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XMP Beta Tester
Oct 10, 2003
Sum it up a bit!

Rooster said:
From everything I've seen Microsoft is TOPS when it comes to publishing games (count the number of patches needed for their games - ignoring their MMORPG)... compare to other publishers.

I really don't see what ANYONE else sees in XMP.

Graphics are crap (huge step backwards from UT2003, even Tribes2)
Sound is crap (UT2003 is great, 1942 is awesome)
Gameplay is subpar (muddied controls, unintuitive hud)

Really, what's there to like? No one really can say, they just say, IT'S UBER! Uhh... k.

i think you forget the likes of dungeon siege, and the appaling result of what is halo.

halo i think in most peoples eyes including my own, should have stayed on the XBOX, but nope M$ are all about money so they released a game which was never intended to be released on the pc onto the pc, resulting in a linear game of which runs poorly and under achieves in its ability to actually be fun. you run around kill aliens, turn around kill more aliens, turn around kill more etc etc etc [ boring as hell to me ].

Dungeon siege was hacked to HELL this on the general PATCH IT M$ attitude on their OS and their games is the future of unreal series and gaming online, if this is the case im out gg all was a pleasure. im not sticking around for that day its hard enough online with aimbots etc.

Legend made a classic game of which im sure will be talked about for at least a year to come ( i would say more but people do have short fuses on new games these days, always looking for something better ), Legend made a game which was fun, intuitive, fresh and whats more they made it for clans and tournament gamers who like to think about what theyre doing and not just run around doing the frag frag die methodology.

Atari have made 1 hell of a mistake here by sacking the guys from legend, i dont know for sure but this is the end for the programmers working together as some developers have them sign agreements not to work together in the future.

These makers if u did not know made a game called "Wheel Of Time" this game was years ahead of its time and has a few elements which are now inplace in XMP ( thats how far ahead it was ), My point is that Legend know what is needed and can look ahead to the future the developers are highly experianced professionals and great gamers who love and have a great sense of achievement in XMP. So much so im sure if they could continue work they would, although i dont know if that is possible.

UT2003 was met with a this isnt UT reputation straight from the box the point was though it does have that high learning curve if your new u basically dont stand a chance unless ur willing to spend hours and hours getting your arse serverly beaten. making the game limited and short lived. The user counts alone on the main irc network on admin on are about 50-70 unique people max that connect throughout the week to the irc channel, at any1 time thats 15 people MAX. whereas UT has still got on the main irc channel 150-200 unique people a week and 60-120 people at any1 time in the chat, UT has playability it had longterm abitions and didnt have ne predecessor to live up 2 ( quakes dont count :p ). UT2k3 was dead out the box.

QUOTE PF-Prophet
Had XMP been in the game when it shipped, there is no doubt that Unreal 2 would have enjoyed much better sales.


Unreal 2 was also met the same way with the this isnt Unreal its far too short, what ppl forget with this is that new games require much more space to run and graphics although unreal 2 was 2cds thats nothing compared to the factor of models,scripts,skins,textures,music,gui that would be needed to make a game close to the size of Unreal 1, it just wasnt likely and peoples expectations were too high. when they also said they was going to release multiplayer and then took it back saying no we are not, only to months later say well actually we are going to release a multiplayer ( after seeing their sales figures no doubt ) this did not help at all XMP's base for a good outgoing game on a steady structure.

XMP has been about now for what 3-4 months to the public in this time it has gained 8000 players and over 400 servers, ( including demo players ) and also it has gained Jolt GOTY 2003, and yet people still deny that this is a good game, like it or hate it you still have to admit that XMP kicks the competitors ass atm for a well balanced class based team game, which requires REAL SKILL not just sit in the base and shoot down a corridor type stuff. Legend worked hard on this addon with little or no support it seems from atari, its not been highly advertised or spoken about on some of the major gaming scenes untill it won the Jolt GOTY, even on the PCW disk they called it " UNREAL 2 : XMP Developed by Epic " the guys at legend have been well and truely shafted they made an ace game and it pisses me off to think some of you guys dont acknowledge that. even beta testers like myself have worked hard on making this game up, finding bugs reporting pasting back to LE, and then next patch etc etc, its not all about playing as a beta tester.

ive spoken too much and no doubt this will take up a huge ass section of this thread but ive tried to cover alot of the issues ive read so far thats up 2 page 3, currently on 4 :s

oh well flame me now im here all week,

- 1 extremly peeved beta tester {950}Defeatz


Wearing pink
Apr 22, 2001
halo i think in most peoples eyes including my own, should have stayed on the XBOX, but nope M$ are all about money so they released a game which was never intended to be released on the pc onto the pc

