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You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
I love a good fireworks show!!! Oh boy! I can't wait for the easter one.


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
* Taskmaster|PuF is deep in thought over his next exciting installment of "You Killed Taskmaster!"


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
oooohhh..that sounds like a good show. We could start a themepark from it.


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


New Member
Jul 7, 2000
*Wiz starts to think...."Themepark eh?"

*Wiz runs off, to be back in a few days (or mins in the forums....Heh)


Smiley Games

"What is Mind? No Matter.
What is Matter? Never Mind"


New Member
Jul 7, 2000
*Wiz runs back to CHRYSt, Tykeal, Taskmaster, and BillyBadAss

"guess what boyz? See the news lately? NO? oh, then you wouldn't know about the newest themepark to open up! I ran to florida, and kinda...just kinda...took over that famous amusment park there (not using any names =)"

"Taskmaster now has his own themepark, where he will be killed, over and over again, with staged acts featuring me, CHRYSt, Tykeal and BillyBadAss. 1 question: how many times can a person die? oh ya, in the world of UT you can respawn!

*All of the guyz decide to go to the new theme park, which, on that day, opened with over a million people to watch Taskmaster get killed over...etc.

*can Taskmaster handle it? my guess, yes.


Smiley Games

"What is Mind? No Matter.
What is Matter? Never Mind"


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"Welcome to 6 Frags Over Florida!" said the lady behind the thick plexiglass windows. Her name take read Cyrss and she was sporting a sleek, sexy little number, just right for the commando on the go.

"How can I help you?" she added with a smile.

"Uh, Let's see... there are tu of us add-ults. Ands we hayv tu chillen, so I reckon we need tu add-ults and tu chillen tickets."

"That will be $150 dollars, please. Here is your park map." smiled Cyrss as she shoved a folded map through the small opening in the window.

"Gee, I leff my Pulse Gun in the car. Can I rents one here?"

"Yes sir, just make a left once you enter the park and you can rent anything from our fine selection of weaponry." replied the attendant as she pointed to one of the shops just inside the gates.

"The Taskmaster Tower Of Terror is closed for refurbishing, but our newest attraction just opened this month... Taskmaster, the Musical." regurgitated Cyrss for the umpteenth time this morning.

"Hey, lets geit on the monorail, pa!"

As they walked through the turnstiles and gave then tickets to the over-happy employee standing at the entrance gate they heard the far off voice saying... "Welcome to 6 Frags Over Florida!"

More to come......


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Hmmmn... I don't know... I have not thought it up yet...

I'm trying to come up with another fun, but not so long, way to kill myself (so to speak)...


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"Look daddy! Look..." shrilled the excited little girl holding a half eaten corn-dog as she pointed to the whirling, twirling shiny thing. "I want to go on that ride!"

"I dunno..." her dad replied, "it doesn't look very safe."

"It looks fun! I want to do that!" pressed the girl.

"Well I suppose they couldn't have a dangerous ride at a theme park, could they?" said her father as they drew closer to the amusement ride.

A huge colorful sign announced the ride as Taskmaster's Teacups. It was a whirling, twirling, shiny set of rotating teacups, seemingly larger than those at some other nameless theme parks. *cough*Disney*cough*

"Why don't we just watch it once to see what it does." suggested the dad much to his daughter's disappointment.

"Aw okay." sighed the little girl in resignation.

She sat on the bench with her dad and gnawed the last cold, cornbread covered piece of animal flesh off the grease soaked wooden stick.

* Taskmaster|PuF, being a safety conscious theme park owner, always rides the various attractions to ensure the customer has the best possible experience for the money.

* Taskmaster|PuF steps in to a white teacup, spotted with green energy balls and painted with yellow flak cannon explosion, and secures the lap belt.

* Taskmaster|PuF listens to the acne-faced kid who is operating the ride give his speil about staying seated at all times and about how this particular teacup ride automatically spins the teacups.

* Taskmaster|PuF smiles and giggles with delight as the ride begins to rotate and the teacup he is in begins to whirl.

Whirl shiny teacup! Whirl!
Twirl shiny teacup! Twirl!
Spin shiny teacup! Spin!

* Taskmaster|PuF begins to get a little nauseous as his teacup begins to spin faster.

* Taskmaster|PuF realizes too late that his teacup is spinning out of control and that the flimsy lap belt cannot hold him in.

"Holy Jesus!" exclaimed the shocked father as he watched a man be flung from the dizzying teacup ride at a fast rate of speed.

* Taskmaster|PuF lands head first on the concrete pavement exposing what little grey matter it contained to the world. It looked like a grey jello mold sitting in some ketchup.

"Sir," scolded the ride operator, "I told you to remain seated at all times!"



I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 02-16-2000).]


New Member
Jul 7, 2000
*Wiz and a few other men come over with a cart, a cover, and they are all whereing gloves.

*"Ewwww...." exclaims Wiz. "Wheel him out of here quietly not to disturb the guests" Wiz wispers to one of the men.

*"Right" says one of the men.

*They pile what little remains of Taskmaster are left on the cart, and then cover it.

*Wiz, not realizing it, is standing on the cover, and, as the cart is being wheeled away with Taskmaster on it, the cover comes off of the dead corpse.

*the crowd gasps as they see what was a man, now just a body with a smashed head.

*one of the guests pukes up an elephant ear (it's a dessert alright!) that he had just eaten...

*a man walking by causually walks by in front of the crowd, acting as if nothing has happened. This man...is Taskmaster!

