Sensative Information it was ment to be, I feel that my past post about this being a war that has existed longer than any other is a best summary of it all, we all have taken part in it, and I really! really! Feel for those who lost any body at all, even just a pet, i feel bad, I wish this would never have happened and that it would just end, and be gone, but too bad, my way isnt how it goes, if it was, this crap never would have happened, i am just here to post my info, my feelings, and my oppinion, I am truely sorry, I dont think any 1 of those people deserved what they got, at all! I truely feel bad, very very very very bad, I am quite depressed even. I hope that any 1 who has lost or not lost anything, i hope you get you're things, and if you lost a love 1, their death is a sad sad sad result of this event, it is a major thing for them to attack Civilians, I hope that they are captured and placed in a town center of each that was a target, and are set up on a stage, to be stared down, and hated on, and for it all to end without a hatred Bloody war, as it has been now sence the day we started terriorism. My largest conserns is that what if this continues to escalate, what will happen next, will they launch large air strikes? would they boat in? I doubt they would, but what i think they would do, is decide to hit us in the center when we are down and out, like a cheap hit in a Street-fight, luckly we are very strong, and can recover from a hit, like we shall, that hit was a strong hit, and I hope that not revenge, but PURE! justice is served. If you hate!!!!! them, that is you're busniess, i dont know them, i dont like them, i hope they get what they deserve, but what they deserve is not possible for them to get, they deserve to look through all the family albums of the people that have died, they deserve to see the children's faces who are home-less parent-less and last of all they deserve to see my fist in their face, just as my part towards their punishment. They should get more than a punishment, i am sorry if this makes you cry i am sorry if this makes u hate me, but i am not to blame, civilians are not to blame, you're children are not to blame, and most of all, you are not to blame, but the terrorist themselfs are to blame, i would blame them for hell's existance if i could, and i can, so i do, partly, and i hope they get locked in a death cell in Hell for eturnity, i hope God spares them none, I shall not feel bad when i see them locked away and burning forever, for i will feel glad and that justice has been served, but i also hope that the children, god save them, and keep them well.