World Trade Center

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I used "ol W" as in Bush. I meant it as saying how this is going to save his presidency. Theres no way you can deny it. This is going to take precedence over anything, who cares about the recession, Social Security or any other stuff like that when this happens.
Well here I am at school and were all pretty excited about it. Excited as in the definition of fullof energy and not that wew approve. Man, this is just a wake-up call for the country and we should heed it.


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
You say it isn't the beginning of WWIII, you don't know that for sure. An attack on the US, inland, itself, will cause a war, we don't just shrug that crap off.


All you have to do is smile!
Originally posted by (BoD) nepenthe
What about the inbound international flights?

they were diverted to canada. any of them heads for the US and it'll be splashed before it gets halfway down the coast. Also, they are unlikely because they aparently would be undesirable for having so little fuel.

I still suspect it's domestic, and not palestinians or islamics/muslims (sorry, i'm sadly lacking in my religious knowledge, i'm pretty certain they are seperate religions?), or other wise. i hope so anyway as bad as that seems. At least we wouldn't be staring down the barrel of a potential war.

I think all flights are down though- there were only 50 in the air an hour ago and thei were all within half an hour of their arrivals.


Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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I only just heard about this, and I haven't read the rest of this so sorry if i repeat things, but i'm just in a state of shock. This is just too amazing and terrible to imagine it ever happening. I am truely shaking now. So many people lost at once...

And that's not even goin into the aftermath, which Im sure has been considered on this thread already. I don't think we're in danger of WW3 as such, but I think we should be damn worried :hmm:

Although I'm not completely enamoured with America, I always thought of it as being kinda untouchable, so this has rocked me. Especially as my cousin was around that area, and we still haven't heard from him :(

A black day for the Western World.


Sep 14, 2000
Lansing, Michigan
State of affairs here in the US

I've had the displeasure of following the news most of the day.

At least 4 hijacked planes perhaps 5.

American Airlines flight hits first tower
American Airlines flight hits second tower
United flight crashes at Camp David
United flight crashes near Pittsburg. Believe this was UAL pilot forcing plane down so it couldn't be used for another attack.
Possible 5th plane hit Pentagon. Pentagon was definately hit but some reports that it was a helicopter.

American states there were 156 passengers on their planes. Don't have confirmation on the UAL count but likely at least that.

Any given workday, which today is, there are 50,000 people in the WTC so there is potential for that many casualties. However there have been statements of many evacuations so far today. However the belief is the toll is into the many thousands.

It is likely the initial planes crew were subdued and killed as it isn't likely any American pilots would willingly fly their planes into the buildings. Were likely being flown by terrorists at that point.

Now the question is who is going to get punished for it? Our full military is on alert. Now the question is where they'll go. I just hope they leave smoking craters afterward.


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Originally posted by Entropy|PuF
I used "ol W" as in Bush. I meant it as saying how this is going to save his presidency. Theres no way you can deny it. This is going to take precedence over anything, who cares about the recession, Social Security or any other stuff like that when this happens.
Well here I am at school and were all pretty excited about it. Excited as in the definition of fullof energy and not that wew approve. Man, this is just a wake-up call for the country and we should heed it.

With all respect to the people that died, I still have to agree that this would help him.

If we go to war, it will also help the economy, and help get the Trade Center rebuilt.


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Originally posted by mute
does today's date have any historical significance?

Seeing that this is the biggest attack inland on US soil, and the only inland attack like this, well, it'll be as important as Pearl Harbor was... Believe me, this will never be ignored. This will escelate.


Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by DRT-Maverick

With all respect to the people that died, I still have to agree that this would help him.

If we go to war, it will also help the economy, and help get the Trade Center rebuilt.

your nick has gone to your head. who is the enemy in this war? the palestinians living in the cesspits of israel, penniless & powerless and having their homes bulldozed on a daily basis?

it's bin-laden, you find him & his followers. you think the USA haven't been trying for years?

MaX Power

Officially Old.
Oct 2, 2000
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This will affect the economy...Temporarily, but I wouldn't be to worried about it. New York is important, but it's not the center of the universe. Tommorow millions of Americans will go back to work and carry this nation once more.

