M16A4 public beta release

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May 23, 2002
This is true if the wavetime between rounds/spawns is 0. If the wavetime is greater than 0, this will not happen (for tdm i'd suggest making it 5 to compensate for lag)
Demosthanese said:
If you are on fire when the round ends, you start the next round on fire.


Ai kotoba afuro to gunsou!
Jan 20, 2002
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Crowze said:
They can be disabled serverside, check the supplied ini file.

Ah excellent!

Hmmh... But the incediary nades are still in your loadout. You lose the bulk. Can throw them away and pick em up. But can't use. Can this be done somehow differently? Like the nades disappear from the loadout or are changed to normal HE 40mm nades? Or does this only happen when playing offline?


May 23, 2002
Jesus acolyte if you really hate the incendiaries, don't put them in your loadout :p
[C22]-Acolyte said:
Ah excellent!

Hmmh... But the incediary nades are still in your loadout. You lose the bulk. Can throw them away and pick em up. But can't use. Can this be done somehow differently? Like the nades disappear from the loadout or are changed to normal HE 40mm nades? Or does this only happen when playing offline?


Feb 16, 2001
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zeep said:
Don't know if i should mention this *again* ..
but i have a m16a4 loadout and when i add a frag grenade to it then everytime i spawn i will be holding the grenade instead of the m16a4.

That never happens with other loadouts.


May 23, 2002
Whenever I have a pistol in my M16A4 loadout, it starts with a pistol...I'm not sure what causes these priority shifts, but it used to happen a lot in 2.86
zeep said:
but i have a m16a4 loadout and when i add a frag grenade to it then everytime i spawn i will be holding the grenade instead of the m16a4.

That never happens with other loadouts.
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
MP_Duke said:
Jesus acolyte if you really hate the incendiaries, don't put them in your loadout :p

He's saying when the server disables them, you still get hit for the bulk plus you
get hit for the one that you normally don't get bulk from because it is normally
chambered, and you have a pretty useless M203. Would be better if they were
replaced with HEs.


Ai kotoba afuro to gunsou!
Jan 20, 2002
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CC pointed out that the A4 front sight is about half the size of the front sight in the A2 when aiming. The A4 front sight is also smaller than any other gun in the game.

I personally like the smaller front sight :) But it does feel a bit out of place among the other inf guns.


Staying Alive.
Nov 25, 2001
Hong Kong
all the other models have been done so that you can see the sights easier - though on my model the whole front sight post shouldnt be straight - there should be a slant like on my hires M4 model a while back (ahh i still havent had time to skin it yet)... but i rotoscoped pics on the background when i made my weapons so it should be correct... but damn 3d program perspective all the sights look so small when you have correct scale (if you notice DoDs new models since 1.0 theyve made the front of the weapon bigger to make it look chunkier and less affected by perspective - but damn it looks stupid when you look at it through the model viewer :lol: )


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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I don't have any pictures of it I'm sure someone on these forums does but in the CF we have what we call "combat sites" and their iron sites that attach to the the rails on top of the c7 without the carrying handle. IT's a lot smaller and gives the rifle an interesting look. It looks like a small little box at the top of the rifle. I'll look for pics. It's not really ipmortant but it would be a lot easier to model and would get me my iron sites a lot quicker :D


New Member
Apr 28, 2004
Vancouver bc
This is inspiring me to come up with a c7a2 with a supressor and a few good sighting options. Irons, combat iron, elcan 3.4, and a reflex sight that some full timers prefer on the c7. Along with a light, laser, m203a, and that neato full auto over bust mode it'll keep that m16a4 at bay :D. Last but not l least the m16a4 needs the supressor sound tweaked, buckshot to work in the grenade launcher, and I think there is a bug with the m203 showing up on all m16 models with the m16a4 active on a server.
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
That "Bug" would be the incendiary grenade that everyone whores. Seriously, before
anyone adds something to the game, there needs to be thought put into how the real
thing acts. ATM, the incendiary grenades are pure game with no thought put into realism.


Feeling suicide, thats O.K.
Apr 26, 2001
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I agree with Demo. Something about that sound, and the way the flames slowly float through the air seems kinda off :p I may be wrong, but aren't those floaty flames supposed to be shrapnel phosphorus or some such?

