Yurch's antics reach a new level!

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Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Played an hour or so last night. Looks good. Thanks for the bind. Really like the bleeding and things and look forward to the feature list. Keep up the good work.


I am probably better than you.
Sep 29, 2001
Sacramento, CA
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Great mods and effects, m8 :). I found a bug(?) with the HK hitting the skybox and exploding, then the shell falls to earth and explodes again. Here's a demo of it.

EDIT: Map is EP night, ran on PR1


  • hkbug.zip
    83 KB · Views: 9
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Feeling suicide, thats O.K.
Apr 26, 2001
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Now I think ra.286 is going some where! I like the grenade efects, but they could use some tweaking. If you having to reduce them alot is waht it takes to get them to stop hogging fps then dont, I love them so much. Also, the grenade damage needs tweaking, they are basicly useless if its not like 5 feet away. Also, the mis alignment shold be backwards (rear post turns a bit, not the front) when turning left, and front when turning right. I dont know if this is possible, but it would be very accurate. I like the bleeding effect, very good and helps to balance out gameplay, but we need a bandage BAD. Also, when you die from bleeding your player sometimes screams and then plays a die animation that doesnt look right with bleeding. Blood puffs: Im not sure if you took them out or not, but I think they should be back in, its kinda hard to tell if you hit anything with out them. Its starting to shape up IMO.


May 23, 2002
The standard blood puff has been removed in place with my particle system (ie. blood debris and particles that move based on momentum) - I gather they would be mostly unnoticeable at longer distances. i'm still modding, stay tuned...


Mar 31, 2002
Dude that's great. Is the particle system what you used for the nades? Because it seriously rocks. I wouldn't even mind waiting an extra two weeks for SS to implement this stuff.

Shouldn't you be a beta tester? It strikes me that someone who plays INF so much should be on the team...


I am probably better than you.
Sep 29, 2001
Sacramento, CA
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So, what about the GL bug? I think it's kinda cool actually, but it may present some problems. Also, I noticed today that when I was hit, I started bleeding (duh?), and my screen started kinda flashing black at random times. Is this an indication of blood loss, or sort of a pain factor? I think a pain factor would be really cool to implement :).


May 23, 2002
ehehe yeah right.. given my reputation, i highly doubt they'd trust me with the material :D
i'll probably screw around with 2.9 when it comes..

as for the blacking out at random intervals, it is a bleeding factor.. becuz i am a sadist!!
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Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Played a bunch more tonight and once I figured out the jump thing had a lot of fun. The whole bleeding to death thing is nice. Listening to Aegis scream as he knew he was dying was a bonus. Keep at it.

I did spawn once with no stamina. Thought I would let you know.
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More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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This is GREAT!!!

Played the latest version last night, is goot!!! :D

The bleeding I think is gonna force ppl to change their ways, I think that this may be the end of the "rusher"!!! No longer can ya stand there and shoot it out, its not "ok" to take a round or two!!! Ya gotta really think about your position when ya take a shot at somebody now, there's consequences to getting hit... :eek:

I cant wait to play this with fortitude!! think about it, the gameplay should slow down as ppl take more care with their lives (as IRL), and teamwork will be needed to take objectives that in the past a single wounded person could achieve... wounded=not ok

One question I had, I was shooting at NF last night and noticed that my rounds when dead on, still showed little puffs of smoke on the wall behind him, is this a bug? or are the bullets goin "thru" him? He died from my shots, but I couldnt tell if it was a hit or not... :(

I was wondering, is it possible to pick up a live player thats prone? This may be one way that we could "simulate" bandages... Have the wounded player go prone/feigndeath, and then to stop the bleeding a teammate would have to "grab" him and maybe hold for 20 sec etc...
This would allow for having a man down and another taking care of him on the field... IRL a wounded team member is gonna take 2 ppl out of the action, the wounded and the person keeping him alive...



Custom User Title
Dec 3, 2002
:lol: I think the idea for carrying live people with regards to Ra286 came up when Duke was thinking about implementing the blackout. I said to him that if you could pass out, make it so I can pick up the guy and drag him to the flag for a capture.

Of course, you'd have to get him to the flag before he bled to death ...


It's Suntory Time!
Mar 11, 2001
I can see it now.

Kapow! *Blackout*

".....Hhhuuuhhhh....where am I? Hey! Who the hell dropped me down into a well!"


I am probably better than you.
Sep 29, 2001
Sacramento, CA
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I think this is turning out excelent so far :). If you ask me, the "blacking out" thing should be permanent. Once you are severely injured, it happens regardless of whether you are bandaged or not. It is indeed a great addition to the realism we see now. Also, another idea I have related to this is a stimpack (morphine and steroids?), so that when you start to black out, and it's so bad that you can't see anything (went totally black last time it happened) you can use it to dull the pain, and temporarilly increase your stamina. However, I don't know the drawbacks of these things, so I'll just leave it up to someone else to does. Anyone here been in the field of combat and had to use one of these things??

Also, about the climb thing. I find the current climbing system to be a bit useless. It's just a tad higher and slower jump. What I think is that when you do the climb maneuver, you go a little higher than the typical jump (sorta like you have now), but it should move really sllooooowww, and not take little stamina out of the player. As a safeguard for exploitation, the player should not be able to draw their weapon until they get onto ground. Any thoughts on this would be good too.

Finally, the zoom thing is VERY easily exploitable. Just yesterday I was playing on PR1 and I hit the zoom key, and I was running all over the place with 2x zoom. Lucky for me. I don't believe it is set up well at all. The zoom thing should be about focused eye concentration, not a free handicap. I propose you make the following conditions.
1) The zoom can be triggered while (and only while) the weapon is aimed. If a player zooms in while aimed, then later hips the weapon or changes the weapon, it goes back to normal FOV.
2) The zoom can be triggered while (and only while) the player is standing/crouching/proning still. If the player zooms in, it should go back to normal FOV once the player moves (not including moving the weapon.)

Well, thats all for now

EDIT: Did you check the bug I gave you?

EDIT2: Monk_Zero, I am ashamed. I would have thought you would have written something witty about Duke's ego, good enough to put in one's sig. Oh well :(.
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More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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Thats the way it was at first, now it seems that zoom is independant of movement etc...

He put in the stdfov bind so that it unzooms for ya on demand, ive modified all my binds for movement to incorporate the unzoom, esp for running/jumping/reloading etc... and seems to "feel" better for me...

On another note, and if we've already covered this I apologize, but why doesnt the shottie have auto anymore? It appears to be only pump...?

Can someone explain the rationale? tks



More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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is anyone reading this?

ok im gonna post this, even tho it appears ive killed yet another thread :)

has there been some kind of added "randomness" to the bullet leaving the barrel of the gun?

for example, I can go on shooting range with my 57 and shoot the center of a tgt with 1st round, second round after aiming at same spot doesnt hit the same spot, it hits nearby. third round aimed at same spot, hits somewhere else... etc... only about 1 in 5 shots hits the mark.
And this is after waiting for sights to align and with controlled breathing... will attempt to take some screenies of what im seeing...

I can understand "fuzzing" or taking time to align the sights, but once theyre aligned, the round should hit the target!!!

has anyone else encountered this? I thought things seemed alittle off, but it took some testing on SR to make me sure...

<note to others> if you plan on using this as backup for a flamewar dont. im tryin to be constructive and work WITH duke & toad, instead of against them... ive been seeing alot of posts that say "this sucks" but am not seeing any suggestions about how to tweak it or make it better...</note>

btw ive gotten used to only having pump, I wanted to know if its that way because its that way IRL? ...

for bleeding, how hard would it be to put in a hook for stopping the bleeding by say:
1) feigndeath for 30 sec
2) prone + select knife for N sec
3) feigndeath + teammate picks you up for 10 sec
4) drop all weapons + prone
5) calc the "amount" of stam it would take to stop bleeding,
if they have that amt or more, drain stam until it "stops"....
i.e. "trade" stam for decreased blood loss....

I LIKE the bleeding!!!, if theres a mechanism to stop the bleeding, id like to suggest that it involve making the player into a non-combatant for some period of time, in order to simulate "holding the wound" etc...
The best would involve a teammate, IRL a wounded soldier is gonna take 2 out of the fight, at least for a little bit anyway...



Mar 31, 2002
You can't drag people that are feigning death because they are still alive so their corpse doesn't count as a decoration. I definatly agree that something should be done to slow or stop bleeding (not necesarrily 'healing.)

Personally I think it would best be #2 because feigning death isn't a commonplace thing to do so most people would have to make a bunch of room just to fit another bind in that only relates to one mutie. Proning while selecting a non-firing weapon would be a lot less cumbersome.

