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New Member
Jul 7, 2000
Am I ignoring you guys now? Just wondering...don't wanna make anyone sad...hahahaha...laff..=)


Smiley Games

"What is Mind? No Matter.
What is Matter? Never Mind"


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"All systems go!" affirmed Taskmaster into the microphone built-in to his air-tight helmet. He held tightly to the side of the space shuttle Endeaver.

The earth spun below him, a bright blue orb, with swirls of white clouds and greenish-brown land masses, sparkling like a brilliant sapphire against the pitch black darkness of space. Distant stars, planet, and galaxies formed a million pin points of lights that took his breath away! Taskmaster watched in muted silence at the awesome beauty of the sun breaking from behind the eastern edge of the earth as India rotatated into view.

"God, if you do exist, you have one incredible, indescribeable view!" he thought to himself. He couldn't help but wish that CHRYSt, Tykeal, Nigma and the other PuFers were there to see this marvelous vista.

"Roger that!" came the reply from the earth-bound mission controller. "All vital signs are within acceptable limits." "Proceed with spacewalk."

Taskmaster's focus was drawn to the satellite suspended from the end of the shuttle's robotic arm as it stood silent and still like a fly with it's wings pinched closed. He released his grip on the spacecraft hull and pulled himself along the extended robotic arm, slowly leaving the confines of the cargo bay.

Behind him trailed the insulated life-line that tethered him to the huge metal space vehicle, through which all manner of electrical wires monitored his every bodily function. Taskmaster took one nervous look back to ensure he was indeed still attached to the shuttle. The blankness of space reflected on the face plate of his helmet.

Seconds seemed like hours and hours seemed like days, as he painstakingly made his way toward the end of the Canadian made retractable arm. "Houston, I have reached the payload." anounced Taskmaster as he stopped in front of the malfunctioning, man-made, metal monster.

"Copy that!" sqauwked the disembodied voice in his helmet. "Scheduled repair window is 30 minutes."

"NORAD has informed us that there maybe some space junk nearby, but closest fly by is projected as a 450 mile miss." noted the controller matter of factly.

"Affirmative Houston" he answered. Taskmaster located the solar array computer control junction and began the tedious task of loosing the titanium fasteners.

"Is there a problem?" came the nonchallant query a few moments later, "Your vitals are up a little."

"Negative!" answered Taskmaster, "My nose just started itching a bit. Nothing to worry about."

Moments passed but the itch remained. The more he tried to ignore it, the more it seemed to itch. He twitched his nose frantically, but itch persisted. "Arrgh, this itch is driving me nuts."

"Repair window is closing fast." came the tense reply. "How soon can you finish?"

"Almost done, if I could just stop this itch!!" was Task's frustrated reply. "Man this itches!"

"You need to relax!" instructed the voice, "Your vitals are too high!"

Takmaster didn't hear the last request as he pried violently at the face shield of his helmet with the tool he used to lossen the fastners.

"Do you read?" inquired the ground controller. "Abort the repair! Return to Endeavor NOW!" came the order.

The face plate finally relented to the pressure forced upon it and the void of space rushed into the spacesuit imploding and exploding Taskmaster at the same time. The white space suit floated aimlessly at the end of the tether as bits and pieces of Taskmaster floated through the frozen expanse of space, pulled slowly into the Earth's orbit.

"Hey look at that!" exclaimed CHRYSt as he pointed up into the purple twilight. "A shooting star! Make a wish!"

"I wish Taskmaster was here to see this!" said Tykeal.

"Yea!" agreed Wiz4ha as he itched the tip of his nose.

Hey, this is the story I lost last time after spending an hour or more. The original was much better but I just can't make it as good as the original for some reason. Oh well, this isn't that bad, so enjoy... /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 02-28-2000).]


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
*CHRYSt and all the rest slowly stop clapping, and begin to boo.

*They all realize that no one died.

*CHRYSt is very angry about paying 3 bucks just to see someone not die

*CHRYSt goes backstage, carrying several razor blades, a spool of 8g surgical wire, and a rubber chicken.

*Morety is later found eviscerated, hanging upside down from a ceiling fan with a rubber chicken tied to his schmeckel, and all his internal organs stapled to a nearby wall.


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
It was later found out that Morety couldn't handle the pain from his attempted feat of greatness. His burnt anus hurt worse than the hemmorhoids of a naked hockey player sitting on a cold bench for hours. He'd actually begged Chryst to put him out of his misery. Chryst happily obliged. Morety, RIP.

