World Trade Center

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Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Originally posted by Witty
Oh, I know they'll build something up again, but it won't be the same as seeing the Twin Towers. They were quite the monument.

I'd bet a years salary they will do one of 2 things.
A)Bulldoze the whole site and make it a memorial park.
B) rebuild a new WTC but it will be MUCH MUCH shorter. Think about it. Who would want to work in another, even 70 story TARGET again?? They'd never hire employees!!


Truth, by Banksy
Nov 10, 1999
London, UK

The CS website was, as you can see, temporarily shut down.

Also, this flash movie was posted on the Barrysworld forums. I think the message holds true both from the American and Muslim perspectives.


Jun 5, 2001
Dunno about that, but I was getting awful connections all day long over here.
Wouldnt have been able to play a game even if I'd wanted to.

I just heard on the news that the evidence they've collected in Boston is Arabic in origin, detailing the attack.
It's really gonna hit the fan now..


Up The Irons
Jul 21, 2001
somethin serious is going down in the Westin Hotel in boston. the cops have arrested unnamed number of people - a full radi with machine guns, rams, etc. the ploice have done a good job!!.intelligence is finally up


Sep 14, 2000
Lansing, Michigan
I kinda wondered...

Just read this....

THE SCALE of the attacks and the loss of life — mostly in New York City’s World Trade Center, but also near Pittsburgh and Washington — ensured that “no option has been taken off the table,” a senior U.S. official told Asked if that included nuclear weapons, one senior official said: “I said no option is out of the question. That’s precisely what I mean.”

Major retaliatory strikes: The United States could strike at Afghanistan with missile strikes — possibly even tactical nuclear weapons — to demonstrate its anger and the grave consequences of such an attack on U.S. soil.

Taken from the MSNBC website.


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Originally posted by NeoNite

When I was watching that building collapse on tv (the first one)..
Well.. this might sound silly.. but I had tears in my eyes...
I wasn't there .. ok.. but.. it felt so...
like a nitemare.

I'm still crying. I made my wallpaper that pic that was posted earlier. Every time I look at it I well up.....


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Latest developments
• Maine's Department of Public Safety says officials seized a rental car at the Portland jetport, believing two of the hijackers may have used the car to travel between Portland and Boston.

• The owners of a flight school in Venice, Florida, say that the FBI is investigating whether two former students were involved in the attacks.

• FAA says that U.S. airspace will be open Wednesday in a limited manner to allow stranded passengers to continue their journeys: only those airports that meet strict security measures will be opened.

• 80 bodies have been removed from the Pentagon. "Scores" of bodies have been located but not removed.

• A car is seized in Daytona Beach, Florida, with information relating to Osama bin Laden.

• New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says that "the best estimate" for the number of dead could approach "a few thousand people ... in each building." As many as 300 firefighters and police officers are missing and feared dead. (Full story)

• Brokerage firm Morgan Stanley reports the "vast majority" of its 3,500 employees at the World Trade Center got out safely.

• The Taliban, who control 90 percent of Afghanistan, appeal to the United States to refrain from attacking their country.

• President Bush asks Congress for emergency funding to aid rescue and relief efforts and calls attacks "acts of war." (Full story)

• NATO is meeting to discuss invoking Article Five of its charter which would give a green light to the United States to retaliate once it determines who is responsible for Tuesday's attack and expediate assistance from other NATO members. (Full story)

• Intelligence sources tell CNN that at least two phone calls were intercepted between members of an organization connected with suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Phone calls mentioned that two targets had been hit. (Full story)

• The aircraft carrier USS George Washington has moved into New York Harbor

Crowds gather after police converged on the Westin Hotel in Boston.
• New York rescuers are searching for two other people who have been in contact with authorities; two other police officers were rescued Tuesday night. (Full story)

• New York Fire Chief Pete Ganci and First Deputy Commissioner of the Fire Department William Feehan have perished.

• Boston's Logan International Airport announces tightening of security. Among them: the airport will discontinue curbside baggage check-in and remove vehicles standing within 300 feet of front entrance (Full story)

• Pentagon announces: Military jets will be seen in skies over New York and Washington for the next several days.

• Reports of three suspicious aircraft over Canada were checked out by Canadian authorities and found to be untrue, according to U.S. officials. Concern about the matter was prompted by a Canadian pilot who reported -- erroneously as it turned out -- that he was being followed by three other aircraft.

• New York City is closed to the public south of 14th Street.


Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
Originally posted by Peregrine

I'd bet a years salary they will do one of 2 things.
A)Bulldoze the whole site and make it a memorial park.
B) rebuild a new WTC but it will be MUCH MUCH shorter. Think about it. Who would want to work in another, even 70 story TARGET again?? They'd never hire employees!!

I would work there. If they rebuild they are going to make it much taller than it was before to accomidate all the buissnesses that were in there before plus new ones. They will also make the building be able to take much larger planes than what is currently out there and ones that are planned for the future. I say make it the tallest building in the world.


I hear only yes.
Aug 6, 2001
Provo... somewhere in Utah.
Visit site
Hey, Peregrine, I'll take u up on that, considering that my salary is about 1000 dollars a year. I totally agree with u on that, though. They'll build up another one, but it will probably be either much shorter, or will have SAM sites all over (nahh, those would be a huge liability themselves... nevrmind).


Apr 10, 2000
Personally, I think they will rebuild the towers, maybe not the same look to them, but they will rebuild. And they will be bigger, and even MORE magnificent. There are 2 reasons for this:
  1. A memorial for all those who lost their lives, and in memory of this terrible act
  2. A demonstration of the fact that we will not allow ANYONE to defeat us or take away what is dear to us. That we will always prevail and persevere


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Originally posted by BillyBadAss

I would work there. If they rebuild they are going to make it much taller than it was before to accomidate all the buissnesses that were in there before plus new ones. They will also make the building be able to take much larger planes than what is currently out there and ones that are planned for the future. I say make it the tallest building in the world.

No way. You are a rarity my friend. After this, it would be impossible to fully staff a 100+ story building in NY. Count on it.

Witty - Maybe they could build it UNDERGROUND, and make the part at ground level a memorial park??? Trying to muster a laugh.....



All you have to do is smile!
the real estate there is too valuable and important to put into ONLY a park... there will be a memorial, but they will -have- to rebuild a new tower(s) there. either that or everyone who lives in the city and works there will have to go elsewhere. simply put, for the economy of the city they'll have to use the space (i still don't know if anyone who hasn't seen those buildings in person can grasp how big they were). If you took the floors of the building and laid them out side by side you would cover well over a dozen square miles (0.25 miles on a side i think x 2 towers x 110 floors each). New York City NEEDS that floor space and depends upon the revenue they generate.
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