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Local Legend
Jan 4, 2000
Fort Mill, SC
Pete, heh.. one of the few here older than me. :) And really, I owe everything (including getting in trouble at work while working on my 20+ posts per day average with no spam!) to him...

You know I'm leaning hard on the other side of the table because I really, truly did want to like this game. I tried. I went out and bought Unreal II (again... because after a weekend of Unreal II I returned it quickly). Again, sorely disappointed. I did try.

You know I'm not all wacko fanboy off-my-rocker. And those that know me know I just tell it like I see it. I don't attack anyone, I don't disrespect anyone. But flame me and the gloves are off.


New Member
Jan 17, 2004
Rooster said:
I'm not surprised given how much Unreal II and XMP sucks.

It feels & plays like a $5 bargain basement game. Totally undeserving of the Unreal title.

Legend is dead. Long live Epic.

Oh ok then, All is forgiven. It's just that I could have sworn that post seemed somewhat disrespectful, given that the legend guys just lost their jobs.

Glad you cleared that one up...


I'm on Defense!
Jan 17, 2004
Rooster said:
Pete, heh.. one of the few here older than me. :) And really, I owe everything (including getting in trouble at work while working on my 20+ posts per day average with no spam!) to him...

You know I'm leaning hard on the other side of the table because I really, truly did want to like this game. I tried. I went out and bought Unreal II (again... because after a weekend of Unreal II I returned it quickly). Again, sorely disappointed. I did try.

You know I'm not all wacko fanboy off-my-rocker. And those that know me know I just tell it like I see it. I don't attack anyone, I don't disrespect anyone. But flame me and the gloves are off.


Just get the demo and play on Garden for a while until you get the hang of it. It is a little more complex than most and takes a bit to learn. And then you need to learn the maps. XMP is the best online game I've ever played. Can't wait until the patch. I agree the HUD needs some work. And the server browser, too. But the gameplay is awesome, especially if you play with a bunch of good people who are cooperating.

Famous (Another old guy at 44)


Local Legend
Jan 4, 2000
Fort Mill, SC
Sorry Famous... my experience has been sullied. I can't bring myself to install it again.

Not to mention I can't find the willpower to pull myself away from Desert Combat (1942 mod).

I meant no disrespect to the programmers, or those that just got axed. I'm disappointed they didn't make the game I felt they were making, or able to make. I know what it's like to get "laid off".

I seriously doubt that the success (or lack thereof) had anything to do with that decision.


Jan 10, 2002
Recoil812 said:
wow. Cant say I'm TOO surprised, what with Unreal 2 being a sucky game and the 'you're only as good as your last game' motto of the industry....
Yeah but if that was the case Epic should have been out too since ut2003 isnt much better than Unreal2. At least I saw some new stuff in Unreal2. UT2003 was "same old" but worse gameplay, and that was no flame.


Chief Muckety Muck
Aug 17, 1999
Pottstown, PA, USA
Rooster said:
Pete, heh.. one of the few here older than me. :) And really, I owe everything (including getting in trouble at work while working on my 20+ posts per day average with no spam!) to him...

You know I'm leaning hard on the other side of the table because I really, truly did want to like this game. I tried. I went out and bought Unreal II (again... because after a weekend of Unreal II I returned it quickly). Again, sorely disappointed. I did try.

You know I'm not all wacko fanboy off-my-rocker. And those that know me know I just tell it like I see it. I don't attack anyone, I don't disrespect anyone. But flame me and the gloves are off.

Heh. You sound like me with Splinter Cell. I really *wanted* to like it, but found it to be way, way too linear for my tastes. Any game that forces you to do things EXACTLY in order, with virtually no flexibility, in order to achieve the objective, well, it's just not my style. Plus, all the friggin' sneaking around, stealthy stuff... it just got boring in a hurry.

Same thing with XIII - I bought it, played it with the intention of reviewing it, but it lulled me to sleep as well, for many of the same reasons. I wanted to like it, but just couldn't bring myself to boot it up again.