(Dang, now I'm going to have to change my name!)


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
*tykeal retrieves FuNkMaStEr's butt and takes a close look at it.

"You call this a butt? At least Morety had the decency to roast his!"

*tykeal hands it back to FuNkMaStEr and tells him "At least next time have a reason for loosing it! Being bored doesn't count."


I belch in your general direction.


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"Caw" squawked the big, black turkey buzzard, as it tore a peice of bloody carrion off some roadkill. It hopped nervously around watching the strange animals moving nearby.

"Hey get out of here!" yelled one of the strange animals that was now moving toward the him. Flapping his powerful wings he took to the sky heading toward the shelter of the tree that lined the road.

"Damn buzzard!" exclaimed the cop to no one in particular, but loud enough that the woman standing by nearby could hear.

"Oouuhhh that was gross!" she said shuddering, trying hard not to look at the bloody flesh that had become brutally scrapped aross the rough, rocky pavement.

"OK, so tell me again what happened?" asked the highway patrol man. The flashing light of his crusier alternately colored his face hues of red and blue.

"Well... I was just driving along," started the woman, indicating the way she was traveling with her hands, "and the road was clear. Not a car in sight!"

The ravenous buzzard took the opportunity to make another attempt at feasting on the fresh meat. He quietly pecked the tender muscle with his sharp, pointed beak.

"I don't understand it" she sobbed. "I saw this sparkling flash of blue and there he was!" She wiped her eyes. "I know it sound unbelievable, but he just appeared in front of me!"

"Take your time..." comforted the officer. "The morning sun often causes drivers to be temporarily blinded."

"No, the sun was behind the trees." she argued, "I could see fine... he just literally appeared out of no where!"

"Geesh, that buzzard is back..." interrupted the officer, obviously annoyed at the buzzard's persistence. "Scat!" he shouted waving the bird away with his hands.

The buzzard took flight immediately, dragging a long strand of slimey intestines behind him like the tail of a kite. He flew low over the ground toward the security of the trees, passing over a beeping beacon with a glowing blue light that was tilted sideways in the tall grass.

"Hey, there's a wallet over her in the dirt." noted the cop as he walked back toward the lady who was still sobbing and shaking.

"Hmmm, Poor guy's name was Taskmaster|PuF." read the officer, "Member in good standing of FoX."

The officer reached in his car and radioed dispatch for the nearest coroner and went back to talking to the shaken lady.

The buzzard sat perched in the branches of a pine tree enjoying the meaty feast of raw intestines. He watched nervously for other predators and glanced wairly at the strange creatures guarding his lunch below.

"Caw! Caw!"


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 02-29-2000).]


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Wow, That one was pretty uhhh Hitchcockian?.
So, Taskmaster, are you PuF or FoX, or both?
(And don't give me some cryptic "all and nothing" BS either /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif )


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Uh, well, uh... (Taskmaster stalls thinking of witty answer)

I am a FoX by day and PuF by night! No, wait.. I am PuF by day and FoX by night. Well technically I am a PuF any time I am posting and playing UT and a FoX only by association.

I'm an innocent bystander... I just happen to be in the right chat room at the right time, or the wrong time, depending on how you look at it! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
I think this thread is pretty decent - the story parts I mean - even though they are a bit "gross" by some standards. Too bad more people haven't discovered this little off-topic gem!

Where is my book deal? Where is my cash advance? Where are my pants? /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

Ok, so let me go ponder how I will be killed next!


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
You know what's funny is I think about 1/4 of my posts are done in this thread /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif Well, that's how it feels to me /~unreal/ubb/html/wink.gif

It's this thread of answering Linux questions *lol*

*tykeal is baffled with how well this thread is staying alive... well, it is, Taskmaster isn't /~unreal/ubb/html/wink.gif


I belch in your general direction.


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Taskmaster stood momentarily, gazing around with pride at the lovely garden atmosphere of his Six Frags Over Florida theme park. Sculpted topiaries in the shapes of Nali cows, Skaarj warriors and other mythical Unreal Tournament creatures, line the white brick walkway leading up to the magnificient fountain at the center of the park.

The flowers were in bloom, the trees covered with tiny new leaves, the grass a lush green impeciably cut and the incredibly landscaped flora and fauna covered with fresh cyprus mulch. The sweet smell of orange blossoms wafted on the gentle breeze mixed with the smells of cotton candy, popcorn, corn dogs, burgers and the like.