It was never intended to be released on xbox....until MS bought Bungie :D


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Despite the fact that I think Halo would have absoutely rocked on the PC if Bungie wasn't bought by M$, I think in the end, I think it was better that it was bought and made an Xbox title. The PC market was pretty saturated with FPS but by being arguably the best FPS for consoles ever, it brought the entire FPS genre to a much bigger audience then a PC version ever could have. I mean the first time I heard the QB of my HS football team last year talking about spending hours a day "fragging" in Halo I knew something was different.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Bazzi said:
It was never intended to be released on xbox....until MS bought Bungie :D

I thought originally it was being developed for MAC? ;)

but yes, once it WAS released on the XBox i should never have been brought to the PC. At that moment it became an XBox game...doesn't work on the PC at all.


I'm a little late on this but wanted to also express my anger at Atari for closing down Legend Entertainment.

I've been playing Legend games from the Spellcasting 101/Gateway/Eric the Unready interactive fiction/adventure days all the way up to the action titles like WoT and Unreal 2. I'm an old guy (35) and have seen developers come and go but with Legend I honestly feel a great loss. You guys have entertained me many times over the years and I appreciate everything Legend has put into their craft. THANK YOU!

I hope you all continue in the business and wish you best of luck in the future.


New Member
Nov 11, 1999
Visit site
Sad day

Wow. I rarely post but having just heard about this I wanted to add my thoughts. Very sad to see another fine developer close their doors. I loved WOT, but have to say I only just bought U2 after the holidays now that the price has fallen ($9). Just too many reviews and opinions from friends that it wasn't worth $50 and without multiplayer I didn't feel like droppping $30 even when that was the price...(game pricing is a whole other topic though).

I haven't played U2 yet since I got several other games too, but I have downloaded XMP to go with it. I think that now the combo is probably a steal, even if U2 didn't/doesn't live up to the hype.

Unfortunately, I guess too many others felt similarly about U2 (sort ambivalent/cautious) for Atari to recoup the investment. I recall that WOT didn't sell too well either despite getting far more praise. A sequel to that game would have been fantastic I'm sure, especially if the multiplayer was completed and polished (there is really nothing like it even now). Anyway, you do have to deliver financially if you are under the thumb of a big publisher.

My thought is that fragmenting the user base into U2/UT2003 (i.e. non-compatible versions of the engine from a networking and animation standpoint) is what wound up killing Legend (since Epic isn't going to be the one 'punished' by the market so to speak). If the games had built upon each other instead of the weird psuedo non-compete phases they seemed to pass through, then the franchise would have been unstoppable. As it is, with UT2004 breaking network compatibility I can only see the Unreal light dimming overall again, even if UT2004 is a big hit. Certainly the diversity of mods seems to be dimishing already since who wants to develop for yet another version? Fewer I'd guess.

Another contributing factor to low sales success is that I have heard U2 is very demanding of a system and perhaps Legend overshot the average spec when this game came out. Even now I don't think the majority of gamers have the 9800's or 5900's and fast CPUs needed for smooth gameplay. It doesn't matter how great it looks if hardly anyone can get it to run smoothly. Having to turn everything down to just play a game that is lacking in other ways (originality and length being the main other complaints I have heard), and whose strength is supposed to be the graphics, isn't going to help in reviews or word of mouth. I am going to play and enjoy this game I am certain, but a good part of that is knowing that I (at least) got a fantastic deal and so my measure of worth is 'Was this worth $9?' and frankly I don't see how it can't be. For those who paid $50 and waited for XMP I am sure the answer is different.

The other observation I have it that it seems UT2004 is borrowing some of the XMP ideas (since I haven't played either this is just based on what I have read). That is likely another source of split base and competitive worries for Atari. There has always been dispute over who is responsible for the best aspects of the Unreal series (Epic versus DE stuff) and seeing XMP ideas turn up in UT2004 would only add to similar feuds in the future. Would Atari want such feuds marring the uptake of UT2004? Looking at it from Atari's perspective I can see why they might shy from further injury to a franchise that has stumbled a bit (UT2003 did not pull the sales numbers of UT from what I have heard). Still one has to wonder why shut down a talented development house rather than given them something else to work on besides XMP?

Oh, well. Here is wishing Legend's former staff the best of luck and hoping we get to see some great stuff from them in whatever new capacities they find themselves in! Good luck.


CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
i think that this needs a big bump, but i haft to say that xmp is still going strong, even though legend was shut down.