side step...
Thinkin about it, and from what the media is saying.
They reckon that it was a highly planned event, thought out months in advance and executed to perfection.
1. Granted that the planes that the hijackers took over were American planes
2. They managed to get past the security
But think about this. What sort of knives did they use? Something that we'll proably never find out. But if the hijackers used something as small and easy tro conceal as some "stanley" blades for example, even easier, some craft / surgucal blades. Easy enough to hide in the back of a mobile phone, in a wallet with money. etc This would easily get past metal detectors / body searches.
The reason the security failed was not because of the security in place, but the mentality of the hijackers. They knew from the time that they got on to the plane that they were not going to live.
With this in mind:
1. no one person was ever going too confront the hijackers (cause most hijacks happen for money / personal gain / release of pox / etc)
2. We are taught, if in trouble comply.
3. The passengers did not know the intentions of their hijackers.
The Americans (or at least the flight controllers) (must have) known that the plane was off the flight path. When a plane is in the air, it travels at a set height, speed, and distance form the tunnel edge. when a plane starts to drift the controller puts it back in place. With Boston being North, and New York South, Los Angeles, the (1st) planes destination:
1 . why did'nt the controller notice? or if he/she did?
2. why werent jets issued {standard practice when a loss of communication is logged with an aircraft will not respond to ground signals. With the time difference between Boston / LA / New York, and military jets based at all of the above stations, response CAN be less than 30 mins.
It just seems that if there isnt a conspiricy going on, then there was MUCH more than the "3-6" hijackers per aircraft. Just too many coincidences for an attack like this to successfully happen.
Hope this isnt in bad taste, but after watching the media from all of our 5 channels here in the UK and reading the papers. Some major questions just havnt even been asked never mind answered.