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There is no chance at all of me reading all of that, surfice to say that this is one hell of a thread.

Seeya later Task, it's been cool having you around.


PuF: Come play dying.

Send articles/rants/editorials to The Soundoff, home of the world-famous Llama Farm!


As the sun slowly drowns in the horizon, the lone figure of a good man, riding his horse fades away. The night is quiet and the town of UT was silent. The desperado that once roamed the village is gone. As the wolves howl in the background, the crickets play their solemn music.

Dawn is coming, and the sun slowly takes a peek over the horizon. Alas, a figure of a man on a horse appears! The townspeople peek through their window. Then they rush down to their doorway and gather in the main street. Who is this man coming this way? Has the lone cowboy come back? As the figure grew closer and the Sun shone brigher, it was clear that this was not the lone cowboy. It was a new person. Someone unknown to the townspeople.

Finally, the man reached the main street where the townspeople have gathered. The man slowly gets off the horse and gave it a nice pat on the head. He spoke, "I am GunnerX of clan MUTTS, I am here to fill the void that was once unfilled." The townspeople cheered and welcomed the stranger to the city of PuF. The stranger was untrained but, the townspeople were more than happy to help. The man was a stranger no more, he was GunnerX. He would practice a lot and stayed up late at night and early morning to play with the legend they call "Rooster".

That's my story of the day. /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gif




You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
*CHRYSt fidgets with his remote control

*CHRYSt laughs hysterically as an anvil falls from the sky to crush GunnerX's head

*"OK, I guess I've found a new source of amusement...someone get the spiked ball gag!"


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


Dang, I should lay off that alcohol for a while! /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gif What was I thinking!!

Thanks for the Anvil CHRYST! /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gif

At least I amused you! hehe, now to hit you on the head with the spiked ball so you forget everything, hahaha. /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gif



"If at first you don't succeed, don't try Sky Diving!"


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
While laughing, Wolf Blackstar did not notice the fly heading heedlessly in his direction. While Wolf's head was tilted back with his mouth open in laughter, the fly went straight through the lips and landed on his tonsils.

Immediately, Wolf clapped a hand to his mouth, slicing open his top lip, as he hacked impulsively trying to dislodge the fly. The fly, however, went further down into his throat, causing further fits of coughing and choking.

Morety noticed Wolf in the distance, and started racing for the figure, who was by now obviously lacking oxygen as his face was turning from red to blue. Poor Wolf was on his side on the ground, in the fetal position, gasping for but the slightest breath of oxygen. But it would not come.

By the time Morety arrived to apply the heimlick maneuvre, it was too late. Yes, Wolf Blackstar was laughing from afar, but it was too "afar" for Morety to arrive on time.

Looking at the lifeless body on the ground, Morety pulls out his rocket launcher. Left click...one...two...three...right click to package the rockets...four...five...six...GIBLETS! as Morety gets thrown back and loses about 30 pt.s of damage from the blast. Not to mention he needs a trip to the dry cleaners now.

/me likes giblets.
/me thinks he might have been feigning.


Morety[PuF] - Betcha can't eat just one...well c'mon...EAT ME!


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
While laughing, Wolf Blackstar did not notice the fly heading heedlessly in his direction. While Wolf's head was tilted back with his mouth open in laughter, the fly went straight through the lips and landed on his tonsils.

Immediately, Wolf clapped a hand to his mouth, slicing open his top lip, as he hacked impulsively trying to dislodge the fly. The fly, however, went further down into his throat, causing further fits of coughing and choking.

Morety noticed Wolf in the distance, and started racing for the figure, who was by now obviously lacking oxygen as his face was turning from red to blue. Poor Wolf was on his side on the ground, in the fetal position, gasping for but the slightest breath of oxygen. But it would not come.

By the time Morety arrived to apply the heimlick maneuvre, it was too late. Yes, Wolf Blackstar was laughing from afar, but it was too "afar" for Morety to arrive on time.

Looking at the lifeless body on the ground, Morety pulls out his rocket launcher. Left click...one...two...three...right click to package the rockets...four...five...six...GIBLETS! as Morety gets thrown back and loses about 30 pt.s of damage from the blast. Not to mention he needs a trip to the dry cleaners now.

/me likes giblets.
/me thinks he might have been feigning.


Morety[PuF] - Betcha can't eat just one...well c'mon...EAT ME!


Hi. My name is Vanilla. I'm an IHaholic.
Jan 30, 2000
San Diego,CA USA
hey lay off wolf, will ya? hes just kinda, smug thats all. (although he aint immortal thats for sure...... /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif)


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"You there!" said the tall dark stranger wearing a full length black coat. He pulled out an FBI badge and flashed it quickly. "I'm Agent Mulder, FBI... and this is my partner Agent Scully."

"We are investigating a missing person report" added the saucy redhead also holding out an FBI badge. "Apparently a man named Taskmaster has been missing for a few months."

"Has anyone here seen any strange lights in the sky recently?" asked Agent Mulder between sunflower seeds. "Say around the time that stranger 'left?'"

"What my partner means," interrupted Scully, "is does anyone have any information concerning this fellow, Taskmaster?"

"Well, he had recently obtained God-like status, before he left!" chimed in Morety.

"So you were JEALOUS weren't you!" accused Fox Mulder, "and that's why you killed him! Isn't it?!" He moved meancingly toward the speaker.

"Uh, yes, thank you" replied Dana as she held back Mulder. "Anyone else have any thing to say?"

"You sure are attractive! Want to go out?" asked a drooling CHRYSt.

"I meant any information about Taskmaster!" stressed Scully as she rolled her eyes.

"He was pretty much a klutz and a moron. He was always injuring himself, blowing himself up, falling into lava and the like."

"So you think he may have killed himself?" asked Dana.

"Or is that a convenient cover up for what's really going on around here?" questioned Mulder, focusing his stare on CHRYSt.

"Isn't it true that one of you was envious of his 48,409 ranking in CTF and in a fit of rage you killed him!" shouted Mulder.


"Hahaha" laughed the man hiding in the shadows of some thick trees. He watched Mulder and Scully from the darkness with his infrared binocculars and listened using a high powered microphone. He dropped a cigarette to the ground and snuffed it out with his heavy black shoe.

With a sinister sneer he unfolded his cell phone and dialed. "You may proceed with project 'Voice of Reason'!" he said sharply before hangin up.


"Hey wasn't there a full moon about the time he disappeared?" Tykeal asked Mulder.

"Hmmn, full moon..." muttered Agent Mulder as he lapsed into deep though and began talking to himself, "...lunar madness, tidal forces, strange magnetic interferences..."

"What's your name?" inguired Scully to the lone figure standing quietly behind the others.

"GunnerX," managed the young man, "but I'm new here."

"Precisely!" exclaimed Mulder, snapping back to the current topic. "Mighty coincidental that you appeared so quickly after Taskmaster disappeared!"

"Well I - uh," stuttered GunnerX, "I'm new to PUF... I um, I just, um"

"And what's that you're holding?" barked Mulder.

"Um, ur, it's a, um, r-r-rocket launcher."

"I can't hear you!"


"You did it, didn't you!"

"Yes, I admit it! I killed him!" blurted GunnerX. "He was running around killing me all the time, so when he was hurting from a flag run, bleeding from his heroic charge through 10 heavily armed players, I shot him in the back with a cluster of rockets!"

Suddenly, GunnerX's figure began to shimmer. His face changed into that of a square-jawed alien bounty hunter. "However, I was only able to kill the Taskmaster clone. The real Taskmaster is still alive... but not for longer!"

The man that had been GunnerX only moments before shoved the group of people in front of him into the two agents and bolted away.

Mulder scrambled to his feet, drew his gun and squeezed off several rounds. "Oh yea, Freeze or I'll shoot!" he shouted.

