Why the low UT3 adoption?

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New Member
Sep 3, 2005
Actually, in my case, better customization options for video settings would've... probably been more useful. UT99 had a whole list of archaic, amusing options to mess with, and while UT2K4's wasn't QUITE as robust (or confusing), it still had more to it than just "World Detail" and "Texture Quality." Ideally the options should let me configure the game to the point where it runs at a reasonable speed without it looking like a really, really blurry version of Quake 2. I'm not saying the lowest quality settings should look GOOD. They just really shouldn't look THAT bad (and if they do look that bad, I should still be getting a higher frame rate than I was).


New Member
Mar 25, 2006
Hoverboard/Trans: but they bring you where you want to be faster. right into the action. i prefer the board a hundred times over walking (or rahter dodgejumping) for hours till i reach a node.

I don't like dodge jumping to simply reach a far away destination either. I prefer that neither lengthy dodge jumping nor vehicles/hoverboards/trans be required for practical traveling.

And for the other statement: you only have vehicles in vctf and warfare. nobody forces you to play those gametypes. you can always stick with duel/dm/tdm/bta/ctf/greed

I have always preferred AS and CTF. I didn't particularly care for vehicles in UT2004 AS and I don't like the translocator in CTF. Isn't the hoverboard also used in UT3 CTF?

I prefer team, objective based combat. This eliminates duel, bta, DM, TDM.

Transport devices shift the focus of gameplay away from on-foot PvP combat because it's not practical to travel on foot. This eliminates CTF and greed because of the translocator.

My ideal gametype would be either AS or CTF without any transport devices, and maps designed around not having these devices.


Jun 29, 2009
@_LagMasterSam_ no, ut3 ctf has the trans. only vehicle modes have hoverboard. and there is a mutator to remove the translocator/hoverboard.

@Elegnaim: patch 2.0 introduced the "advanced" section for video settings where you can pretty much turn everything on and off (you could already do this in the inis/with ut3 tweaker before tho)


Jan 19, 2008
LoL, wrote too soon. I'll use the edit function and write something else.

Somehow I find these particular result amusing.

There are many players online all the time, but for some reason we are not on the same server.

We need a big convention, like UnrealCon with 7'000+ attendants, to show everyone that we exist in the same numbers just like the rest.

Everyone should be done playing the singleplayer campaigns of the games in the Gears of War series, so they can come back now, to the Unreal Tournament series. Whoever liked Shadow Complex can also pick up a copy of Unreal Tournament III.

Unreal Engine 3 is years ahead of any competition. id tech 5 won't come until next year, tops.

Who is feeding us all with incomplete and inaccurate information? Why is Epic Games bailing out, until next generation, on the Unreal Tournament franchise?

You never hear from a satisfied customer, there is no point in listening to all the self-proclaimed critics.

Games based on UE3 are so many, you don't even want to count them. Looks like about 100 of them at first glance.

id software simply can't profit from Quake Live, the servers must cost more than the advertisements bring in, but they keep the franchise fresh and alive.

Where are the Unreal Tournament 3 statistics? If it ain't on www.unrealtournament3.com it simply doesn't exist. You should not have to ask, there should be a button leading there that you won't miss, like on the official UT3 site or early on in the UT3 menus. Why outsource important things like login system and stats that are vital to a game when managing that would keep developers and customers in direct contact. That's simply giving away a fan base to people that could not care less for UT3 and will try to pull them to other games from other developers. There is a reason why you can't play Quake Live from GSA, it's obsolete and inconvenient.

There should be regional chat rooms in the game where you can meet everyone and say "Hi! Who want's to play?" and then just go for it. Someone just say "Sure!", then you click on Duel, Medium Map and you will jump onto an available server starting up a 10 minute Duel match. The other player will click your name and join the same server. Meeting on the server where you play means connecting and loading times. The server might have other players on it in the middle of a match and you can't play the game or the players you wanted. People will give up too easy. I am not sure how they made sure their product is easily accessible and usable for the first time consumers or even gamers.