Oh, Rooster. I stay around *solely* to make sure you don't feel too old.... :D


Hi Folks!

lets think for Atari here for a sec,

Option 1: Pay Legend money to develop a fast paced unreal engine game using vehicles...which we can't sell for much, and perhaps becomes a cannibal for UT2004.

Option2: Dump Legend, and turn their limit focus and attention on the fast paced unreal engine game using vehicles developed by Epic (UT2004) which is hot, full priced, and looks to sell for millions, which in turn will give Atari a hefty royalty without the great investment of resources and people.

Which would you choose on a tight budget?

DISCLAIMER: This is in no way based on any insider information


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
To further clarify:
People seem to keep on saying that Atari just didn't think XMP was going anywhere so they canned legend or that epic had something to do with it. I simply don't think that's true. Epic is leaving to microsoft for publishing. Obviouisly atari won't have anything to do with the unreal series anymore. Since unreal series stuff was the major part of legend, atari simply had no use for them anymore. I think that legend knew it was being canned before they started writing xmp. I think the fact that legend is closing is the reason why XMP even exists right now.

I think that if could all see the big picture that all the insiders have you'd see that everything that is happening right now with the unreal community is happening for the best.


XMP owns, simply put.
U2 is probably the last unreal based game I will buy for a long time, if ever again after being burned by ut2k3 and now XMP being left out in the cold without support, I actually bought U2 when it came out and sorta liked it but XMP is far better than the single player stuff.
Ut2k3 was good when it was first released but died a horrible death once they started to change the weapon balance.
I would hate to shell out the $$ for ut2k4 and love the game only to have it changed like they did with ut2k3.

gg's unreal



XMP is my favorite MP FPS of all time. I love the gameplay, the strategy, the graphics, the depth, the overall quality of the experience.

I like it enough to post this message, my first ever.


PF Prophet

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
TheCatcher said:
One last "Official Patch". Does that imply that Atari has possibly left some room open for "unofficial patches"? Or does the Legend Employee's access to the Unreal Engine and the U2XMP code die with Legend?

After Sierra and Tribes 2, I really didn't expect to see this again.

This sort of makes me wonder if Jack Tramiel is running Atari again? It also makes me question if buying Atari software is a good idea? "Buy our products, so we can leave you high and dry!"

sierra has been doing that since starsiege/t1 days they killed starsiege long b4 it was fixed becouse they said t1 was more popular funny sales where about even in the last sales report
it was becouse tribes was SOOOO easy to warez that it became so much more popular its what 74mb ziped up thats nothing even to us 56k users

funny t2 and ss are bouth being played still though ss is dead by any REAL masure its still got a master server and there are usuly at least 30 people on in the middle of the night ;)

if atari dose that with xmp/u2 they deserve to be shot

got an ideal every body that loves xmp start emailing them at least 1's a day with questions about xmp support and such just keep the presure on make it CLEAR that we all love xmp (other then the ideot that thinks ut2k3 is better)

if somebody can get us some email addys for atari employs (good ones) and we make up a list and email to everybody over and over and over till we get eather offical support OR they relice the needed code/info for community patches

PF Prophet

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
Rooster said:
Actually no, it wasn't flame bait.

The game actually is horrible.

It doesn't flow, it has nothing over UT2003.. UT2003 has the FEEL of a game. XMP feels like crap, similar to DOOM. (Not Doom2, not Quake, but feels like DOOM).

^ a true lazy gamer
we have menny of these around her they dont wana learn to play the game or use the class system
they dont wana move slower they wana run at 40-60mph everywhere they go and pickup wepps as they run thats "fun" to them
to me thats BORING
i was sick of arena games after i played quake3 for 2 weeks it was and is pointless

xmp dose flow its kinda like the ocean tide comes in and out

its got flaws but most should be fixed when the patch gets here main one i see is team damnage cant be dissabled and tk'er can get away with it unless u use a mutator to deal with them

but back to this i bet this guy couldnt stand tribes1/2 becouse they take stratagy and thinking over run and frag

i had ut2k3 i gave it away (was given to me) after 2 weeks of messing with it i desided it wasnt gonna get anybetter then it was and there was no point when xmp was secduled to be out some time fairly soon

xmp is a blast for people who like to WORK as a TEAM not just run around at mach3 fragging eachother

if u dont like it play ur mindless games and leave those who like it alone

PF Prophet

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
Hi Folks! said:
lets think for Atari here for a sec,

Option 1: Pay Legend money to develop a fast paced unreal engine game using vehicles...which we can't sell for much, and perhaps becomes a cannibal for UT2004.

