* Taskmaster struggles to his feet, shaking off the dizziness and massive head ache.
"Thank God for that metal plate in my head!" exclaimed Task as he wiped the dirt, grit, dust, grass, sand, mulch, twigs, hair, pebbles and so on, off his PuF soldier skin.
Taskmaster, with a small trail of thin white smoke still rising from the burnt hair on his head after that strange lightning strike, stand before his drawing board - the one he always goes back to.
He feverishly begins to sketch the scematics for a strange device. He plots points, designs electrical circuitry, twirls strands of insulated wires, and creates die-casted, molded plastic parts.
Soon he holds ups an umbrella-type device with wires leading to a small computer controlled device attached at the bottom of the wooden handled umbrella.
Taskmaster stands out side on the highest hill he can find and begins screaming bad things about Tykeal. Soon a black storm cloud appears on the horizon, moving rapidly in his direction.
Taskmaster gets giddy with delight as he switches on the make-shift device and opens the umbrella for shelter.
The storm cloud hoovers overhead bellowing loud thunderbolts as it rages at Taskmaster's bad-mouthing of its master. A powerful bolt crackles down hitting Taskmaster's umbrella with a resounding BOOM!
Taskmaster device absorbs the powerful force of the electricity in the lightning bolt and fires it out through the tip of the umbrella in a focus stream of positively charged electrons. The storm cloud is vaporized in to harmless hydorgen and oxygene atoms and dispersed by the the upper atmospheric winds.
Taskmaster stands triumphantly at top the hill thrusting, waving and jumping up and down, as a mysterious voice announced "You are the WINNER!"
Taskmaster begins looking around for CHRYSt and his impact hammer, but the coward has run off for pain medication...
"Tomorrow is another day..." mutters Taskmaster through his cracked teeth. The evening twilight is filled with a maniacal laughter!
I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal!