World Trade Center

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New Member
Feb 11, 2001
Anybody see the video of the plane crashing into the building on CNN? It was from a different angle, pretty close. I almost puked. Imagine being in the cockpit, haulin' balls into a bigass building where 50,000 people work a day. Think of what the people thought when a plane comes through the f---in building into your office.

/me loses his lunch


G$I Guy
Aug 4, 2001
Anybody see the video of the plane crashing into the building on CNN? It was from a different angle, pretty close.

didnt see it, just a picture on

and for the neighbours (not created by me)


Super Feen

probably not a skrull
Jun 23, 2001
Erection Cove
I posted this in another thread but I thought that I would post here also

Originally posted by [DvS]Selerox on March 29,2001

Years of fighting eventually saw the defeat of the USSR, as more bodies started arriving back home and political voices in the USSR started getting vocal about the need to pull out of Afgahnistan. This defeat was one of the main catalysts that caused the eventual breakup of the USSR. This was, as far as Afgahnistan was concerned, a great time to rebuild their country and go back to living normally again. However, the were in for a shock. The US government pulled it's units out, and forgot about the Afgahn people. This triggered a huge amount of anger across the Islamic world. Many of those the US had trained to e the world's greatest terrorist force decided to take the war of vengeance back to the US and it's allies. As for what impact these (now heavily finacnced oraginsations) can have, just take a look at the details of the World Trade center bombing. If that device had worked as planned, it could have wiped out a quater of a million people. The threat s still there and will be there for an awfully long time. They have the money, resources and the will to use them.


Help needed
Nov 20, 2000
Its 7:48 am here and I just woke up, put on the news and hear that they have only saved two people from the crashed buildings....

Is that true only TWO ?
wow......This is soo bad.....not that they saved those two, but if they manage to only save two of 'm, I dont wanna know what the rest looks like.....:(


New Member
Jul 13, 2001
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hi guys. i just want to say you've got the sympathy of all of us in england. i watched the events unfold on tv, it was about 2pm here. the first i heard of it was a news bulletin. initially, i thought it was an accident, but the full horror soon unfolded. i hope you do get the ****ers that did this, and execute them publicly. i'm also sick of these anal-ists that come on tv and bitch about america's relationship with israel. some middle-class dickwad just finished spouting his bile. if he don't like it over there, why doesn't he **** OFF? bin laaden has just denied responsibility, but supports the act. what a tosser. in short, you've got the complete backing of my tiny country, and you have my sympathies. i wept for the people when the coverage was on, my heart goes out to your people. sorry it's a bit rambling, but terrorism really upsets me, i loathe it. heal soon, compadres, all the best......

the paper_boy

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Bring the rain!
Jun 3, 2001
Zer0's Anus
Jesus Christ i hope they find these FVCKERS how on earth can they justify doing this, this bull****e has been going on for long enough, enough is enough !!!!


Continuing the Legacy....
Aug 31, 2001
Home @ Malaysia
Well, I hereby, send out my condolences to everyone who lost their love ones and for everyone whose facing death as they are injured during the attack against US. I am living in malaysia, all the way on the other side of US and I watched the news LIVE from CNN. I saw the second play flew and spin around a bit then crashed RIGHT into the building. I bought a couple of newspapers(Since there is a lot of different types in Malaysia) and saw pictures of the second plane diving into the building. The World Trade Centre is once the tallest building is now ruined and many lives is being lost and God's creation is destroyed just like that. DIE YOU SCUM TERRORIST!!!!!

P.S: I feel so sorry that I replied to a similiar thread at UT from saying, SO?!?


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
I woke up this morning hoping yesterday was just a bad nightmare, but its true...I saw the mess in the streets of NYC... man, I have no words to describe that or to descibe what I feel, I feel like crying... :( :(


New Member
Aug 12, 2001
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Well this has been going on all day now, Dont know if anybody is even gonna read this but it seems important, and may have already been said.
The graffic horrow we all experienced today is the result of ignorance and intollerance the belittlment and total disrespect for our fellow human beings. At times like this it is easy to be carried away by our emotions, I know that I have been brought near tears several times today, and the desire for retaliation is strong. My thoughts have been with the poor people in the building and the terror of the passengers on the planes, and now as it all sinks in with everybody. Jumping to hastey desicions about military actions and revenge could be costly errors and the out right blaming of whole broad groups of people is wrong. This action in my opinion was brought on by the assumption that All Americans are evil and that those (whomever they are) that are responsible believe they are more righteous or better. I believe strong retaliation is warented but only after the real foe has been ascertained and confirmed. I dont know if any of this makes sense or if I am just babbling dazed by the horror of tues. LOVE is the answer though, I see it when I talk to my daughter about it I see it in the people I see in the streets, we mus'nt forget that we are all the same that every life is important. Until this happens we will continue to see events like this unfold. Tell someone that you love them today.

I love you all.

hope this makes some sense


New Member
Apr 10, 2000
In times like this, it's easy to get patriotic all of a sudden and search for vengence. We need to know more about who really did this before we act. Now is the time to heal our wounded and investigate the situation. If it proves to be who we think it is, or whoever it is, we should get the ones responsible. In this country, all we know is what CNN tells us. It could be anybody, even our own. But if it turns out that they are being protected by ANY government. We should rain hell down on them and pound them into the earth with extreme prejudice. The U.S. Government is the Bully of the ball we live on, imposing their will on every country in the world. We piss off more countries before 9 am than most countries do all year. Deep inside we've always expected something like this to happen. Now that it's happened, let's deal with it, and when it's done, let's try to remember this world belongs to all of us. Black, White, Muslim, Christian, Human, and animal. Let's remember we have to share this planet and protect it. The best way I see to do this is by doing unto others as you would have done to you, and to love one another like brothers.
I know many of you won't like this message, that's to be expected. As an american, I still have the right to free speech, reguardless of whether or not it's popular.

God Bless us All.


Mostly Harmless
Jun 4, 2001
Asturias, España
Some of the stuff in our news this morning ...

Cellphone calls were made by passengers on some of the flights: a call from the Pittsburgh crash aircraft said that terrorists had taken control of the aircraft and a group of passengers were going to try to do something about it (this aircraft of course then crashed in the woods short of it's intended target.

other cellphone calls confirmed that terrorists had seized the at least two of the aircraft and were armed with knives

There are growing rumours (I have no idea where from) that these attacks were organised by western anti-capitalist group or groups

Ussamah Bin Laden in the Afghan press denied involvement and said "an american group were behind the attacks

A hire-car has been impounded from near a US airport containing flight manuals in Arabic
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Confused, I think, maybe.....
May 9, 2000
I've been watching the news this morning and still don't believe it, it's just so unreal.

I hope all the PuFfers and their families are safe.

God be with the families and friends of the victims.
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