"I'll be over in the Deathmatch Dunes area of the park," Taskmaster informed some unseen person via his two-way radio. "I'm gonna ride the Gut Wrencher!"

"Ro*crackle*er" squawked the brief reply from the radio.

"I can never understand what he says!" muttered Taskmaster, shaking his head in bewilderment. "Must have been that new guy Zaccix..." he mused.

He walked with a spring in his step as the lovely warmth of the sun filled him with a childish delight. It was like summer vacation here almost every day! "I love my job!" he almost yelled.

"Clean up n*sqzz*ded on *sqsscckkk* Sick Puppy! *pop*" announced the radio atached to his belt, which was turned down, but not off.

Gut Wrencher! Six Frags answer to that other park's Spaced Mountains, stood like a modern day behemoth, a huge structure of metal and concrete shaped like a human bowel. The queue line was twisted and painted like the large and small intestines.

"Excuse me there you goth, uh, no, rivethead looking fellow!" said Taskmaster as he introduced himself to a young go-getter leaning casually on a metal sign. "What do you think of the Gut Wrencher?"

"Rulez dude." came the reply. "Just stay away from Taskmaster's Teacups! That rides an accident waiting to happen!"

"Uh, yes, well... okay then. Stay away from the teacups you say." Taskmaster fought off a sudden feeling of embarassment.

"So what makes this ride 'rule" as you say!" inquired Taskmaster?

"Oh man! You just got to stand up on the stomach drop right before acid alley!" exclaimed the young man waving his hands wildly... "What a -beep- rush!"

"Hey thanks for the tip!" exalted Taskmaster. "I'll try that." he said as he walked in the side door. The young man saw a friend and walked over to meet him, exposing the sign he had been leaning on.

"Notice: Remain seated at all times!" warned the sign. "Not recommended for pregnant women, people with bad backs, or people with heart problems."

The flashing strobe lights cast the ride in an errie light that made time seem to pass by in a series of slides, like playing Unreal Tournament on a Pentium 90. The neon lights streaked by in a blur. The wind rushed by at 60 miles per hours. Passengers screamed at each dip, twist and jolt.

The adreneline pumped through his veins with each beat of his racing heart. His mind was reduced to it's most basic instinctive nature, seeking that thrill of being on the edge! It was a rush!

"Man I feel so alive!" he thought to himself as he released a primal scream of pure excitement. He squirmed his way from under the safety restraint system and rose to his feet...

"Flash" the strobe light captured the fleeting moment, burning it briefly into the eyes of the beholders, like the page in a scrapbook, like a photo in an album. It was indescribable... it was just an incredible feeling... no words would do! Taskmaster was standing in the middle of this surrealistic image surrounded by estactic fellow passengers.

The moment was gone, the light was gone, the world was gone, enveloped by darkness in the absence of light. The thuderous noise - the screams, the coaster rattling noisily on the metal track, the throbbing music pounding from massive stereo speakers - surrounded him in, tickling him along every inch of skin.

"Flash" the strobe again snapped the scene in it's blinding white light. The metal support for the coaster track over head, instantaeouly severing his head in that precise moment. The blinding flash of pain exploding in his head, the ringing in his ears, the bone splinter crushing of his skull, the headless body propelled backwards by the force... What a rush... what a rush!

Darkness...a dream! Flash...reality!
Darkness...silence! Flash...screams!
Darkness...death! Flash...a white light!

Life, in the end, fades just like last night's dream. Life, in the end, fades like so many photos in a yellowed album. Life, in the end, was totally gut wrenching. Life, in the end, was just a rush, just a rush...


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 03-01-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 03-01-2000).]


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"Thank you!" exclaimed Taskmaster blowing kisses to the throng of adoring fans! He quickly bowed down, not noticing the sniper bullet lodge in the wall behind him with a quite "ping"!

"You like me! You really like me!" he cried out excitedly, again making a quick bow, just in time to avoid the rocket that screamed past where his head was just seconds before.

"Oh thank you so much for coming tonight!" he enthused before he hurriedly ran off stage. He shrugged his shoulders at loud explosion that shook the stage behind him.

"Must be the fans stomping their feet for an encore!" he thought as he left the building....


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
How will Taskmaster meet his untimely demise next? What wild and wooly adventure will he unwittingly take into the jaws of danger? What part of his anatomy will find it's self wrenched from it warm internal rest to be exposed to the world?

Stay tune to find out....


