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The King Is Dead, Punk Rock Lives!
Nov 30, 1999
Tustin CA, USA
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the_f_word said:
If you think that UT and Q3 were part of some golden era then you have no idea what makes a good game, the gameplay for those two titles was CRAP - total and utter crap. Who enjoys playing deathmatch against mindless bots? Their only redeeming point was multiplayer, and even that was nothing that hadnt been done before - they just did it with better gfx. The only thing they had going for them was impressive graphics for their time.

So Q3 and UT were wonderful games with such immersive dynamic gameplay and storyline which took your breath away? ROFL - They are games which focus on one thing deathmatch, if any game is specialised and shrunken it was those titles, which sucked cock because of that fact.

STFU Rooster you are a retard, your opinion is worthless.
How old are you?


The King Is Dead, Punk Rock Lives!
Nov 30, 1999
Tustin CA, USA
Visit site
TWD said:
To further clarify:
People seem to keep on saying that Atari just didn't think XMP was going anywhere so they canned legend or that epic had something to do with it. I simply don't think that's true. Epic is leaving to microsoft for publishing. Obviouisly atari won't have anything to do with the unreal series anymore. Since unreal series stuff was the major part of legend, atari simply had no use for them anymore. I think that legend knew it was being canned before they started writing xmp. I think the fact that legend is closing is the reason why XMP even exists right now.

I think that if could all see the big picture that all the insiders have you'd see that everything that is happening right now with the unreal community is happening for the best.
EPIC is going with Microsoft for new publisher? Man, I don't see that as a good thing. Im worried about this.

What happend to the good old GT Interactive?

... not sure about this, but GT is Atari right? I mean, they just changed name, from GT to Infogrames, to Atari? Or did Infogrames buy out GT, and just use Infogrames for the name, then switch to Atari, since they owened the Atari Name? .... Not sure, just guessing.


Nov 12, 1999
We've not exactly had the greatest set of Unreal games recently...

QAPete said:
To me, a regular person has absolutely no chance to play UT2003 competitively, as the skill scale is virtually straight-up vertical. In a game like XMP, players can grow into the game, without the constant frustration associated with rapid-fire frags and flag captures.

I wasn't overly keen on XMP (although it has some nice features), but one thing that did inpress me was the ease at which a new player can feel like they're making a contribution. You don't need to kill to help your team in XMP. In UT2003, like you said, it's virtually impossible for a new player to get into the game. I only started playing again in early May, and it took until August until I was playing well enough to be able to survive online. Not win, not compete, but survive.

It's probably UT2003's single biggest flaw. UT2003 is a great game, but you simply can't have a game with a learning curve that steep and expect it to be popular with more than a handful of people. Their has to be depth in a game, like Rooster said, but it has to be easy for a new player to pick up, and UT2003 isn't.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
Depends what you're playing Sel. I've stayed away from UT2003 for over 3 or 4 months online and I bet I could still whoop ass in DM or DOM, but I would still have trouble with CTF.

And I'm same with Pete about the splinter cell situation. Tried it tons of times and didn't enjoy the linearity. I'm more of a hitman 2 guy than splinter cell. Maybe pandoras box will remove the linearity.


Beta tester
Oct 3, 2003
Visit site
The way I see it is - to each his own . I own the Unreal series of games and I enjoy them all , right now I'm into XMP I totally enjoy this game . Although there's people who do not , thats fine . There's game's I don't care for either. Now on to legend , they didn't deserve this , I hope that each of the dev's land on there feet . There a great group of people . Atari - what can you say they've always have been f-cked up . There loss . Peace - Beta{LoD}Dman .
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blindfolded by age?

Rooster said:
Being around the gaming industry since before most of you were born, I do happen to know what makes a game good, and what doesn't. If you don't like it, perhaps in a few years you'll understand.

Maybe you have been around too long ? I guess you would need some distance to all that to get a fresh an clearer perspective. One should never stop to learn and settle down in arrogance.
The problem with all you are saying in this thread is a) your are blindly generalizing, b) you claim your own heavily subjective opinion to be valid for a majority and pseudo objective.
It would be all fine if you simply say that for you personally XMP is a bad game and for you personally the Q3 UT area was so golden.
You are falling into the grandparents trap already, assuming just because you have your opinions and preferences for so long already, they must be right for everyone and the coming generations.
Don't you think its slightly offensive if you claim that you know what makes a good game and anybody who disagrees is wrong ? OH.. but there is hope, maybe in a few years others have a slight chance to reach your wisdom and finally understand you were so right? Come on man... you can't be serious.
Now for the record.. I'm around for quite long too and meanwhile find it more and more difficult to get excited over any new game. I have simply played too many and there isn't so much real new stuff there to compete with the first time excitement of my beginning years. Multiplayer leaves me bored for a long time already. Now guess what? I tried XMP and had fun playing it like I didn't since ages. And you want to tell me now I am wrong enjoying it, because according to you its actually a bad game? Or am I an idiot, cause otherwise I wouldn't be dumb enough to be happy with a bad game? Now what?


