"Look daddy! Look..." shrilled the excited little girl holding a half eaten corn-dog as she pointed to the whirling, twirling shiny thing. "I want to go on that ride!"
"I dunno..." her dad replied, "it doesn't look very safe."
"It looks fun! I want to do that!" pressed the girl.
"Well I suppose they couldn't have a dangerous ride at a theme park, could they?" said her father as they drew closer to the amusement ride.
A huge colorful sign announced the ride as Taskmaster's Teacups. It was a whirling, twirling, shiny set of rotating teacups, seemingly larger than those at some other nameless theme parks. *cough*Disney*cough*
"Why don't we just watch it once to see what it does." suggested the dad much to his daughter's disappointment.
"Aw okay." sighed the little girl in resignation.
She sat on the bench with her dad and gnawed the last cold, cornbread covered piece of animal flesh off the grease soaked wooden stick.
* Taskmaster|PuF, being a safety conscious theme park owner, always rides the various attractions to ensure the customer has the best possible experience for the money.
* Taskmaster|PuF steps in to a white teacup, spotted with green energy balls and painted with yellow flak cannon explosion, and secures the lap belt.
* Taskmaster|PuF listens to the acne-faced kid who is operating the ride give his speil about staying seated at all times and about how this particular teacup ride
automatically spins the teacups.
* Taskmaster|PuF smiles and giggles with delight as the ride begins to rotate and the teacup he is in begins to whirl.
Whirl shiny teacup! Whirl!
Twirl shiny teacup! Twirl!
Spin shiny teacup! Spin!
* Taskmaster|PuF begins to get a little nauseous as his teacup begins to spin faster.
* Taskmaster|PuF realizes too late that his teacup is spinning out of control and that the flimsy lap belt cannot hold him in.
"Holy Jesus!" exclaimed the shocked father as he watched a man be flung from the dizzying teacup ride at a fast rate of speed.
* Taskmaster|PuF lands head first on the concrete pavement exposing what little grey matter it contained to the world. It looked like a grey jello mold sitting in some ketchup.
"Sir," scolded the ride operator, "I told you to remain seated at all times!"
I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif
[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 02-16-2000).]