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Riiiinnnnngggg! demanded the phone on Taskmaster's desk. Taskmaster scrambled to pause the Journey MP3 he was listening to on WinAmp, as he debugged through another bug.

Riiiinnnnngggg! sounded the phone again as he removed his headphones and grabbed the phone's reciever.

"This is Taskmaster, may I help you?" he asked...

"Well, well!" said the sinister voice on the other end, "So we meet at last Taskmaster!"

"Uh, but this isn't really meeting, it's more like just tal--" started Taskmaster.

"SILENCE!" shouted the voice. "You're constant inane chatter is tiring! That is precisely why I have taken it upon myself to silence the 'voice of reason' once and for all!" Taskmaster winced at the evil laugh that echoed on the phone.

"I have booby-trapped your phone so that it will EXPLODE violently if you remove it from your ear!" boasted the disembodied voice!

"H-h-h-how do I know you are telling the truth?" inquired Taskmaster as he wiped the newly forming beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Just move the phone away from your ear and see! HAHAHAHA" teased the voice. Taskmaster resisted the urge to hang up. He swallowed hard.

"Look at the cord leading from the reciever to the phone." instructed the man at the opposite end of the phone. "See those extra wires taped down with tan tape?"

Taskmaster noticed for the first time that the phone cord did indeed have wires cleverly taped over the existing tan wire. He used one hand to peel back some of the tape exposing four colored wires, one red, one green, one yellow and one black.

"I-I-I bet the red wire is the power." worried Taskmaster over the phone.

"No the red wire is for --- " began the voice, "Ahh, very clever Taskmaster... I almost fell for that! It is of no matter, as you will soon be a bloody stain on the walls of your cubicle!" Again the evil laugh on the other end.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Taskmaster trying to gather his wits. He glanced around at the three others occupying his cluster of cubicles. He quickly scribbled a note that read "Phone Bomb! Clear the area!" and passed it to them.

"Why? WHY?" screamed the voice in disbelief, "Because you know the secret of FoX and I can't have you exposing it!"

"But I'm not going to tell anyone... honest!" reasoned Taskmaster.

"You won't be able to tell, when I'm finished with you!" threatened the caller. "And don't try anything funny! The phone has a mercury switch so if the phone is moved suddenly it will explode immediately!"

Taskmaster's grip on the phone was slipping due to the sweat. He momentarily changed hands, taking great care to keep the phone pressed to his ear, and wiped his hands on his slacks. He switched hands back cautiously.

"But I'm not the only one who knows about FoX..." he explained. Taskmaster tried not to move his head very much as he glanced askance at his desk drawer and slid it slowly open. He pulled out a tube of liquid glue.

"I mean, I'm not really into UT anymore..." he claimed, "I'm playing, uh, that, um, Age of Empires II game now."

Taking his time Taskmaster applied a liberal amount of super glue to the area of his ear and the phone reciever.

"Too little, too late!" snorted the voice.

Taskmaster held his breath and slowly released his hold on the receiver. The glue held the phone firmly to his ear, but the weight of the phone began to immediately pull at the flesh causing his ear to throb and ache.

Taskmaster made small talk, alternating between begging and pleading, as he slowly unscrewed the two computer case screws from his desktop computer.

"What was that noise?" demanded the caller, having heard the faint scrape of metal as the computer case was removed.

"I was just trying to get comfortable in my chair -- my shoulder is killing me from holding this phone." replied Taskmaster.

"Don't worry!" mocked his nemesis, "In a minute, it won't be your shoulder killing you, it will be ME! Mwuahahahaha!"

Taskmaster bent the lightweight computer case into a "U" using his legs. He slowly began lifting the U-shaped casing up to his ear and the phone hoping to prevent the blast from killing him outright.

"What's going on!" asked Taskmaster's boss as he suddenly appeared from around the corner.

Taskmaster spun out of instinct at the unexpected interruption. The phone exploded loudly with an incredibly forceful blast. The force of the blast thrust Taskmaster's grey matter out the other side of his head all over his boss. The concussion from the blast knocked his boss backwards.

Portions of blood and guts splattered on the circuit boards of the now open computer causing it to short circuit. Thick white smoke and sparks rose from the beige box as a small fire erupted. The remains of Taskmaster's body slumped forward onto the keyboard tray.

"You're fired!" barked his boss at the headless stump of a body, as he surveyed the bloody mess, the ruined computer, the stained carpets, and his ruined, imported silk tie.

"Beep - beep - beep"

"And hang up the freaking PHONE!"


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)
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