I also agree with crazyjohn. I want to see an M16 variant that works. :p
A C7a2 would be seriously neat. It could also be one of the first test versions or whatever. The kind with the CADPAT instead of the olive color. That would be neato :D


Jan 11, 2001
Agreed on the incendiary nades.
Also, i don't find convenient at all the fact that you have to be hipped to switch grenade types. The function to switch between firing ranges for the m203 is more of an annoyance than anything else to me, i never use it, it takes much too much time to aim...
Other than that it's an amazing weapon.


May 23, 2002
Thanks shan. I'm still waiting for Crowze to give me a new sound for the suppressor, and with that i'll implement his change for replacing incendiaries with standard HE or removing them from bulk. Other than that, the gun is done.
shan said:
I love the M16A4 just like it is now. If it never changes, it is still easily one of my favorite weapons. Great work Duke and all.


On the note for realism... no one has asked at all about an ACOG attachment. i wonder why that is, and i'll take a shot:
you guys aren't about realism; instead, you're on the look out for what can be exploited :rolleyes:
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Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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Well I never said anything cuz I assumed it was in the works. I think the only thing the m16a4 is missing is different types of sites and thne it would be awesome. With three types of sites, the m16a4 in my opinion would be one of the best weapons ever placed in a game. Honestly. The way it was executed to the look of the thing is just top notch. If all the guns in INF were as versatile and aesthetically pleasing, I wouldn't play anything else...


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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you guys aren't about realism; instead, you're on the look out for what can be exploited

[cough] incendiaries [/cough] :rolleyes:

I also figured other sights are in the works. If the M-16 doesn't have the carry handle in the works, I would have to say the gun isn't done yet. Besides, what's so "exploiting" about an acog? Servers can run the "no scopes" mute and also the "no scoped 203" mute. I see nothing wrong with somebody using this weapon with a scope. Maybe I'm not understanding your post.... :(

Does the M203 work with Yurch's nades yet? If not yet, will it ever?


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
MP_Duke said:
....On the note for realism... no one has asked at all about an ACOG attachment. i wonder why that is, and i'll take a shot:
you guys aren't about realism; instead, you're on the look out for what can be exploited :rolleyes:

EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wrong answer. Think about this: Everyone bitched SO MUCH about the goddamn XM8, "WHAAA my ***** hurts, WHAAA its a super gun, WHAAAA this WHAAAA that WHAAA i need a tampon" but magically no one uses it!! If it was about exploiting wouldnt everyone be using it! :eek: But then again I think its a POS, maybe thats the reason ;)


May 23, 2002
The only thing that can be exploited with the incendiaries is really the use of it to flame up the team's spawn (if there are reinforcements). In that case i discourage the use of it. But other than that, they are quite tame...the blast radius is half that of yurch's 40mm HE (a quarter of the standard 40mm HE). And judging from what i've seen on the servers, people are quite efficient at avoiding open flames that would set them on fire. I guess it looks overwhelming (yes thank you very much my fire code is da bomb), and maybe there are those who remember it from ra286. You should be grateful that it's not like it was in ra286 (no fuse distance) :p

i don't think there's anything to be exploited with the acog. i just remember when people used to flame me for using it on my M16.. i suppose they've finally grown out of that? but it's still considered to be uncool to use a scope, at least that's the underlying impression--no one says anything, but everybody knows it so to speak. And that's why no one has mentioned it. Sure, give us a useable LAM and suppressor that would be cool (however not much use if you really think about it in this game)...but no acog haha; either way, i'm not surprised.

And the mutator has had yurch nade compatibility since the first release...or are you asking about the surplus yurch nades (HEDP, buckshot...)? I guess i can add those in too.. but believe it or not, i've tried to find a balance for you people with this weapon; it just seems like everything i do is either too whorish or not enough--i'll stop there before i insult someone.

[LD]CrAcWhOrE said:
[cough] incendiaries [/cough] :rolleyes:

I also figured other sights are in the works. If the M-16 doesn't have the carry handle in the works, I would have to say the gun isn't done yet. Besides, what's so "exploiting" about an acog? Servers can run the "no scopes" mute and also the "no scoped 203" mute. I see nothing wrong with somebody using this weapon with a scope. Maybe I'm not understanding your post.... :(

Does the M203 work with Yurch's nades yet? If not yet, will it ever?
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