World Trade Center

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Internet Addict
Dec 24, 2000
Sacramento, CA
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Well, woke up late, and went down to the central post office, which was closed due to all this (I'm in the State Capital, so they have put the central business district on hight alert here). I didn't realise anything happened til I went to the post office.

I'm going off on a rant that some of you will agree with me, and many of you will disagree.

My comments on this...

It doesn't surprise me. I think a good lot of us seen something like this coming. The reason this happened is our government has assed around with these issues way too long!

We also have a president that doesn't even understand anything outside the borders of the US and Mexico that doesn't relate to giving blow jobs to big business. (please don't respond with the Clinton vs. how great Baby Bush is mentality here, because it doesn't relate to this)

As for our military "intelligence," what happened to tha when a large object was headed for the Pentagon?

Unfortunately, our government, and many other Western governments, has placed more focus on how to stop their citizens from surfing pr0n, smoking tobacco, debating medicinal use of pot, and how to minimize the impact of "violent" video games on our society.

And I'm going to infuriate a few more of you by saying....Americans are as much to blame for this as our government.

Well, I doubt the idiots that flew those planes played Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator before they decided to do this.

Crap...gotta go...I'll try to get back on this later.

/me has a single blond babe calling him.


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
Originally posted by You-Suk

that's probably what he meant.....
this is bigger then anyone or any state/country can imagine

what I meant was that this really has an impact, u even see the effects of it here in Holland, half way round the world sorta speak.. :(


All you have to do is smile!
Originally posted by The Dopefish
This thread is probably testing vB's capabilites. :)

Anyway, a Representative from Virginia said there were 10,000 casualties. This is all speculation at this point, point this is obviously the worst attack on any country any where anyTIME.

heya, i'm only on page 13 of 15, so sorry if someone has pointed this out already, but you're forgetting hiroshima and nagasaki. sorry if i mispelled those names.


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
both my cousins are now safe, talked to them, sounded very shocked. its absolutely dreadful in NYC by the sounds of it. I m in IRC at the moment and some of the attitude is stil shocked but what can we do to help. can't really offer suggestions at the moment.


Trouble Shooter
Aug 19, 2001
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I heard someone mentioning here about lax security at the airlines and how did the terrorists manage to get all those planes.

consider this...they were all domestic haul flights.

It takes barely 5 minutes to board a plane after you step out of your car for a domestic haul flight (AA and UA).

It takes a minimum of 20 mins to get on an international flight.

because security is almost non existant on internal hauls due to the tremendous traffic.

The terrorists knew that and thats why they used AA and UA for their plans.

I wish God had struck these "I`ll go to heaven" fanatics dead before boarding the planes they were going to hijack and cause all this.


Ma Monkeys been [BuF]'ed!!!!
Apr 25, 2001
I'm too high to see...?!?
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I cannot find any words that convey my sense of utter tragedy and waste of life of the people of America today.

Never has any such devastation been portrayed in the popular media to date, and I feel that we ALL have been witness to a devastating moment in our history. This is not a battle between the United States of America and Terrorism, but a fight of the free Democratic World, and you do not stand alone America. We here in the UK KNOW who our Allies are, Britain will support any action on behalf, or in direct association with the US - of that you can be assured.


I posted in the RO-me thread
and all I got was
a pink username!
Aug 4, 2001
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There must be action taken. I saw the sceond plane hit the tower and i was in shock i saw the whole thing while i was in school.

today is a very dark day

**breaking news washington DC 100 ppl dead**


frog steering expert
May 6, 2001
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"God, four planes. Since when have we EVER done anything this horrible and unprovoked to ANY country?!?!?!?!?"

can someone explain why everyone seems to have forgotten about H bombing japan?


I posted in the RO-me thread
and all I got was
a pink username!
Aug 4, 2001
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Originally posted by AriTheDog
"God, four planes. Since when have we EVER done anything this horrible and unprovoked to ANY country?!?!?!?!?"

can someone explain why everyone seems to have forgotten about H bombing japan?

yes but that was in war time and they had some waring(sp) of what could happen and we did not.
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