The "we are professionals, we only do things once and then we move on" attitude only works... when it works.
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Teammember on UT3JB Bangaa Bishop
Feb 21, 2002
Greed does not have the xloc, nor does it have the hoverboard. This makes greed very hard to play on certain maps.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
No its quite an entertaining endevour tp share thoughts on ut3.

And why is it the existing players fault, if Epic cant produce a recognizable product that the consumer can relate to and in worst case scenario alienates the existing playerbase?
because those players never gave Epic a chance to prove that the changes were for the better.
Heck .. the moment vehicles were announced a lot of people were already screaming 'it suxxorz' before they even had tried to use them.

Havent played armed, but what would thes bugs in Armed that makes sloggin trough ut3 feel like a picnic?
crashes, game-destroying glitches, crashes, AI that gets stuck, crashes, even the developers admitting that they had to release a beta
... get the picture ?

elitist pro gamer is a fairly small minority in itself and ut3 has recived flak from pretty much any direction whter it be single, multi, modding, storyline, new and old to Unreal players.
the reviews were pretty positive ... so there was no flak from that direction. One could even say they were praising UT3.

The only ones that consistently hated UT3 were the ones that never wanted to like the game to begin with. The endresult was that pretty much any UT-fanforum was filled with threads were players were screaming at Epic for daring to change minor features (and endless rants that called it 'consolized' whatever that means).

Just look at this forum FFS ...


Jan 19, 2008
Making a game more consolized should not be a downside, on the contrary, that should simplify the interfaces. When you add mouse and keyboard you will feel even more comfortable, provided all necessities actually are there.

Instead of saying that the server browser is... how do I put it, inadequate, you should be saying what you would want to have and how you would like to join a game or a server.

Let's say you have a friend and you want to meet up in the game and play a match. You both log in and go to the multiplayer menu. Right there you should be able to join a regional chat room, like US. Once inside you find each other and you begin to select the type of game you want to play by pressing tiny toggle buttons. "DM", "Duel", "TDM", "CtF", "War", "VCtF", "5min", "10min", "15min", "20min", "L", "M", "S", etc. If you want other uncommon or more precise settings there should be pop-up menus for that too. You should be able to select player you want play with as well as chose between private or public playing, spectating and commenting. People want dedicated low-ping servers and those should be provided automatically based on average ping across the involved players. It's possible to make the server browser much more elaborate and people will find that more simple and useful.


Jan 19, 2008
Very good, you misspelled Unreal Tournament.

I played some UT3 online. Won a few Deathmatches. There are 600 servers total, 50 of them have 80 ping or less for me.

Not many games have that these days. Have to make a comparison to other games I have.

It's easy to find a game and start playing. I don't think it will be easy if I want to play someone I know in real life unless we agree upon a specific server though other messenger services.

This is another reason why we should not give up the UT franchise.
Unreal Tournament is simply the best first person shooter ever made.
Professional gamers love it alongside the rest of the die-hard fans.
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Jan 19, 2008
Time for some math.

Let's say Epic Games sell UE3 licenses for $200k.
There are about 80 games released or in development based on UE3.
$200'000x80 = $16'000'000
How many copies of UT3 have they sold? At least 2 million.
Let's say they got about $5 for every copy.
2'000'000x$10 = $10'000'000

If they rather make new engines, skip greedy publishers and whiny gamers, then they definitely should leave UT3 behind.

Wonder if people would buy it if it came out again including v2.1 and Titan pack? There must be a lot of gamers out there that didn't buy it the first time around.


New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Time for some math.

Let's say Epic Games sell UE3 licenses for $200k.
There are about 80 games released or in development based on UE3.
$200'000x80 = $16'000'000
How many copies of UT3 have they sold? At least 2 million.
Let's say they got about $5 for every copy.
2'000'000x$10 = $10'000'000

If they rather make new engines, skip greedy publishers and whiny gamers, then they definitely should leave UT3 behind.

Wonder if people would buy it if it came out again including v2.1 and Titan pack? There must be a lot of gamers out there that didn't buy it the first time around.

This time there are no typos:

The cost of a single UE3 license is "estimated to be more than $700,000".
Of course there are other licensing models like studio-wide licenses or licenses where you pay EPIC per sold game etc...


