LoL, wrote too soon. I'll use the edit function and write something else.
Somehow I find these particular result amusing.!!!
There are many players online all the time, but for some reason we are not on the same server.
We need a big convention, like UnrealCon with 7'000+ attendants, to show everyone that we exist in the same numbers just like the rest.
Everyone should be done playing the singleplayer campaigns of the games in the Gears of War series, so they can come back now, to the Unreal Tournament series. Whoever liked Shadow Complex can also pick up a copy of Unreal Tournament III.
Unreal Engine 3 is years ahead of any competition. id tech 5 won't come until next year, tops.
Who is feeding us all with incomplete and inaccurate information? Why is Epic Games bailing out, until next generation, on the Unreal Tournament franchise?
You never hear from a satisfied customer, there is no point in listening to all the self-proclaimed critics.
Games based on UE3 are so many, you don't even want to count them. Looks like about 100 of them at first glance.
id software simply can't profit from Quake Live, the servers must cost more than the advertisements bring in, but they keep the franchise fresh and alive.
Where are the Unreal Tournament 3 statistics? If it ain't on it simply doesn't exist. You should not have to ask, there should be a button leading there that you won't miss, like on the official UT3 site or early on in the UT3 menus. Why outsource important things like login system and stats that are vital to a game when managing that would keep developers and customers in direct contact. That's simply giving away a fan base to people that could not care less for UT3 and will try to pull them to other games from other developers. There is a reason why you can't play Quake Live from GSA, it's obsolete and inconvenient.
There should be regional chat rooms in the game where you can meet everyone and say "Hi! Who want's to play?" and then just go for it. Someone just say "Sure!", then you click on Duel, Medium Map and you will jump onto an available server starting up a 10 minute Duel match. The other player will click your name and join the same server. Meeting on the server where you play means connecting and loading times. The server might have other players on it in the middle of a match and you can't play the game or the players you wanted. People will give up too easy. I am not sure how they made sure their product is easily accessible and usable for the first time consumers or even gamers.
The "we are professionals, we only do things once and then we move on" attitude only works... when it works.