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Mar 31, 2002
Most of these encounters are when we both surprise eachother or when I'm sitting in a spot while someone sprays while walking around the corner.

The rest is when I'm using it or an ally is doing one of those things. I no longer burst with the AK as there isn't a need to. I find this makes gameplay easier rather than harder because the AK is one of my favorite guns. I just think that the recoil has been compensated too a little too much automatically. If it is actually like this (with gravity and all) than I'll be fine.

Also, when I say I've had 'run-ins', I never said I've been killed too many times by it ;) Though I have been quite a few times.


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Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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hehe sry didnt mean to imply that, when I think of whorage its more along the lines of ppl having an unfair advantage and using it every opportunity they get... most ppl dont complain when their the ones dishing it out so I kinda assumed you were on the receiving end... ;)

tactically, I kinda use the AK in the same way that i'll use a SAW in 2.9, as a fire support kind of role. when I KNOW there's someone around that corner, im gonna come around it shooting to keep their heads down.. now in the past its a tactic that was quite effective because if I get shot one or two times I prob wont die. now, well im pretty much dead if they fire first, in the past i'd win because I could pump more rounds into them...

just did alittle test with ender, couldnt pick up someone feigning death. I swear ive seen this before, maybe it was a bug...

we may want to consider a mix of the two recoil settings, if the weapon is hipped, then its rav2 settings, but if we're "concentrating" and controling our aim, then its like now... this would keep ppl from sprinting around corners and having the advantage of reduced recoil...??

I see this more as a gameplay tradeoff than a simulation issue, as long as the weapons behave differently and are "close enough" I think we're making progress. We could set it up so ya have to manually position the weapon on your shoulder and have 50 controls to move your arm muscles, but would that be fun to play?

one thing that would put the issue to rest is if we could find a site out there that has the results of firing tests by real soldiers showing say their accuracy at 100m 50m etc... maybe theres some marketing material from the gun manufacturers we can use...? ex). if we know that a trained soldier can put 10 rounds on auto into a 1m circle at 50m then we can model that...

anyway ATM im lookin at a server list full of EMPTY ra servers... :(
and I think THATS the real problem that we need to solve!!!



Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Aegis said:
Think about it, in rav2, it would be "ok" to pop your head around a corner and maybe take a round or two (except for the occasional head shot) and survive just fine. Now if ya do that, and take a hit, you might survive but theres a price to pay... what it's doing is forcing ppl to re-evaluate their tactics. Manuevering and choosing good approach paths is much more important, because now your more likely to be seen, and when ya get shot at, theres real consequences for your actions.
Increasing the average damage per shot would do the same thing.
RAv2 has a good deal of (I guess unnoticeable) detriments to aiming and stanima after being wounded already.


Feeling suicide, thats O.K.
Apr 26, 2001
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I think the recoil should be increased. Well, maybe a different recoil? Like, instead of the weapon kicking straight back (like it does now) how about it kicks to the left if your turning right etc? And, the AKMSU should have more recoil with the magazine, and slightly less with the drum.


Dec 6, 2002
OpFor said:
I think the recoil should be increased. Well, maybe a different recoil? Like, instead of the weapon kicking straight back (like it does now) how about it kicks to the left if your turning right etc?[...]
Well, i thought that's what 2.9 was going to do.... :)

On the issue of getting shot, in vanilla inf and RAv2 it doesn't seem to matter how much health you have because if you have health you're still alive.... while RAv286 makes it a bit different with its bleeding system. I'm not really sure if i like how this has been implimented into v286 but i think that a lot more needs to be done in vanilla inf/rav2 eg because it doesn't really matter if you get shot 3 times or something, and then suddenly on the 4th you crumple into a heap - a bit stupid imho...
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May 13, 2002
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The bleeding is nice, makes sense and should be used in the future in some compacity. I know it annoys some people but I believe those issues can be corrected with some new ideas that have been suggested and some tweaking.

Your right with regular RA and vanilla INF there is no real penalty for getting shot once or twice. Staggering around while bleeding and blacking out hopefull would make people a tad more catious.


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May 20, 2003
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Yeah if some1 actually has the time to apply wound effects realisticly it would be great, but that should definately be very hard to do (unless u make it stupid like in AA:O - it's ok there but not totally logical).


Mar 31, 2002
Aegis said:
hehe sry didnt mean to imply that, when I think of whorage its more along the lines of ppl having an unfair advantage and using it every opportunity they get... most ppl dont complain when their the ones dishing it out so I kinda assumed you were on the receiving end... ;)

tactically, I kinda use the AK in the same way that i'll use a SAW in 2.9, as a fire support kind of role. when I KNOW there's someone around that corner, im gonna come around it shooting to keep their heads down.. now in the past its a tactic that was quite effective because if I get shot one or two times I prob wont die. now, well im pretty much dead if they fire first, in the past i'd win because I could pump more rounds into them...

just did alittle test with ender, couldnt pick up someone feigning death. I swear ive seen this before, maybe it was a bug...

we may want to consider a mix of the two recoil settings, if the weapon is hipped, then its rav2 settings, but if we're "concentrating" and controling our aim, then its like now... this would keep ppl from sprinting around corners and having the advantage of reduced recoil...??

