World Trade Center

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New Member
Aug 20, 2000
Visit site
Whether we find who did it or not, someone will pay I guarantee you that. I would not want to be in Afganistan right now. They will be flattened and who will support them? Nobody that important.


Happy lil Camper
Jan 10, 2001
#beyondunreal Sanity: [|||------] 23
This is one messed up world we live in. You see it in the moviez, but they always stop the plane from reaching the big city, but this was real, and it didnt stop and it happened 4 times, its a sad day for this lil planet we live on. Ive given up hope of praying long ago, but for those who still believe, lets pray for the innocent people slaughtered because of politics.

/me shakes his head


Regristered User
Our prime minister Kok said this (and I think it was a real intelligent statement).
Our statement consists of two parts:
  • We feel sympathy for and solidarity with the American people.
  • We, as democratic nations, will have to react to this humiliation in dignity. We will have to react in a way that will do justice to our feelings of humiliation, but at the same time to the values for which we stand all together in our democracies.
    This is easy to say. Especially on this large a distance, but we all have a very hard time trying to react in this way.
    We must stand tall for democracy and human rights. The things we value most.
I think this is a very wise statement by the leader of our country. And I wholeheartedly agree with him.

I translated it myself, so I may have omitted parts or represented them wrong, but at least it shows my opinion. :)


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
yeah, but it does look like it.
I'm very affraid to what will happen when US will feel anger instead of shock


Dapper Rat
May 9, 2000
Great Britain
Originally posted by [Ci]KGB
Whether we find who did it or not, someone will pay I guarantee you that.

Please consider your logic, if you can't find who did it how can you make them pay ?

I know this is tough, I've had some experience of terrorism. It makes you very angry but as D_Stroya said earlier, the best response is a measured response.
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might never have a icon
Aug 2, 2001
Originally posted by Witty
Seriously. I just wish that it would go away *sniff*.
I went to the top of the first tower once. It had a beautiful view, which I will never see again, nor will any of my future children, nor their children.

at least the children of your children!!! im sure that they will rebuild it someday! why wouldn't they?!if something gets destroyed they will rebuild it,maybe they won't if it's a house,maybe not a fire station,maybe not a prison,but a trade center?! its very important so it WILL be rebuilt,they wont see that exact same trade center that is now destroyed,but they will see another exactly the same!

world war 3 might brake out if another nation is responsible,but then again,why would they HIJACK a plane?! they can use thier own!

...maybe they are using a hijacked plane to make it look like a terrorist attack...?


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
yeah, just about to post that
it seems the world trade center was a lot more then just the two towers, the smoke is now pure black, and the dust still hasn't cleared away


Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by 3s
Our prime minister Kok said this (and I think it was a real intelligent statement).
Our statement consists of two parts:
  • We, as democratic nations, will have to react to this humiliation in dignity. We will have to react in a way that will do justice to our feelings of humiliation, but at the same time to the values for which we stand all together in our democracies.
    This is easy to say. Especially on this large a distance, but we all have a very hard time trying to react in this way.
    We must stand tall for democracy and human rights. The things we value most.

the wisest words i've heard all day.


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
The famous World Trade Center in New York City, designed by Minoru Yamasaki, was a complex of seven office buildings and an enormous underground shopping concourse. Of course what made the World Trade Center famous was the two towers, 1 WTC and 2 WTC. Each had something to offer. WTC 1 featured Windows on the World, an elegant restaurant with a magnificent view. WTC 2 featured two observation decks -- indoors on the 107th floor and outdoors above the 110th floor, more than 1,300 feet above the city.



Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars

that reminds me of an old fantastic four comic.
They travelled through time and arrived in NY of the 31st century. The old buildings were still there, but the new ones were10-15 times as big.

Probably FF 340 - back in 1991.


Apr 10, 2000
This is really horrible. Especially when I started thinking, because I was in that very building about 4 months ago, and saw a couple planes actually flying below the level of the observation deck. It was really scary to think what it would have been like if one of those planes had suddenly turned and flew directly into the building. I know from when I was there, you can see those things from just about everywhere in the city.

