World Trade Center

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New Member
Aug 24, 2001
Sensative Information it was ment to be, I feel that my past post about this being a war that has existed longer than any other is a best summary of it all, we all have taken part in it, and I really! really! Feel for those who lost any body at all, even just a pet, i feel bad, I wish this would never have happened and that it would just end, and be gone, but too bad, my way isnt how it goes, if it was, this crap never would have happened, i am just here to post my info, my feelings, and my oppinion, I am truely sorry, I dont think any 1 of those people deserved what they got, at all! I truely feel bad, very very very very bad, I am quite depressed even. I hope that any 1 who has lost or not lost anything, i hope you get you're things, and if you lost a love 1, their death is a sad sad sad result of this event, it is a major thing for them to attack Civilians, I hope that they are captured and placed in a town center of each that was a target, and are set up on a stage, to be stared down, and hated on, and for it all to end without a hatred Bloody war, as it has been now sence the day we started terriorism. My largest conserns is that what if this continues to escalate, what will happen next, will they launch large air strikes? would they boat in? I doubt they would, but what i think they would do, is decide to hit us in the center when we are down and out, like a cheap hit in a Street-fight, luckly we are very strong, and can recover from a hit, like we shall, that hit was a strong hit, and I hope that not revenge, but PURE! justice is served. If you hate!!!!! them, that is you're busniess, i dont know them, i dont like them, i hope they get what they deserve, but what they deserve is not possible for them to get, they deserve to look through all the family albums of the people that have died, they deserve to see the children's faces who are home-less parent-less and last of all they deserve to see my fist in their face, just as my part towards their punishment. They should get more than a punishment, i am sorry if this makes you cry i am sorry if this makes u hate me, but i am not to blame, civilians are not to blame, you're children are not to blame, and most of all, you are not to blame, but the terrorist themselfs are to blame, i would blame them for hell's existance if i could, and i can, so i do, partly, and i hope they get locked in a death cell in Hell for eturnity, i hope God spares them none, I shall not feel bad when i see them locked away and burning forever, for i will feel glad and that justice has been served, but i also hope that the children, god save them, and keep them well.


New Member
Aug 24, 2001
Those of you in Palistan, i feel for you too, just remember its not us striking you, we are stuck on the ground, even our military bases are shut down, no movement period, and we are on a full scale alert that if we have planes go by, we have planes comin down. We cannot bomb you with planes, and we cannot bomb u with smart-bombs and missiles, cuz u need planes to guide them, we cannot bomb u with nukes, cuz then all hell would break loose, and we hope you make it through this as well as us.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
An estimated 200 in the Pentagon are dead.

An estimated 300 from the plane crashes.

An estimated 200-300 firefighters are dead.

Hello, that's 800 people...right there.

Now, think about the number of people killed from either plane crash in the building. Add to that those above the crashes. Then those on the ground.

That's a LOT of dead people. :(

Reports of various body part laying around the wreckage areas (the usual; heads, arms, legs), people jumping from the buildings...

Truly, a sad day for any country. But it does seem worse when it happens to one of the major powers.

When we do retaliate, I hope whoever we catch associated with this tragedy gets put in the top of a tall building, have a section of that building cut off, then implode it.

(Hey, maybe Bush wouldn't stoop to that level, but I know I would. :mad: )


Jeese. . . I can't believe it. . . like something out of DEBT OF HONOR. . .

This is freakin me out. My mom told me about it when we were heading to school, and i caught some news footage. I didn't realize what I was watching, all I saw was the world trade center buildings, one with a gaping hole at the top. I wasn't paying attention to the aircraft flying in, but a second later a fireball erupted from the second building. . . I was shocked. Not to mention I had a feeling of Deja Vu. I just finished Tom Clancy's book DEBT OF HONOR the night before. In the book a Japanese 747 pilot whos brother and son was killed in a war fought between Japan and the US, piloted his plane into the White House killing the president and congress. . . talk about irony. . .:(


Apr 10, 2000
I think it's safe to say that there are at least 10,000 people dead. That seems to be the safe minimum number everyone's throwing around. And as far as there being no aircraft in the air, that's just civilian aircraft. There are military jets patroling over the country just in case there is another attempt made. This situation is going to be nasty. And there's no reason to think that this is the end of the attacks that I can think of.


Mobile Target
Jan 22, 2001
Florida, USA
Visit site
The military is not stuck on the ground, they are up in the air like crazey, the coasties have spun up all their birds, the Fly boys are in the air preventing another aircraft strike, the navy is also protect DC, and New York, we aren't crippled we are more ready then we will ever be and more united.

