles) No, I'm not looking for a lighter, now that I'm covered in gasoline. ;)

No flame coming from here. I agree 100% with you, UT2003 was not a true sequel to the original UT. It was a port from a console game called Unreal Championship & it was a different type of game than the original UT ( IMHO, totally dumbed down ) .


UT3 Jailbreak Coder
Dec 11, 2002
Bolivar, Missouri
It's been 12 pages since I posted, so here goes another one.

Guess this would be a disappointment for me if I didn't like UT3. Fortunately I'm still a happy guy :)


ginger synther hipster
May 9, 2004
I'm also in this thread.

Honestly I think a new IP similiar to Unreal is in order, or a reboot.


Art for swans is dope!
Jan 24, 2008
Honestly, I kinda saw this coming, but not because UT3 was doing badly. I saw this coming because the UT series has been going on for, what, 9 years? And all we got was one psuedo-sequel to Unreal in that timespan (Unreal 2). I think Epic finally decided to start working on Unreal 3. At least, I'm hoping they are.

Also, I see there are many lonely bridges on BuF due to all the trolls leaving them to come here.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
No flame coming from here. I agree 100% with you, UT2003 was not a true sequel to the original UT. It was a port from a console game called Unreal Championship & it was a different type of game than the original UT ( IMHO, totally dumbed down ) .
You think UT2003 was dumbed down? :con: