Unreal Tournament Shelved For Several Years

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Que hora es?
Apr 3, 2005
so, what's up with all these drama queens trying to make a big deal about everything? Epic know's that they ****ed up the release of the game, that demo scarred so many people off, hell, it almost scared me off too. Then the titan patch that fixed some bugs, but implemented twice as many as it fixed. The best thing they can do if they want to keep Unreal Tournament a decent game is to back off for a while, think with their heads cool and create a master polished game by the time UE4 hits the PCs, which is, "many years to come". In the meanwhile try their best at patching and supporting the current UT, which afaic is not happening, but we still have phase 3 and 4 of the MSUC, so lets take it easy

And to all the trolls, retards and drama queens around,



Jan 20, 2008
UT3 was a good game.

UT1 was all about creative and original crazy ideas.

You may be thinking of U1. UT1, regarding the design of environments and weapons, was pretty generic and nothing really special.

Great post anyway Dark, you're totally right this time. Epic's better spend their energies to do something different.


New Member
Apr 24, 2002
Visit site
I am glad Epic is going to stop this for now.

Epic has way too much talent to be put into further versions of this game. I hope to see some awesome new stuff from Epic. I hope to see some of the vision that the artists have from Epic to be put into a different use.

As ever I'll agree with Desp.

I have bought every unreal game, I got into mapping with ut99, modding with '03 and it was only when '04 came out that I realised that I was buying titles for no other reason to mod on. I was bored by the game, bored by the visual style, the spark was long since gone...

Epic are capable of some amazing stuff, but they've been constricted by having to conform to the past to keep the hardcore fanbase happy whilst trying to bring something new to give value to the majority...it just never really worked (for me).

I truly hope that they take the new found freedom of being able to take new IP and produce the kind of raw, exciting game that they have the ability to.


New Member
Feb 20, 2008
This and that...

Elmuerte:"Ah, that would make more sense."
Aye! That it does;)

As far as Epic being constricted by the fans, I disagree. They obviously knew what worked, for the most part. Straying from the original formula is what caused grief. If they did a re-make of U1 or UT1, with UE3, I'd buy it (I'd not be the only one). I've said this sort of thing before, I know, but it's the original formula and it would sell. (even to those brought up on consoles) No, I'm not looking for a lighter, now that I'm covered in gasoline. ;)

As far as the translocator (xloc), its essential in CTF. How can you even think of making a flag run back if you're too low on health. You need the xloc to get there safely and to make a quick grab if the other team is close to home with your flag. In DM it was necessary on large scale maps like bathroom and livingroom variants (tiny players in giant scaled maps).
Above all else the xloc was teleporting, what red or even green blooded sci-fi fan didn't love the thought of how freaking cool it is to have the ability to go to places you couldn't normally reach?!?
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Croteam's idea? What about the Tomb Raider remake etc?


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
And before Tomb Raider anniversary edition, there was The Settlers II 10th Anniversary, and before that etc.
And this list is not even complete, some actual remakes are missing (Croteam, Rare)...
Although I wonder about the Dreamcast and ps2 versions of UT.. they are marked as remakes? For me those are simply console versions, maybe slightly different but still not remakes for me.


Jan 20, 2008
Those are console versions/ports. And had exclusive stuff that were never released on the PC (unlike what happened with UT3 and the X360 exclusive maps).


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Also, this. The translocator just inserted flying teleporting monkeys into every map.

It's already been said, but you need something to help catch up with the flag carrier or CTF degenerates into DM and flee. Going back to the roots of the gametype, there has always been some form of alternate transportation (usually unavailable to the FC) whether its a grapple, a beamer, or translocator.

You may be thinking of U1. UT1, regarding the design of environments and weapons, was pretty generic and nothing really special.

What? :con: UT was famous for its wild environments. Sewers, Galleon, Pyramid, Face, Phobos, Hyperblast, Peak, Orion's Barricade, Lava Giant, November.... need I say more??


Feb 12, 2002
What? :con: UT was famous for its wild environments. Sewers, Galleon, Pyramid, Face, Phobos, Hyperblast, Peak, Orion's Barricade, Lava Giant, November.... need I say more??
Not to mention that at the time all the weapons having dual firing modes was fairly out the ordinary and the weapons themselves; shock rifle, bio rifle etc. were fairly exotic at the time.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
You may be thinking of U1. UT1, regarding the design of environments and weapons, was pretty generic and nothing really special.

I think that's the type of Unreal fanboy elitism I've witnessed for the past 9 years, and really is utterly ridiculous. It used to annoy but later on amuse me. Some people just can't view UT 1 as a complete product. They always have to berate or belittle it (in essence this is what it comes down to) as "the botpack for unreal".

I don't get it really. They're both excellent games, and both have their share of flaws.
Combined they're even better. (oldskool mod).

If UT was really nothing special, how can you explain it became so popular :con:
Prior to the release of the game I watched short gameplay footage online (hah, on 56k) and some game programs. Those varied environments really made me long to try the game, and dream away. Just like Unreal did.

UT felt/feels so alive. Think off all the city environments you end up, the space stations (such as phobos, how was that map generic). I understand that it all comes down to personal preference. But that "nothing special" comment just strikes me as odd.

Granted, UT used its share of material from Unreal BUT imho put it to good use.
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New Member
Jan 23, 2008
How hard can it be to add what the stuff people liked from UT1 (UT99 if you want), UT2 (UT2003/UT2004) and UT3 to a possible UT4.

Gameplay of UT1/UT3, a mix of weapons from all 3 UT's. UI based in UT1 (or even UT2), the most played maps from the other UT's, this would avoid developing new stuff (would save time and money) and make people happy!

SP would actually be a tournament that you have to win to save your race (not a race, has in racing). The story would be something like, while trying to win the battle (UT3) no race was able to get an advantage, with that in mind they choose their best warriors to participate in a new tournament that will decide which is the best race, Humans(Ronin), Necris, Skaarj(Krall), Liandri(robots o/). With this 4 teams you could even have MultiCTF, MultiDM, MultiONS(warfare) games, etc... This would allow to promote even more the new engine (huge maps with 32 players, 8 for each team)

You could add a new MP mode, like a race (racing with cars), where you have to go from point A to B (passing some control points in the middle) and use the weapons in the vehicles to make the other vehicles crash. Manta's races, Hellbender races and even some Goliath races eheh Mario Kart style lol

I could keep on going..

Epic if you want more ideas pm me, i have dozens more, contact me! :d
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