The flaming or arguments or plain dislike/distaste in this mutie is the zoom and reduced recoil. I think the recoil should be upped a little so as to discourage spraying. Recently I've had a lot of run-ins with AKMSU whorage which is somewhat rediculous since it's 7.62 out of a severely shortened barrel. I believe that compensation should be more up to the player. As it is, it seems like the compensating is being done for us. This is realistic in the sense that trained soldiers can get relatively good groupings on full-auto but it's less realistic in the sense that players no longer need to train themselves to compensate for recoil.

As for the zoom... The only way to please everyone is to either remove it or place limitations on it or reduce the amount of zoom. I understand that RA286 is a project purely for fun but it's not fair to people in North America to be subjected to something that they don't like at all. PR1 is probably the only stable NA server out there at the moment because GD4 is run from Keg's work place and I've seen those servers go up and down a lot and constantly crash or something along those lines. You can say, "if you don't like it play somewhere else" but that's simply just not fair because that might mean they'ed have to play with higher pings in Europe.


Dec 6, 2002
kungpaosamuraiii said:
[...]You can say, "if you don't like it play somewhere else" but that's simply just not fair because that might mean they'ed have to play with higher pings in Europe.
lol. Its amusing to read that when you have a 56k connection over bad quality phonelines from australia.... ;-)

'higher pings?' heh. just out of interest, the best i can get is a bit under 400....


More INF, less chit chat
Dec 29, 2002
Herndon, VA
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ive seen ppl "carried" while feigning death... (will attempt to test this out) but ya the key is that they cant just go prone and snipe while their blood stops flowing, they should be taken out of the action for a bit... as a gameplay issue, I think that the bleeding out really helps stop the rushers, and since the beginnings of INF thats been IMHO the biggest gameplay problem.

as far as the AK goes, before this change it was very unreasonable, I like the AK and with a trackball, it was impossible to compensate for all the recoil. the way it is now is much better. I would not be against a middle ground on this, maybe somewhere between what it was and what it is now... IMO it seems that when things are changed, the emphasis is on long range shooting, the CQB stuff is always lumped into the "just spray a them" category, the CQB domain is quite deep in tactics and how they use their weapons...

for the zoom, I kinda like it. but for me, I feel that its more of the orig idea, we're "concentrating" on the tgt. so what ive done, and I would recommend this to everyone, is that for my running, switch weapons, reload, unshoulder weapon, jump etc keys add a "| stdfov" to the keybinds. This causes you to "unzoom" when ya do things that would be considered "breaking" your concentration... it also keeps ya from sprinting while zoomed, and when ya hip the weapon it unzooms so ya can maybe aim...

for me I prefer having the ability to "tune" the behavior of things like this, I have the option of just never using it, I can taylor it to my style of gameplay, or I can use it all the time. Its not being forced on anyone.

one thing that I like about these changes is that it makes gameplay HARDER!!! thats a good thing. quite frankly ive been getting bored with INF, once you get used to things enough, playing the same maps against the same ppl every night, ya start to not feel challenged... I think this brings some of it back... Think about it, in rav2, it would be "ok" to pop your head around a corner and maybe take a round or two (except for the occasional head shot) and survive just fine. Now if ya do that, and take a hit, you might survive but theres a price to pay... what it's doing is forcing ppl to re-evaluate their tactics. Manuevering and choosing good approach paths is much more important, because now your more likely to be seen, and when ya get shot at, theres real consequences for your actions.

IRL getting shot is a BIG DEAL, I think that this is causing ppl to change their tactics to be alot closer to what's seen IRL...

whats more important to me is that being good in the game is more related to how you move, and what tactics you use, than how well you can aim. IMHO much too much focus has been on the little details of shooting, and not enough on how to make it tactically realistic...

as an example, something to consider:

Recently I've had a lot of run-ins with AKMSU whorage which is somewhat rediculous since it's 7.62 out of a severely shortened barrel.

well I think that kinda makes my point, was it really ppl running around rushing with an AK and because they "dont have to aim" were able to kill you? or was it that because now they can be realistically effective with the AK, and YOUR tactics cause you to die more often? would you have died in that same situation if they had a P90? if the answers yes, well then its not the AK, but your tactics thats the prob...

anyway, im just glad that we can keep the tone of this thread at a point where it's constructive. I have the feeling that with some of the other "flame" threads that ive seen on the topic, Duke and Toad may be getting alittle gunshy when it comes to soliciting ppls opinions. Maybe if we had some ppl sound off on what they LIKE we might get more support for what we'd like to see changed!!!