*the crowd is amazed by what has happened so far on their great vacation to Six Frags over Florida!


Smiley Games

"What is Mind? No Matter.
What is Matter? Never Mind"


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Wiz, I appreaciate your willinginess to participate, and you have some good ideas, but if I may offer some tips, with no offense intended. I think these will help you.

Creative Writing 101

1) Presentation is as important as having a good/funny idea. Capitalize first words and proper nouns, etc.

2) Use the same tense through the entire storym and especially in the same sentence. That is stay in present tense or past tense.

Sentence using past tense:
I ran down the street and jumped over a hole.
Sentence using present tense:
Wiz runs down the street and jumps over a hole.
Bad past tense and present tense mix:
Wiz runs down the stree and jumped over a hole.

3) Read what you have written to ensure it reads as it should. You will often find sentences that just do not "sound" correct when you read them. May need to change it.

For example, you wrote:

*Wiz and a few other men come over with a cart, a cover, and they are all whereing gloves.

This does not read correctly. I believe it is a run on sentence (should be reworded or become two sentences)

* Wiz and a few other men, who were all wearing gloves, wheeled a covered cart over to the dead body.

4) "Flesh" out the story just a bit more. Use more descriptive words when explaing an action or setting. As in the example above you use "come over with a cart" I used "wheeled a covered cart over". Both say the same thing but one invokes a "clearer" mental image than the other.

Keep at it! You and I seem to be the only ones willing to risk writing something... CHRYSt just stops by to clap or throw out a skimpy little paragraph! What's up with that? /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
You're entertaining me. I'm just along for the ride. And It's a great ride so far. Maybe I can add to the story from a spectator's point of view.

*CHRYSt stands amazed at what his whining of boredom has achieved

"A theme park! All for the sake of making me not bored! And over there is a snow cone!! Someone didn't finish it!"

*CHRYSt runs over and picks up the half melted, but delightfully blue freezy treat.

*CHRYSt notices a tent with a sign that reads: "Taskmaster's really cool and funny stuff"

"This looks pretty cool. It might be funny too." says CHRYSt, and goes in.

*CHRYSt walks in to see a Taskmaster clone in the center of the tent about 100 feet in the air on a tightrope.

*Taskmaster also has a large vat of sulfuric acid below him to add to the suspense

"I guess this explains why they gave me the gas mask" says CHRYSt

"Don't worrrrrrryyy abouut ith" Said a drunken clown. (who happened to have had his spleen removed with a circular saw in the last act. They also didn't have any stitches available, so his intestines were kinda poking out.) "Tashkmasher neeeevvvverrr falllz. -hiccup!- Heee does thish a thouzzzand timess a day! -hiccup!-"

*CHRYSt stares in delight at the unfortunate clown, and claps in wonder as the clown falls over unconsious from blood loss and bacterial infection.

*Turning his attention back to Task, CHRYSt notices that the rope is worn thin in a few spots.

"Must be all the sulfuric gas that's evaporating from that vat" he mutters.

*Task screams as the rope snaps from the stress of his weight and the weakening of the acidic gas.

*CHRYSt watches in wonder as the clone plummets into the vat of acid

*CHRYSt claps and cheers as the clone manages to pull himself out of the acid and falls on the floor.

*Taskmaster begins spasming as his skin is slowly burned away by the caustic (and apparently slightly diluted) liquid.

*On comes the ringmaster "It's all part of the show, folks...all...part..of...OH THE HUMANITY!!!"

*Task is being reduces to a mass of stinky carbonic slag, but is still able to scream and writhe. "SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP! KILL ME!! KILL ME!!! OH THE PAIN!!! he screams as his last breath is drawn...then the acid eats it's way into his brain, and he dies.

*CHRYSt is jumping up and down in delight as the cleanup crew is shoveling Task's remains into a Hazmat barell. Encore! Enco...

*Then CHRYSt begins to cry. The dead clown stole his snow cone.


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Excellent! I laughed! I cried! I tried to kill Rex Reed, but he got away! Very creative!

* Taskmaster|PuF throws heaps of rotting flesh at CHRYSt's feet in appreciation!


After lunch I'll see what else I can think up... Are we really sick puppies?



I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
*CHRYSt sees a Sick Puppy ride in the dstance, at the other side of the park...

"Maybe I'll visit that sometime soon."


"Where's the BACTINE?! Some of this blood is MINE!!" -- JTHM


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
*tykeal rushes to the Sick Puppy ride ahead of CHRYSt and finds a sick puppy.

"Oh that's lame."

*The puppy hearing this jumps up and rushes to attack tykeal. Just before reaching him though it runs into Taskmaster | PuF and starts gnawing on his crotch.

"That's got to hurt!"

*CHRYSt upon hearing "Taskmaster...<mumble><mumble>.. hurt<mumble><mumble>" rushes over to find out what is happening and starts applauding the audacity of the puppy.

*Taskmaster | PuF in an effort to try and enterain everyone just grins and bears it as the puppy starts really digging in.

*Gnawing it's way into Taskmaster | PuF's gut it starts to go hog wild as Taskmaster | PuF starting to really feel the pain starts to beat at the puppy inflicting more pain and destruction to his already weakend form.

*Finally beating off the savage puppy (which became quite the pile of goo) he collapses into quivering heap and expires.


I belch in your general direction.


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Holy crap.. I am pissed! I just spent over an hour typing in a cool story and it got lost from the reply form! Piece of junk!!!

No way am I typing it all back in again!


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)
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