Option2: Dump Legend, and turn their limit focus and attention on the fast paced unreal engine game using vehicles developed by Epic (UT2004) which is hot, full priced, and looks to sell for millions, which in turn will give Atari a hefty royalty without the great investment of resources and people.

Which would you choose on a tight budget?

DISCLAIMER: This is in no way based on any insider information

xmp is limited to people who want to think and use stratagy insted of run around and blast eachother at mach3 for days at a time

tribes1/2 are games with alot in common with xmp other then xmp being capture and hold(arti runs and protection) the games are verry simlar but xmp dosnt crash on me or give errors like tribes games did
last time i had so much fun on was starsiege(mech game)

unreal2 sp wasnt bad it was shorter then unreal1/gold but hell i have yet to see a sp fps game thats as long as unreal1/gold
ut was a joke to most of us that liked co-op mode/team play becouse it was just quake2/3 arena crap with pretty graphix
then there was the converter that converted the ut textures to unreal1 format and things got better for the looks of unreal1

no game in perfect i been gaming since the apple2e and can tell you that NO game is flawless xmp is damn good considering it was FREE addon to a game that didnt do so grate out of the box

i have hopes that atari will at least relice the code for xmp or find some way to support it beyond this next patch

if they dont relice the code maby somebody will leek it "oops did i do that"

rooster and everybody else i have heard bitch about xmp eather is far to lazy to learn the game or are far to into the mindless run and shoot games

even my buddy smy(friend in nsdf) is willing to give it a shot and his first impression was that it wasnt that good
but he also said that about tribes games and hes now one of the main host s for are servers :O

games that are class based and requier thinking and planing are more fun for thinkers like me then games where u run and shoot and dont need to really think (all instinct no brains)

PF Prophet

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
MachDelta said:
The only thing i'd like to rebutt to is Roosters comment on the "ceiling skill", which he claims is very low. I disagree. There is a big difference between newbs and vets IMO. For one, movement skills are critical. Dodging, Dodge Jetting, Wall Dodging, Angle Jumps... they make a huge difference. I know that if I dueled with myself, between when I first started XMP and now, I would soundly kick my own ass :p. I can get to places, leap over things, and take shortcuts that I couldn't before. I also understand the weapons/turrets/vehicles strengths and weaknesses. Ballance between the classes. I've seen the math behind weapon damages, shields, and vehicles. I understand the value of energy, and how to conserve it. I know maps like the back of my hand - where I can go and what tricks I can pull.
The sheer amount of extra content in XMP alone serves to widen the gap between sux0r and rox0r. There really is a lot to understand when you get into things. It may not be as straightforward as "I have l33t aim", but experience does make a big difference in XMP as well as UT/03.

so true about as u play u learn i teach friends and noobs when i can main thing is teachign what wepps do what and showing them how to move around

xmp takes thinking and team work more then "skill" if u got a team that is made of avragte players but can work as a TEAM aginst a bunch of 1337 players that dont work as a team the teams gonna win 9 out of 10 times

i know thats what i have seen in myu servers on sevral ocations a team will have a good number of players who are grate at getting personal scores and such but are not so good at TEAM work
the other team has less skilled people who for the most part work well togather the team players win 9/10 times

thats a reasion we of the nsdf call are selves a squad not a clan squads work togather as a TEAM and get to know whos good at what clans are just groups of people who play the same games

PF Prophet

New Member
Dec 9, 2003
oh yeah and *points and apathy* get an account ;) (if thats the apathy i think it is i sent her here)
Jul 22, 2000
Don't lecture Rooster on team based gaming.
Just because a game relies heavily on team work doesn't make it good, or even sub-par.