M16A4 public beta release

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.

edit: Duke it does sound just a tiny cheesy. But its acceptable. I would look for a better sounding silence sound though since it doesnt match the superbly done and coded model. Otherwise you guys ROCK!!! :tup:
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Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
MP_Duke said:
you ever have anything nice to say demo? phuck off you ahole...

One of the first things I said was that it looks wonderful. Thanks for noticing.
Besides, what good is beta testing if I don't point out the problems I find? I just
figured that since you stuck beta in the thread title that you were not finnished
and were looking to get rid of problems. I'm sorry, next time I'll start off every
post with "Duke you are a genious and I want you to have my babies!"


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
Good stuff.

Something i noticed though, with the lam : when on burst mode, you have burst memory, i.e. if you fire two bullets, next burstwill fire only one. IIRC, it's how it should be. However, fire a 2-bullet burst in burst mode, with the LAM activated, and you'll notice that the LAM dances around (even if you're standing still) until the remaining one bullet is fired. Same if you fire only one bullet in the burst, you'll need to fire the two remaining bullets to get the LAM to be steady again.

Tested offline, with the supressor on and off.

For comparison, i tried the same thing with the SIG, and it doesn't appear, but the sig hasn't got a burst memory either.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
The suppressor should lower the damage, just as it does for the FAMAS. Also, a bulk of 1 is too low - I'd make it 3 or at least 2 in line with the FAMAS suppressor, since the gun is longer than the FAMAS an extra however long the suppressor is would make it more awkward to carry around.

Also, why don't you ask me for a sound? I am the mod team's sound guy, you know...
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May 23, 2002
To everyone who's gonna start on the penetration and damage about the suppressed version...it's using the same ballistics as the suppressed famas.

If you take a closer look, the suppressor on the M16A4 doesn't change the length of the gun one bit.

I just hate to wait, but...Crowze, I would appreciate it if you'd make a suppressed sound. Thanks.

Crowze said:
The suppressor should lower the damage, just as it does for the FAMAS. Also, a bulk of 1 is too low - I'd make it 3 or at least 2 in line with the FAMAS suppressor, since the gun is longer than the FAMAS an extra however long the suppressor is would make it more awkward to carry around.

Also, why don't you ask me for a sound? I am the mod team's sound guy, you know...


New Member
Damn, I downloaded the latest Beta, but whenever I try to connect to a server with this, it tells me I have a version mismatch. Same story with Xm8. In fact, I can't even access either the M16A4 or XM8 in the game. Are they supposed to be in the loadouts menu? If so, then something's wrong... I have all the necessary files...


Staying Alive.
Nov 25, 2001
Hong Kong
duke, i was about to say that the suppressor is in the wrong position - it SHOULD be lengthening the barrel quite a bit - i think that only about 2-3 cm of the suppressor should be attatched to the barrel of the M16 - basically the suppressor screws over the muzzle break on the M16. but anyway, nice stuff :) ive only noticed the sound, fire etc that everyone else is crying about.. also, when this becomes bug free, you should raise the relfex / have our inf man looking straight down the reflex, because it shouldnt be aligned to the front sight - the whole point of the reflex is that you see the red dot over someone and you shoot at him :) ... so yeah, when you saw that the dot on the relfex didnt align with the front sight, that was deliberate.

anyway this is all secondary, bug fixes first :D good work man.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
Visit site
I'm about to test this out with the suppressor...exciting.

About the reflex, shouldn't the dot be a little easier to see, like the MP5 aimpoint? Seems like it should be brighter and a little more opaque.


Apr 15, 2001
leave the dot alone, plz! if it becomes as big as the one for the mp5 it's useless, because the m16 is an assault rifle and whole armies could hide behind the dot in a certain dinstance! ;)

btw: nice work duke! it looks way more professional than the xm8, both visual and coding. looks like you're getting into it! :tup:


that other guy
Jan 4, 2001
Zittau, Germany
N'kEnNy said:
The big dot is exactly why you don't use aimpoints (or reflex sights) for long to extreme range shooting.

(atleast that is my understanding)

1. there is no long range shooting in inf ;)
2. the reflex sight of the g36 is far easier to handle then the good old irons of the g3 for example, especialy at long ranges


May 23, 2002
Ok, I was planning to do that for now anyway.
Crowze said:
Well, for the moment you can use the suppressed FAMAS sound (INF_Assets2.INF_Famas_Fire_Sup), seeing as though the M16 and the FAMAS use the same/very similar unsuppressed sound. I'll try and verify the accuracy of it with Tiffy.

For those who are seeing AUTO/SEMI instead of BURST/SEMI on the weapon icon... this is because you are on the SG DTAS server which right now is using an outdated hud modification that was meant for the XM8. If you are using InfilDTAS that's on that server right now, you might experience switching between the two firing sets. I've sent Crowze the updated hud code to go along with DTAS, so the next version shouldn't have this problem.