World Trade Center

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Aug 1, 2001
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Originally posted by Exar Kun [Sith]
Here's something interesting I just heard from one of the news channels forgot which one but NASA has said that the astronauts on the Space Station reported that they could see the smoke clouds from the World Trade Center. They're 240 miles (I think) above the Earth.

Wow. :(


New Member
Aug 24, 2001
This nightmare isn't over yet, there still is the biggest problem of all, you all dont realize it, but there is actually a war going on now, Every 1 is asking if this is an act of war, they dont realize this IS! war. Our wars today wont be like WW1 and 2, these wars are harder to fight, more intelegent fighters, and bigger problems, here in the US, they took out all of our Trades, our resorces, and they have halted just about everything, even our military is on Delta Code alert (4th, maximum lvl of security). When will this end? probobly the day the world blows up, this has been goin on for a long time, and wont end until we all either die, or realize it and stop it, but most likely we will all die first. Even throughout our children's lives they will have these and worse problems, i think the Nuke thing is right, we wont! do it, cuz we arn't stupid enough, the bombs now are UNBELIEVABLE! and we probobly wouldnt use them, WE WONT! see troops walkin down a shore to take over a nation like we used to, in the past wars, this war is more on the inside than guns and battlefields, the world itself is the battle field! I hate to put it like this but thats how i was thinking of it, and how others were thinking of it (people i am with). Why? Well we all know why, greed, power, distruction, size, ECONOMY! They say WAR is good for the economy, which is true, durring wars, we get payed for war-fare supplies, we get money, we build tanks, planes, weapons, bombs, we get ready to destroy the world, but truthfully we use this all on 1 nation, ourselves we hit them they hit us back, it keeps goin like this, until its to the point of surriender.


Truth, by Banksy
Nov 10, 1999
London, UK
Originally posted by coolbrz73
I truly hope the people behind this burn in hell for thier actions, I have no problem with the us(america) goina after any and all terrorists. One other thing, the friggin kids and ADULTS dancing in the streets on the west banks should be included in the group as well, this is a time for a statement and a big one should be dealt!!!!
I saw those pictures and just didn't know what to think. That those selfish idiots would be dancing in the streets while people lost lives.

Then again, I strongly believe in karma (what goes around, comes around). One day, those dancers will be in a plane crash or will suffer a terrible family event. I'm sure they'd love to have an American dancing in their living room while they weep.


Nov 23, 2000
Montreal, Canada
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I just want to say that my heart goes out to those who lost someone in the incidents.
It's all so weird. Like something out of a movie. I mean, just the thought of a plane crashing into a building... horrific thought.

Terrorist bulsh!t. May their God damn them to hell for the murder of innocent people, and bring them no peace in their afterlife.
And just in case they're atheists, well, die b@stards!!

On a less somber note, isn't it weird not to hear the sound of planes overhead? Montreal airport is usualy very busy.... I actually saw one plane head towards the airport at around 3pm est.... Very eerie without air traffic.


Apr 10, 2000
This is definately a war. it's a bigger problem that the US has ever faced, bigger than any act that has drawn us into a war. As I said earlier, it makes pearl harbor look like an inconvenience. The reason I said that we wouldn't use a nuke, is because of all the other nations that would then launch them, who didn't have them before. It would end up a huge catastrophe. Basically, whoever did this is screwed. We will NOT put up with this, and even if it isn't a country responsible, I hope the US and their allies will hunt down EVERY person involved even the slightest bit with any of the involved groups and destroy them. I heard a radio reporter saying that whoever is responsible needs to be destroyed, whether it be a country or an organization, and I couldn't agree more.

As for that website, I'm trying to get through there right now, it's actually so busy right now that it's very difficult, but I feel like this guy needs to be punished, or at least interviewed about his involvement. It may not be an important step now, but after the rest of this is taken care of I'm sure he'll pay for his involvement, whatever it was.

Terminal {DTH}

May they be buried with pigs!

ironicly my dad was visiting today for the first time in months, HIS suggestion is to gut a pig, put the bastards In it then bury em. do this to all responceable, because you see due to thier religion they believe they cant go to heaven if buried with a pig. (unclean! unclean! BAH!!!) how much worse to make examples of em by burying them IN pigs, one for each involved.
Aug 1, 2001
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They say there's 10,000 people who is dead. :( propably more. :( :(

I just heard that 2 brother's went to their house after school and there was no parents. :(
The police came and took the children to a school a big school for people who deosn't know where their parents are. something like that I didn't hear really well. :( :( :(

Terminal {DTH}

Originally posted by DRT-Salamander
What makes this so different from Pearl Harbour is that it was commited in war-time against only military personell . .. this was an unprovoked attack against innocent people . . .

yep. my Da is an old Ex-marine he agrees totally, its One thing to attack military stuff whare anyone In any of those brances understand the hazzards before enlisting, its totally another to blantly attack civilians at All much less so massivly.


New Member
Sep 26, 2000
I was told to post this here:

Today we have seen the biggest Terror in the world ever. This was an attack against the whole zivilisation.
The MNSG-Community lives in thoughts with our american friends. We r shocked about the attacks and wish the american families of the victims and the whole american population much power to handle this unbelieveable and horrible situation.

yours MNSG

I am really sad and shocked about what happened in america. I am feeling with u all and with my heart and spirit i am with u.
i cant say more. im without words.

yours, a_nuke

Exar Kun [Sith]

Sith Lord
Sep 11, 2001
A Sith Temple
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I've heard rescue operations might be cancelled cause of it being night time and that they don't have all the machinery to carry out the operation.

Here's something else interesting I've heard that the only other time there have been this many americans dead in a single event was during the Civil War during the battle of Antenim (sp?) which the death toll has been reported from 15,000 to as many as 23,000. But we really don't know how many but it was alot.


Dec 25, 1999
Northeast Ohio
Actually, the current level of "Threatcon" is public knowledge, and generally can be found on any of the individual US military base websites.

For those who don't know what we're talking about, Threatcons are a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved program standardizing the Military Services' identification of and recommended responses to terrorist threats against US personnel and facilities. This program facilitates inter-Service coordination and support for antiterrorism activities. Also called THREATCONS.

There are four THREATCONS above normal:
  • THREATCON ALPHA -- This condition applies when there is a general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel and facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable, and circumstances do not justify full implementation of THREATCON BRAVO measures. However, it may be necessary to implement certain measures from higher THREATCONS resulting from intelligence received or as a deterrent. The measures in this THREATCON must be capable of being maintained indefinitely.
  • THREATCON BRAVO -- This condition applies when an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The measures in this THREATCON must be capable of being maintained for weeks without causing undue hardship, affecting operational capability, and aggravating relations with local authorities.
  • THREATCON CHARLIE -- This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent. Implementation of measures in this THREATCON for more than a short period probably will create hardship and affect the peacetime activities of the unit and its personnel.
  • THREATCON DELTA -- This condition applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is likely.
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