National security is what we should be worried about. This attack proves that America is vulnerable.

The vultures are circleing. We need to respond some how some way. Maybe we can't act (bombing/attacking), but we can send a message with our future policies (anti-missle system, defense buildup, and GREATER support for Isreal and our allies). We need to show that we will not be pushed around.


New Member
Feb 15, 2000
That's a damn good question.
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Update for those that have no TV access:

  • 4 confirmed hijacked airliners
  • 8:42 Eastern - plane one hits 1 WTC tower, roughly 1/4 from the top (10-20 floors)
  • ~9:00 Eastern, plane 2 hits 2 WTC about halfway up - their is video of the plane hitting
  • ~10:00 (?) Plane 3 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon. Confirmed airliner, NOT a chopper
  • 2 WTC collapses (2nd to be hit)
  • 1 WTC collapses
  • Plane 4 crashes in western Pennsylvania. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Camp David was the target for this plane.
  • Unofficial statements put the death toll in NY at 10,000 - likely to go higher

I suspect (and hope) that the United States will be in an official state of war soon. I believe that the terrorists have underestimated the reaction these acts will provoke. It may not be WWIII, but I have to believe that the resources, funding, and organization of this operation point to the involvement of one or more nation-states. In that case, I sincerely hope that we as a nation deal with them as we would any other threat to our national security - with the application of superior firepower. It seems that death and destrucution is the only thing these filth understand.

God bless all of those that lost their lives - may they never be forgotten.


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
Originally posted by Morety
The US is very smart, and will find out those responsible and act accordingly. I have little doubt they'll get world support on this, maybe even from traditionally anti-US sources.

I'm sure about that, Poetin spoke his condoleances (sp?)


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
I've heard about the nr of passengers and crew on the planes:

on one there were 81 ps and 11 crew members
the other had 56 ps .. crew I don't know.

More to come later.
I know, it's kinda confusing my post. I can only give you these numbers now.


Sep 6, 2000
Bussum, NL
--FOX News--

There was phonecall made by a passenger who had locked himself in the bathroom of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. He was screaming the plane was hijacked.


Junior Member
Jun 25, 2000
seville, spain
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to all you people who talk about executive actions, some "importants" members of the american society and press have compared this with Pearl Harbour. and ya know what happened when Pearl Harbour bombing right? for those who doesnt, just a few hours then of the strike, almost a suicidal attack against Japan was done. the planes bombed Japan cities out, but they didnt had nuff fuel to get back. if US intelligence clear things up, and discover the ****a who has done this, ill personally put the fuel deposit of your planes to the max. blow the responsible out.


New Member
Jul 12, 2001
"The World"
Believe me people, you need not be afraid as much as I am.
Say that palestinians or their friends did this terorrist action.
Us gover. finds it out. US gover. nukes {Iran / Iraq / other arab nation}. Arab nation gets vexed. Arab nation throws ABC rocket @ Nearest democracy (Israel). Can't go for Jerusalem (It's holy) so they go for Tel-Aviv (Israel's NYC). Usually, they'll aim rocket at center of town to get maximum damage. And guess who lives in center Tel-Aviv? That's right, yours truly. So you guys are afraid of nuke going OVER j00 heads, I'm afraid of them FALLING ON my head. May god help us all.:( :( :(
But life WILL go on for me! I won't be depressed by this!


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Originally posted by Uri19
Believe me people, you need not be afraid as much as I am.
Say that palestinians or their friends did this terorrist action.
Us gover. finds it out. US gover. nukes {Iran / Iraq / other arab nation}. Arab nation gets vexed. Arab nation throws ABC rocket @ Nearest democracy (Israel). Can't go for Jerusalem (It's holy) so they go for Tel-Aviv (Israel's NYC). Usually, they'll aim rocket at center of town to get maximum damage. And guess who lives in center Tel-Aviv? That's right, yours truly. So you guys are afraid of nuke going OVER j00 heads, I'm afraid of them FALLING ON my head. May god help us all.:( :( :(
But life WILL go on for me! I won't be depressed by this!

From what I understand, the Israeli attitude, pretty much since day 1, is to live for today. Scary stuff.
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