As for Binladin, I heard that he was denying it, which is odd considering that those groups are usually proud of what they've done. Whoever is responsible is going to have hell to pay. As much as some of you critisize Bush, you have to admit, he's probably one of the better people to have in office now, because he's not afraid to use the military, and has one of the best military advisers of any president.


Jun 22, 2001
I started my day, not exactly good. My alarm clock decided to not work. So I had to rush.
I some how make it to school on time, get through a few periods.
5th period, right after lunch, brought the horror to my attention.
I saw more in 6th.
All I can say is... wow.
And hours later, the image of towers collapsing on themselves sticks inside my head like a demon with a home... I hope I'll be able to drop it from my head someday.
I may be in Ohio, miles away from any devastation, but I felt it. Everyone did.
Everyone reacted differently (as proof is above). I didn't react at all, until school was over.
Then, I brought it up in my mind, and digested everything that had happened.
Lives that people have worked for years to establish... gone in a whispers time.
Some consumed by flame... some fell to their deaths... most crushed alive, but the building that fed them, clothed them, and kept them alive. Destroyed by the very thing that kept them alive.
Murdered by religious fanatics.
But perhaps, our presumptions could be all wrong... maybe they weren't religious.
Do you honestly think that Bin-Laden would have done this... then take credit, when they are totally out numbered, and perhaps outmatched?
Do these terrorists percieve themselves to be stonger than nations? Stronger than the world?
Or do they know something we don't?
And why do I don't think Bin-Laden did it?
Because all evidence points that way.
Think about it for a second...
Would you honestly do a huge negative act agains the very ties of your enemy that outnumbers you, and could wipe you out... where hiding and gurrilla warfare is your attack... then take CREDIT for it?
He's definately not stupid... so I don't think he was behind it.
But I do think he had a part in it... he definately did. But who was the mastermind? I honestly think it was an inside source... And I also believe that one man couldn't have made a plan as good as this one.
Someone attacked the core of the world as we know it.
They've also signed their death warrents.
They better find a damn big hole to hide in... if they are found...
You get the picture.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
For those of you just "tuning in", here's a timeline of the events (minus the collision of the south tower, apparently).

8:42 a.m. ET United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 bound for Los Angeles with 65 people onboard, slams into the north tower of the World Trade Center
9:21 a.m.ET New York City Port Authority closes all bridges and tunnels in New York City
9:24 a.m. ET Bush calls today’s plane crashes at the World Trade Center "an apparent terrorist attack on our country."
9:32 a.m. ET Stock Exchange closed
9:40 a.m. ET The FAA orders the entire nationwide air traffic system shut down. All flights at U.S. airports are stopped.
9:43 a.m. ET American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 enroute from Dulles to LAX with 58 passengers and six crew members, crashes into the Pentagon. A portion of one side of the five-sided structure collapses
9:45 a.m.ET The White House is evacuated.
10:05 a.m.ET The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses in a plume of ash and debris.
10:10 a.m. ET United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 en route from Newark, N.J., to San Francisco with 38 passengers and seven crew members, crashes just north of the Somerset County Airport, about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. The plane was carrying 38 passengers, two pilots and five flight attendants.
10:24 a.m.ET The FAA reports that all inbound transatlantic flights are to be diverted to Canada
10:28 a.m.ET Two World Trade Center, the south tower, collapses.
11:26 p.m. ET United Airlines expresses concern about the fate of another plane, Flight 175, a Boeing 767 bound from Boston to Los Angeles.
12:15 p.m. E.T. The United States closes its border with Canada and Mexico.
1:02 p.m. ET New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani orders an evacuation of Manhattan south of Canal Street.
1:04 p.m. ET In a speech at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, President Bush announces that security measures are being taken and and says: "Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
1:44 p.m. The Navy dispatches aircraft carriers and guided missile destroyers to New York and Washington. Around the country, fighters, airborne radar and refueling planes scramble. The North American Aerospace Defense Command go to its highest alert.
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