I see this more as a gameplay tradeoff than a simulation issue, as long as the weapons behave differently and are "close enough" I think we're making progress. We could set it up so ya have to manually position the weapon on your shoulder and have 50 controls to move your arm muscles, but would that be fun to play?

one thing that would put the issue to rest is if we could find a site out there that has the results of firing tests by real soldiers showing say their accuracy at 100m 50m etc... maybe theres some marketing material from the gun manufacturers we can use...? ex). if we know that a trained soldier can put 10 rounds on auto into a 1m circle at 50m then we can model that...

anyway ATM im lookin at a server list full of EMPTY ra servers... :(
and I think THATS the real problem that we need to solve!!!


The only reason players are allowed to pick up corpses and 'drag' them is because they are decos after the player's 'soul' leaves it. While a player is still alive the 'corpse' is not a deco and players can't pick up other players.

We wouldn't need 50 controls to move different arm muscles because we use the mouse to control the whole arm holding the weapon. We look where our arm is moving because it is instinctive. I mean, we were born with that ability. We already have three different speeds to move and buttons to lean and choose weapon and weapon modes and buttons to jump and use doors. Someone could have made all those automatic right? Indeed, some maps use contact to open doors which is only realistic in some cases right?
I want the recoil to be controlled by the player and not automatically because shooting is a learned ability. There is a reason why there are some people that are absolutely horrible shots and some people that can hit a fly's wing off at 100 paces. There aren't people who can 'walk' a lot better than others except those that are handicapped and handicapped people wouldn't be allowed in an army unless during a very desparate wartime situation.

If we allow the recoil to be compensated automatically as a soldier would than we'd have conefire again because I've seen soldiers that've emptied magazines on auto with about a 10 inch grouping at 50m. Using that to model the weapon functions, we'd use the 10 inch groupings and code that into guns so at 50m on auto there would be recoil but as soon as it happens the gun returns to the original posistion and shoots off another bullet 10 inches away from the first bullet and all the rest end up between the two.

The difference between the Krinkov and M249 (aside from chambering) is the barrel length. The M249's barrel is 650mm long while the barrel of the Krinkov is 270mm long. That's about 40% shorter. The recoil of Krinkov should be more than the recoil of the M249 because of that and because it is chambered for a larger round. I'm not actually sure about the larger round stuff.... But the point is they cannot be used for the same purpose as there is too much difference between the two minus the large ammo capacity.


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
the big problem right now with the bleeding is that critical hits happen to often with tiny amounts of damage. I have scored critical hits on ppl by bouncing nades off of the ground. Normally that only does 1 damage out of 100. But when it causes a critical hit, then they will eventually die, that's a problem.

Another thing is, the damage from all shots should not be delivered immediately. Even when there is no critical hit the shot should still cause some bleeding damage. There should be an inital drop in health followed by a slow drop of x amount for all shots. The x amount would be directly proportional to the initial damage. Therefore a bouncing nade would do 1 initial damge followed by 1 or 2 bleeding damage. But a psg1 would do maybe 70 damage followed by 20-40 bleeding damage (just an example).


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May 13, 2002
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The latest version of RAv2 has been stable for awhile. Check KW's sig or most other PR or Saladin's sigs. GD website has it to.

RA286 is still being worked on and the best way to get is to have the game download from the server when you connect. There is a post here about how to create the int file you need to play off line. Can't reme,mber where that post is.


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
I was playing ra286 again today and there is another large bug. When you are shot and get critally hit and start bleeding, it carries over into the next round even when you survive. On several rounds I was injured and started bleeding. I killed the last enemy and won the round. A new round started and I was bleeding again. The only way around it was to reconnect.


More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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most of the time this shows up is when you die from bleedout and DONT click out of your view/body... when you spawn next round, you immediatly die, because of this we seem to have ALOT of reset rounds lately...

the solution is to click out of your "blank screen" view after you die, and you spawn ok ... I havent encountered bleeding from one round to the next, just the "bleedout, new round, spawn and die" problem... im pretty sure theyre related...

IMHO I think this should be a high priority item for the next round of fixes...



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May 13, 2002
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Played Panzer on 1 round a stepped in the fire got critical hit then slowly bleed out. OK I am not sure how much damage it gives normally so it may make sense.

Next round I brushed the barbed wire. Didn't even know it could hurt me on this map but oh well. Got a critical hit. Bleed out.

Soon after took what appeared to be a minor hit with a 57. Bleed out.

I understand that there is 30% chance for a critical so I that this rate I should not reach a critical for the next month or so. ;)

And yes I did forget my team mate can provide first aid. I forgot.

I have forgot the bind.


More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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And yes I did forget my team mate can provide first aid. I forgot.


Havent seen any posts at all listing new features...
If theres a way to stop the bleeding, then most of the last discussion is OBE...

I think the only big bug at this point is that once ya start bleeding, it doesnt stop and reset when the next round starts, ya keep bleeding...

IMO the death sounds are alittle cheezy, are there any others we can use instead? or be able to turn off client side?



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May 13, 2002
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I forget the bind. It wasn't posted. Someone told my while playing. Bush I believe.

Something like INFGrab | firstaid but thats just a guess.
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More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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Excellent Work

just got done playing the latest version, is very good now that ya can stop bleeding.

for anyone who doesnt know, heres how to stop the bleeding:

bind a key to "firstaid" i.e. set input <key> firstaid

when ya start bleedin/blacking out go over to a stationary team member and hit the key, when the bleeding stops you should get a msg saying so...

also Id like to report that is seems that the bleeding in one round going over to the next round is fixed as well...



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May 13, 2002
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Yes I do like the first aid. Works nice. At this point I maybe backing away from my comments on critical hits.

Now the climbing. On Innercity we where messing about. Holy exploits Batman. Not sure what to be done.

PS Thanks Buns for straighting out our first aid problem.