Local Legend
Jan 4, 2000
Fort Mill, SC
Yeah, these guys don't realize how much time and effort I've put into UT & UT2003. Helping others around here... Yeah, I'm lazy. Pfft. You don't know me.

Some folks find 2003's learning curve too steep. Well, I didn't - because of 2 things.

A) I adapt and learn quickly. (Yes, moreso than others - but I have to, because I don't have the physical reflexes the better players do): This is not being cocky, it's being honest. I wouldn't have been a Captain of arguably one of the best clans in Unreal Tournament (incl 2003).

B) I got in on the ground floor and built my skills with everyone else. I've found, in online multiplayer play, this is key. Coming in late SUCKS.

PF Prophet:

Actually, I loved Tribes2. But really slow load times hurt. An overly complicated front-end didn't help when you wanted a quick game. As well, broadband wasn't as abundant then as it is now (why 1942/DC does so well). So getting a good amount of players on a server with a good connection (unfortunately still plays a large role in MP games) wasn't easy.

And I'll just ignore the rest of your flaming post. I didn't attack you. Don't start with me.


Local Legend
Jan 4, 2000
Fort Mill, SC
Julian, I'm actually talking about the community surrounding games when I mention the Golden Era of gaming.

CounterStrike was HUGE, Quake3 was HUGE, Unreal Tournament was HUGE. Even Evercrack. Each had a massive community supporting it.

I feel we'll never see the likes again. This is not to say that I'm not trying. I'm active in a few 1942/Desert Combat forums and I still administer the Legion of Lions forums - currently a DAoC Guild. I still support the community and I'm still looking forward to the next great game. Currently for me, that is 1942/Desert Combat is what I play almost any time I get a free hour or two. It took a bit to learn the ropes, but I stuck with it (it was fun learning, unlike some OTHER games).


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Juguard said:
EPIC is going with Microsoft for new publisher? Man, I don't see that as a good thing. Im worried about this.

What happend to the good old GT Interactive?

... not sure about this, but GT is Atari right? I mean, they just changed name, from GT to Infogrames, to Atari? Or did Infogrames buy out GT, and just use Infogrames for the name, then switch to Atari, since they owened the Atari Name? .... Not sure, just guessing.

Epic announced that around Fall of last year. Infogrames bought GT between UT and UT2003. Then Infogrames bought Atari and began using it as the brand name.

Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about Microsoft as the publisher. They've published quite a few great games.


Nov 12, 1999
Not overly keen on most of Epic's recent decisions...

hal said:
Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about Microsoft as the publisher. They've published quite a few great games.

They've also managed to screw up a few good ones as well. There's also the question of continued Linux/Mac support.
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ranger extraordinaire
Dec 28, 2003
I played UT. I played UT2003. I played XMP, and never turned back. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but to plainly call the game crap is unforgivable. It is truly a shame about the dropping of Legend, and I can only hope that XMP will pull through, because for me, this the definitely the best multiplayer game I have played.
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Rooster said:
Julian, I'm actually talking about the community surrounding games when I mention the Golden Era of gaming.

CounterStrike was HUGE, Quake3 was HUGE, Unreal Tournament was HUGE. Even Evercrack. Each had a massive community supporting it.

I feel we'll never see the likes again. This is not to say that I'm not trying. I'm active in a few 1942/Desert Combat forums and I still administer the Legion of Lions forums - currently a DAoC Guild. I still support the community and I'm still looking forward to the next great game. Currently for me, that is 1942/Desert Combat is what I play almost any time I get a free hour or two. It took a bit to learn the ropes, but I stuck with it (it was fun learning, unlike some OTHER games).

Well, not that there aren't things I painfully miss. Like , back in the days, shortly after Quake1, when browsing the old sites like Voodooextreme ( the original one), Blues ( so glad he's still around), even AGN, Stomped etc..
It seems to me ( hope I am wrong) that the whole community was much more friendly, relaxed and had a more positive attitude. Sure.. not many shooters were around and each and every was awaited with great anticipation ( oh the excitement when I finally had my copy of Unreal, Hexen2...), and whatever it was, it was still somewhat fresh. Now, when a new game gets announced along with a few first screenshots, the boards are already full with " this is gonna suck", long before there's even a demo out.
It seems so much more appealing to bash anything right away, before giving it a real chance. Plus.. there are quite a few people around that express personal hate and scorn, beyond any healthy proportion, against a developer who disappointed their oversized expectation.
Maybe my memory is just very selective, but I remember that was a little different in the past.
We're getting old :)
Mar 11, 2000
Oxford, UK
hal said:
Epic announced that around Fall of last year...

Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about Microsoft as the publisher. They've published quite a few great games.
Maybe I'm mis-remembering it, but wasn't it simply announced that some games would be published by MS, not all?


Local Legend
Jan 4, 2000
Fort Mill, SC
From everything I've seen Microsoft is TOPS when it comes to publishing games (count the number of patches needed for their games - ignoring their MMORPG)... compare to other publishers.

I really don't see what ANYONE else sees in XMP.

Graphics are crap (huge step backwards from UT2003, even Tribes2)
Sound is crap (UT2003 is great, 1942 is awesome)
Gameplay is subpar (muddied controls, unintuitive hud)

Really, what's there to like? No one really can say, they just say, IT'S UBER! Uhh... k.


New Member
Aug 24, 2003
From the Legend offices last Friday:


Whatever your opinions of Unreal 2 / XMP / other Legend products may be, at least be a bit respectful in light of the fact that a lot of talented people lost their jobs, completely unexpectedly, and were generally treated very, very poorly time and time again by Infogrames.


Rooster said:
From everything I've seen Microsoft is TOPS when it comes to publishing games (count the number of patches needed for their games - ignoring their MMORPG)... compare to other publishers.

I really don't see what ANYONE else sees in XMP.

Graphics are crap (huge step backwards from UT2003, even Tribes2)
Sound is crap (UT2003 is great, 1942 is awesome)
Gameplay is subpar (muddied controls, unintuitive hud)

Really, what's there to like? No one really can say, they just say, IT'S UBER! Uhh... k.

Subjective perception is the key word :)
I like the graphics.. well, I really like most of the maps.. the landscape..how it plays.
The sound .. its ok, does what its supposed to do, but I don't play it for the sound :)
Gameplay.. well, again.. maybe for you it is subpar. for me its excellent(and obviously quite a few others) and for me CS was always boring , pointless and overhyped. It's fun all around. actually easily accessible, because you can start playing without knowing and doing all it has to offer. you can just concentrate on defending your base... or go and hack energy sources, snipe out the enemy.. get in a tank and rush the enemy base.. set up turrets, change the class each respawn, respawn at the point you think you are most needed currently...
If one isn't a highly skilled killer he can be great and useful at hacking all that is needed and really feel an important part of the game. The other can go ahead and blast enemies away in a rampage if that's his mood. the game has room for everything and it all works together. its really great, relaxed teamplay. period.


Master of Dagoth Lies
Feb 2, 2000
Chicago, IL
Rooster said:
I really don't see what ANYONE else sees in XMP.

Yeah, I think most of use know that now.

Graphics are crap (huge step backwards from UT2003, even Tribes2)
Sound is crap (UT2003 is great, 1942 is awesome)
Gameplay is subpar (muddied controls, unintuitive hud)

Gameplay is a combination of CTF and DOM, with some TFC thrown in and vehicles. Right now, there's little precisely like it except for I suppose Halo PC, which feels to me like overglorified CTF for the most part - fun, but not as fun. If you can't get past the HUD, that's your thing. It's a rather unique setup in the range of games right now, and is designed well enough that it's easy to get into, difficult to master. And just the demo kept my attention longer than BF1942.

Here's my diplomatic tip for the day: Knowing something isn't your cup of tea is a fine thing. Assuming your opinion is so grand that you can't understand why everyone doesn't see it the same way - isn't.

Peter Carlson

XMP Programmer
Sep 4, 2003
Rooster says:
"I really don't see what ANYONE else sees in XMP.

Graphics are crap (huge step backwards from UT2003, even Tribes2)
Sound is crap (UT2003 is great, 1942 is awesome)
Gameplay is subpar (muddied controls, unintuitive hud)

Really, what's there to like? No one really can say, they just say, IT'S UBER! Uhh... k."

Rooster, I don't care how long you've been a part of the community, what you're doing here is TROLLING. Ok, so you didn't like XMP. Why is it that you feel a need to convince everyone else that it's crap? Move on, talk on a different thread with other people who didn't like XMP, but why in the world are you sticking around here trying to convince people who like it that our game sucks?



New Member
Aug 24, 2003
Another fun image from the closure:


The guy pictured is some Atari goon who confiscated everyone's machines. As you can see the room has been cleansed of all decoration, save for the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas" poster.