Mulder turned to help Dana to her feet, but was unable to get to her for all the clamouring, testosterone-laden UT players carefully helping her up. /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

The single point of a red glowing cigarette and a small wisp of white smoke was all that was visible from the dark shadowy forest along the edge of the road, as a pair of cold eyes followed the departing FBI agents' car with a steely glare.


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 04-04-2000).]


Bwahahaha! LOL, that was great! I can actually imagine Mulder and Scully talking like that, hehe. Thanks, been hectic at work today and needed something to make me smile. /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gif



"If at first you don't succeed, don't try Sky Diving!"


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Easy Vanilla, Wolf Blackstar was already dead when I gibbed his lifeless body. He'll respawn. (They always do.)

It wasn't in any way meant as a slight.

/me notices Vanilla respawning in front of me. Hmmmm, one rocket left. Vanilla turns and runs looking for a weapon, even a ripper will do. I follow behind, aiming...waiting...*beep*, lock and load and let it rip! Heat seeking giblet maker on the way!


Good to see a (nowadays) rare posting from you Task! Nice to know you're not all work/no play in the office. Don't f\/ck up the job though.

...and I aint gonna bite at the "GunnerX" implications. /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


Morety[PuF] - Betcha can't eat just one...well c'mon...EAT ME!

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Not bad, Mortey, not bad at all.

It is at this moment that Morety realizes that there was nothing "mean" about the kill (relax, Vanilla!). It is perfectly acceptable, and even well-done. Except for one problem.

He has gibbed a decoy.

It is the oldest trick in team games, and has been around since Starsiege Tribes.

It is a milisecond after realizing this that Morety's head does an impression of a grape in a vise...... SPLAT!!!

And echoing through the mountains, two seconds later, the distinctive crack of a rifle is heard.


The Wolf taunts his enemy: "Boom!"

[This message has been edited by Wolf Blackstar (edited 04-04-2000).]


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
OK I was able to clean up and "finish" the story a bit.


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Hi Task!!!! Good to see ya!

*Amidst all the clamoring over who shot who, CHRYSt strides over to Scully.

"So, you come here often?"

"Actually, it's my first time here."

"Well, if you'd like, I can show you the sights of this town."

"Umm...OK, sure. What sites does this town have to offer?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go see some of the local parks, there's some beautiful lakes..."

<Yawn>"You know, maybe I should just head back, I've got a lot of paperwork to get done, and a couple of autopsies to do..."

"Or, maybe we could start with my bedroom..."<sly grin>

"Now, that sounds like fun!"

*Scully locks her arm around CRHRYSt's and starts leading him towards the car.

*CHRYSt scores.


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


All the while, scully was slowly reaching for the gun hidden at her back. She took a firm grasp and "smack!". CHRYSt's body becomes limp and immediately falls to the ground.

Scully motions to Mulder and he slowly walks over.

Mulder picks CHRYSt up and throws him into the trunk of the car.

Mulder and Scully bids farewell to the people of PuF and drives away.

The next morning, CHRYSt slowly gets up from the floor. Soon he realizes, he's in a mental Institute!

As the camera moves back, we see the sign on the door. "Herein lies the fool who thought he could score on Scully!"





"If at first you don't succeed, don't try Sky Diving!"


Noli me tangere
Jan 3, 2000
Southern California
LOL. but if youre writing continuous stories, let me write the female parts ok? the whole scully walking and "getting friendly" with CHRYST thing was a little implausible...


"And since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it, you can go to hell."


Bwahahaha!!! Every woman flocks to me at first sight!!!


Gunner's GF wakes him up. Doh!!



"If at first you don't succeed, don't try Sky Diving!"


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
*CHRYSt respawns

"Damn Scully, that was some kinky stuff with the bullet"

*Scully laughs and goes back to having sex with CHRYSt.

*CHRYSt scores again.


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM
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