World Trade Center

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New Member
Sep 11, 2001
killing cute doggies...
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bear with it.
It may be confusing without a picure

Imagine a squre with a dot in the centre.

If the distance form each of the points was 200 miles / 1 hours flight time. I bet, even using something SO accessable as the internet, you could all arrange to meet at the "dot" at a very specific time using very commercial flights.

Wouldnt take that much to take control and push down on the lever.


I bet if you knew (im in UK) 4 people


Sep 14, 2000
Lansing, Michigan
The knives....

I heard reports that the knives made it through because they weren't metal. They were plastic. Has anyone else heard this? That would explain a lot.

Is it likely we'll see more happen? They (the FBI) have just announced they feel we are dealing with approximately 50 conspirators. Since they figure there were 3-6 per plane, at thevery least that leaves a potential of 26 terrorists at large.
It makes me wonder if all of them are concentrated in New York or should we be looking elsewhere such as Chicago or Los Angeles. At least there was movement of military to the west coast as well.


New Member
Aug 24, 2001
Civilians in Afgh. and Palastine

Ok, this is makin me alittle mad, a lot of people are facing towards Revenge, i understand why, but revenge isnt the answer, justice is, now if you find revenge as justice, and want to kill many civilians like they did ours, I feel pity for you, for they have had no part in this attacking, The civilians of Afghan, and Palastine, have had no actual part in these attacks, now if Bin-Laden did this, well he has his own army, and he is allied with Afghan, for all i know, and who ever is hidin him deserves to die, right beside him, but the civilians arround dont deserve to die, the ones who try to help, deserve to be punished, and i hope they all, especially the ones having partys realize what kind of monsters they have become, what Racists, and against their own kind, Man, they had their own people in that building too, my guess is they feel that just a few can stand for a sacrafice to take down several thousand innocent people, Mixed signals all over the world, are flowing into my head, i dont know what to think, so i am thinking everything possible for my head to make, and comprehend. Anger, fear, pitty, wants of revenge, wants of justice, wants of everything, If things went the way i thought this world would be so messed up, its not even as bad right now, its allready total Chaos, so how fo you think it would be if one of us were in controll and they did this? would we take them down? would he walk over there kill every 1 we see, even if they are crying because of what their leader has done, dont judge yet ye shall be judged, Vengance is not what we should want, we kinda want that, the public WILL/has demanded military action, but why? how many more have to die? well, how many can you think of? how many bad people do you think are in this world, how many bad people do you think have read this far in this post, are you one of them? or are you a person who feels sympathy for more than you're own kind, do you feel sorrow for the people who have somthing coming towards their country because their leaders ignorant mistake, they have a Dictatorship, from what i know, which means they cant help what their government does. I dont hate myself for feeling sorry for them, and i dont hate any 1 who wants to hate the people of Afgh. Palastine, and Pakastan. I really dont hate any 1 who feels the way i do, I feel sorry for every 1 stuck in this world, its a tougher place than some may think, when you stick yourself in the position of others for a split second it sux monkey Balz. If any 1, ANY 1 at all, who feels that the people in Afghan, Palastine, and Pakastan all deserve to die, that is you're way of thinking, put yourself in their point of view, i mean the ones who fear who they have become, the ones who know they have become monsters by cheering for the attack on us, but later realize that its been happening to them, just spread in time, they are doing this to themselves too. I hope we all can understand we are all screwed in some manner, no 1 has the perfect live, no 1 is perfect, these people who did this will die, and i hope its a horrible death, not a painless poison, or a quick headshot, or a decapitation. Hell awaits them, and I hope god spares them none at all, but that is not our choise, we can only do what we find humanly possible, which is help the Victoms and thier family, donate blood, try to adopt young children who cant understand why their parents didnt come home, help the little children who will VERY! horribly remeber this even in the back of their mind forever, because they are only a year old now, they will feel sorry for all that happens throughout their lives, and hope that it shall never happen again, some think that people are too young to remember this, but they will remember and whent hey are taught in School of this event it will slowly come back to them, they will feel horrible, the least we can do is comfort them and help as much as we can. Even here in Texas blood drives all over the state have like 6-10 hr. lines to donate blood, we are all helping as much as we can, by prayer and by donation, we do what we can, and god bless you all.


