World Trade Center

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rimmerlike :(
Originally posted by Lizard Of Oz

Destroy anybody (country) that knowingly harbors them. Using any means necessary.

theirin lies a major problem. i have no doubt we will be able to uncover the orchestrators, its a matter of recieving sanctions to extract them. you can't just jump into a country, especially a country on not-friendly terms. do that and we will certainly have the a world war


Assault player
Dec 26, 2000
Behind you
I've been thinking about this a lot and it could probably have been a lot worse.

Now gettng a plane full of fuel and crashing it is only gonna cause say 50.000 - 100.00 deaths at a guess and there ain't that many targets u can get that many ppl, especially after usa is on full alert.

For the above they would prolly need ppl on the inside like stewardesses or pilots, stewardesses etc are more likely since prolly less security checks and easier to get the job etc. I'm guessing stewardesses don't get many security checks either.

Now what they could have done is smuggeled small nukes (u can fit a good nuke in say 2 back-packs, detonate it in say subway and big trouble. You would want to smuggle this in via say boat or something, usa will prolly up seceurity in harbours etc now.

Lastly is biolgical, whcih is prolly a lot easier to smuggle in and will cause a lot more damage, they could prolly make it in the usa, from what I know it isn't that hard to make say anthrax.

Let's just hope this don't get worse cos it don't take much for things to escilate, they nuke the usa, usa nukes back, nuculars subs start nuking etc and no more life on earth within a few years.


Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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Originally posted by [RSU]MoBAcE|PuF
theirin lies a major problem. i have no doubt we will be able to uncover the orchestrators, its a matter of recieving sanctions to extract them. you can't just jump into a country, especially a country on not-friendly terms. do that and we will certainly have the a world war

A war yes, a world war very unlikely. Gulf War is more the right sort of scale.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
This thread is probably testing vB's capabilites. :)

Anyway, a Representative from Virginia said there were 10,000 casualties. This is all speculation at this point, point this is obviously the worst attack on any country any where anyTIME.


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
no i'm not, i'm just saying what nostradamus predicted, it can't be a coincidence anymore.
and i certainly don't want the world to come an end, its just a statement, some take it serious, some don't, time will tell, myself i don't believe it, i just wanted to post it cause its very weird


Fire in Ma Belly!
Jan 4, 2000
Shut yo mouth!
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Originally posted by The Dopefish
This thread is probably testing vB's capabilites. :)

Anyway, a Representative from Virginia said there were 10,000 casualties. This is all speculation at this point, point this is obviously the worst attack on any country any where anyTIME.

Not to downplay this event in the least but I think the bombing of Hiroshima was pretty bad as well.

I haven't bothered posting in this thread yet becuase I really had nothing to say regarding it. And now it seems the thread is going to degrade into mere flaming so this will probably be my only post anyway. I just can't understand what would drive people to simply slay thousands of common everyday folk. They're not military, most of them probably aren't even government. I just hope they made whatever point they thought they were making and this all is behind us soon.... :(


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Stryker, let me tell you something..


Ok? better?

If someone has the need to believe in EVERYTHING which is predicted and some current events match this prediction and they think the world is coming to an end...

Why continue living? Why continue smiling?


The world is NOT coming to an end, for those of you who think so. THere won't be a ww3.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
This isn't over, per se, by a long shot.

And, BTW...all you foreigners who don't think you're affected by know WHY they call it the World Trade Center?

It holds some very vital information to many banks around the world, not just the US.

When stock markets open tomorrow, pray that they don't crash right off the screen.


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
i don't think the world will come to an end, this is an international crisis, and this won't just blow away
what i'm going to say might be rather offencive to some people but i'm speaking my mind

bush is a pushover, he does what the people want, in this case people want revenge so most lickely, bush will take actions, witch will leave its scars in history, i can only pray that it don't get nuclear


Nov 12, 1999
bad sh1t

(I have yet to read this thread yet, as it's too long to read all in one go)

Caught it on the radio just after the second impact, spent most of the day checking the news (BBC/ITN).

A sad day for everyone, but I'm not going to comment about who did this. No-one knows yet.

No-ones beliefs are worth lives :(

PS> to any NYC/DC/Pittsburg PuFers, hope you (and those you know) are ok


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Ok, but what if he'd decide to just stand around and do nothing?
I think it's a pretty normal reaction of Bush to retaliate..
What if your leaders would idly stand by .. like push overs?


I hear only yes.
Aug 6, 2001
Provo... somewhere in Utah.
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All I can say is that this is the WORST disaster I have ever seen in my short 15 years of life. I understand the reason that the buildings were attacked, and I understand that we can't change the way that the Middle Easterners raise their children, but this is jsut taking it too far. This has been said before, I know, but this should be dealt with in the most vengeful manner possible. This attitude sounds wrong, but if your country's most important trade building(s) and your govern,ment's defensive heart were both struck, then you would probably feel the same way too.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
By all accounts this is the single worst terrorist act against any country ever. The fact that this gets not just us angry but most of the civilized world only worsens the punishment for the person/people who did it.


I hear only yes.
Aug 6, 2001
Provo... somewhere in Utah.
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Will it be okay?

Yes, it will be okay, and everything will get back to normal (ahh!!! Sirens!!! oooh, I'm a little paranoid right now). Humanity is not bad. We are not going to destroy ourselves. There are some humans who do horrible things like this, but that doesn't mean that we should stereotype all the human race the same way.
What REEEEAAAALLLY pisses me off is that the Palestineans were celebrating in the streets.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Originally posted by The Dopefish
It holds some very vital information to many banks around the world, not just the US.

When stock markets open tomorrow, pray that they don't crash right off the screen.

How true. Many major German banks like Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank or Dresdner Banks have offices there, also with germans working there :(
And the german main index already fell 14.4%. The Dow Jones is already stable cause the closed the exchange.
I better should think about the few hundred thousand bucks my family has in US shares


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
i have no clue what i would do if i'm in such a position
if the us go to war, the world will be involved no doubt about that.

the ultimate nightmare : organised international terrorism, little can be done about it.
Whats more worse is that these actions get a lot of support from palestinea, i just heard that people are coming to the streets and sweets are being given to the people, and us are getting more enraged
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