Today we pray for the souls that the terrorist sent to god, also we pray for the families of the victems, may their greif be short lived. Soon we will be sending more souls to god, and we pray that it will happen very quickly.


Terrible, Terrible Damage!
Feb 12, 2001
Not There
Originally posted by anterobs
Well, the U.S. joined WW2 and bombed Japan for WAY less than what happened today - a few dozen soldiers died in Pearl Harbor...

In actuality: More than 2200 soldiers died, and about 60 civilians died in that Pearl Harbor accident.


Mar 29, 2001
This has got to be the fastest growing thread ever. Nineteen pages since this morning. I beg forgivness for not reading it all now. Does anyone have a link or download for video of the actual crash?

As to my thoughts on this, my first thought was, weird. IT was serreal. I almost didn't think that it was happening. Almost. My second thought was, cool, because I often wondered if it was possible. I've flown lots of times. and even time I was just wondering how much you could get away with. Now, being the up standing citizen I am I didn't. But I still wondered and now I know. Me next thought was sorrow, for all the people that died because of this. And then I really wanted to know who was the genius who thought that sticking thier finger in the eyes of the most powerful nation on the planet was a good idea.

All in all, an awful situation. But I think it will come out ok.

Super Feen

probably not a skrull
Jun 23, 2001
Erection Cove
Confirmed: Survivors in WTC basement, at least two people have used cell phones to call relatives in Seattle. Geez, that's good to hear, IMO it is very unlikely anyone else survived unless they were in the basement/lower floors

This is really scaring me, true that we would not use any Nuclear weapons but what is keeping them from using nuclear weapons. They must realize that they stand no chance against us now...:(


Demon Like
Jul 31, 2000
Well, I just should put my story in here like the rest of us:

It was like 8:00 in the morning, and I was doing my usual 1 hour internet-surfing.. doing my usual UT stuff and shiit when my little brother comes up to me and says "YO BRO, the WORLD TRADE CENTER IS ON FIRE"... I was like WTF.. is that a damn joke? I was gonna beat him when he brought the TV along and all I can see was this big-ass building on fire.. shoit.. that image like froze me on the computer.. I was like JESUS, MARY , AND JOSEPH!!!!!!!!... damni it.. it was terrible.. but I thought it was just burning.. and nothing more.. then after like 15 minutes my brother comes agian and tell me a mothefuucken plane crashe in the other building... more sadness fiilled my head damn... it was just like unbelievable.. the US NEVER expected this sort of attack so quickly .. and fast.. and excuse me to say.. VERY FUUCKEN WELL ORGANZIED..

Then, All I could do is disconnec the computer and keep watching TV for news.. it just shockedd me.. well thnen more damn news came in, telling that a plane crashed in the PENTAGon.. and the US cancelled all flights within its territory and ****.. it was getting serious.. and I was getting afraid...

About the buildings itself, I thought the twin towers were sturdy enough to support that kind of collision... how wrong I was.. i nearly fainted when I saw the first building come down (a good explanation to the falling would be this: the damn plane crashed.. and made a BIGASS hole inside the building.. just imagine the wieght of nearly 40 floors atop of it.. it was just a matter of time)(with perhaps, and I pray to GOD that I´m wrong, probably 1000+ people in it).. I nearly fainted.. in fact I started crying.. how could people do such things.. to innocent people.. damn this world is getting worse by the second.. and I dont know why allot of people blame everything on the US with their troubles.. it's just so wrong..

and I (as I suppose much of you felt) was generally OUTRAGED when I say those Palestinan kids celebrate about that ragedy.. well I could forgive the kids (because there small, and dont have a clear view of the world).. but those damn ADULTS.. that fuucken old LADY with glasses that was lauging.. damn it.. if something like that happened to them, they would be just like us... sad.. just sad my friends.. personally, I dont wish something should happen to them.. they are human beings too.. you know.

well that´s my story..

to sum it up, frranctly, I hope the US government doesnt make anything stupid in response to this disaster.. personally, I would like to see the people (I think "ANIMALS" is a better word to describe them) responsible for this act DIE in the worst manner possible.. I would like to see them suffer.. but no countermeasures should be done without appropiate research (AKA, investigations made by the US goverement).. franctly this terrible incident shouldnt end in "BIGGER" acts, if you know what I mean..

Just, in case, I happen to live in ECUADOR, SOUTHAMERICA.. and behalf all my fellow country and citizens, I wish to give my condolocences to all the people who have suffered in any way in that eterrorist act.



Super Feen

probably not a skrull
Jun 23, 2001
Erection Cove
That's exactly how I feel, Bin Ladin is a multi-millionaire so there is no doubt in my mind that he has got a hold of some kind of nuclear weapon. It's frightening, the worst is yet to come:(
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