New Member
Aug 24, 2001
My feelings

The current events that have un-ravveled in the United States is a horrific thing. Many! people have died, or are VERY! badly injured, I feel bad for those victoms, and their families. President George Bush made a very good speech about our nation, this is part of it:"The terrorist attacks were ment to frighten our nation into panic, retreat, and fear, but they have failed, they can shake the steel base of our tallest buildings, but they CANNOT! even dent the steel of our nation, and its freedom/cause." Here know i shall say somthin said by many, Our nation, The United States of America, was the target for these attacks, beacause we shine of Freedom, love, and are the biggest insperation of freedom, they can try to knock us down, but they cannot take this down without a fight: (American flag flying in the wind) 225 years of history, love, freedom, rights, and friendship. We are the biggest light and sign of FREEDOM and that is the one thing they CANNOT! take!


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Jan 25, 2001
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IF we bomb another country, we dont try and bomb civilians. We usually try and take out military positions or factorys..
Now, Have NO F*%^ing sympathy for the government that is in place in afganistan. They mass kill people living in their country that are not of the same tribe or culture as them. If u know anything about the taliban(sp) regime, u would know that they are one of the most oppresive societies that the modern age has ever seen. they repeatedly excute people for crimes such as adultry, and lesser crimes. They dont even have a trial. If a husband says that his wife cheated on him, they dont ask questions. They just take her to the soccer stadium (that internatial money bought by the way) and hang or shoot her. Right now red cross workers from america are being charged for (spreading christianity).. If they are found guilty, they could easily be hung..
Im sorry , but i have no respect or sympathy for anyone who backs a government like that... If they are protecting bin laden, which anyone with a little intelligence can surmise, then they should be bombed. period. I mean, the taliban officials came out and said that "bin landen" wasnt behind it.. Well, how the hell would they know unless they were in communications with him..

boy, they are smart ones arent they..


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Agreed as well, if we take a breather and let the government do its work this thing will unravel, and then we will get to kill the basturd faster.


Old School RPG
Feb 12, 2000
On an interesting side note....

There's suppose to be an Arnold Swurzenegger(I know it's not spelled right, so what) movie comming out called collateral dammage that involves his characters family being killed in a terrorist attack. He of course, hunts down the guy responsible in order to deliver some terminater style payback. I remember seeing the adverts for it before this happened. I wonder if it's release should be postsponed or maybe it would be somewhat theraputic right now. Oh well, I just thought I'd mention it.

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
The FBI is working on the assumption that there were between 12 ande 24
hijackers directly involved in the attacks, and that there may have
been as many as 50 people involved in the planning and execution of
the attacks.

Sources also said all the hijackers may not have known one another,
to prevent them from giving away information if they were captured
and interrogated.

Law enforcement sources said the hijackers may have gone into action,
performing pre-assigned roles, on receiving
a signal.

Plane tickets for seven people suspected of being the hijackers were
purchased with one credit card, information federal investigators
deem extremely critical evidence, sources told CNN.

The credit card apparently belonged to a material witness picked up
in Boston, not one of the hijackers.

Two of the hijackers apparently came to the United States from Nova
Scotia, Canada, crossing the border via a ferry to Bar Harbor, Maine,
sources said.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Interpol are assisting U.S. law
enforcement in retracing their steps in Canada.

Authorities believe three to five hijackers were on board each of the
four planes that crashed Tuesday, sources said.


Ameer, top, and Adnan Bukhari,
both former flight students
and suspected hijackers.


Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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Originally posted by Lizard Of Oz
It is believe that th other aircraft was heading for Washington DC.

The passengers got word of the WTC strikes via cell phones and attempted to take control of the aircraft, and it crashed in Pennsylvania.

Heroes in the truest since of the word.

Makes me wonder WHAT it was heading for in Washington...
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