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
That's not to mention any special deals, but the fact is, they likely make more than enough money off their engine licensing division to fund the development of all of their other games.


New Member
Jun 25, 2009
UT3 is obviously not as popular as the previous games, and as someone who's main UT experience is UT3 (I've played a bit of the original as well), I'm wondering why people haven't adopted it. What makes the other games better? I experienced a few bugs pre-2.0, but since then it seems to run very smoothly. Also, Which UT game has the largest player base right now?

Steep hardware requirements + a major lack of marketing dollars and promotion.

The mainstream market never even heard UT3 had been released. Contrast that with UT2004 - a major promotional push was behind its release and it sold over 1 million copies within the first couple of months.

Beelzebud (Satanas)

New Member
Jul 15, 2003
It's not rocket science to figure this out. There are a few factors.

1. They released it way too close to CoD4 and the Orange Box (Tf2, Portal, Hl2Ep2). If you're going to compete with something like CoD4 and TF2, you need to bring your "A" game.

2. The demo they released was alpha quality at best. First impressions matter! No more "beta demos" ever again, Epic! You should know better!

3. Between UT99, UT2k4, and people moving on, the fan base is fragmented.

4. Patches came, but they came too slow to turn the tide of negative word of mouth.

5. Pre-hype had people's expectations way too high. The way warfare was hyped was NOTHING how it turned out. I think they've learned from this, but in the future, they really need to just STFU about their games until they have things ready to show. They made warfare sound totally different than the way it ended up.

6. Lack of focus. Each game in this series has successively lost focus. UT99 was a pure DM style game, UT2K4 was largely a vehicle combat game, and UT3 came up short on both. Another problem with UT3's lack of focus is that they even removed the "tournament" from Unreal Tournament. We know their newer CEO used to be with the Army. That doesn't mean every Epic game should feature a generic "war story" now. Keep the tournament in, and lose the war nonsense.


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Beelzebud (Satanas) said:
It's not rocket science to figure this out. There are a few factors.

1. They released it way too close to CoD4 and the Orange Box (Tf2, Portal, Hl2Ep2). If you're going to compete with something like CoD4 and TF2, you need to bring your "A" game.

2. The demo they released was alpha quality at best. First impressions matter! No more "beta demos" ever again, Epic! You should know better!

3. Between UT99, UT2k4, and people moving on, the fan base is fragmented.

4. Patches came, but they came too slow to turn the tide of negative word of mouth.

5. Pre-hype had people's expectations way too high. The way warfare was hyped was NOTHING how it turned out. I think they've learned from this, but in the future, they really need to just STFU about their games until they have things ready to show. They made warfare sound totally different than the way it ended up.

6. Lack of focus. Each game in this series has successively lost focus. UT99 was a pure DM style game, UT2K4 was largely a vehicle combat game, and UT3 came up short on both. Another problem with UT3's lack of focus is that they even removed the "tournament" from Unreal Tournament. We know their newer CEO used to be with the Army. That doesn't mean every Epic game should feature a generic "war story" now. Keep the tournament in, and lose the war nonsense.
Those are good justifications for a low UT3 adoption on the PC. Most aren't for the consoles. Adoption wasn't that great on the PS3, and I guess it's the same on the XBox360 too.


Feb 12, 2008
Didn't the PS3 version outsell the PC version 10 to 1? The little advertising the game got was aimed at the console versions. The PC version got next to nothing.

Warfare was originally touted to be a completely different thing. At one point we were promised Conquest - with huge epic maps, RTS style resource collection and strategy among other things. What we got instead was essentialy Onslaught with an orb.

The problem with the beta demo was that it was rushed out and the final game came out only around a month later and had no improvments over the beta demo. It was as if Epic didn't care about the feedback and naturally it didn't go down well with gamers. It took many months later of patching to address most problems.


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
Warfare was originally touted to be a completely different thing. At one point we were promised Conquest - with huge epic maps, RTS style resource collection and strategy among other things. What we got instead was essentialy Onslaught with an orb.

Except it launched with (mostly) terrible maps that involved pretty much zero strategy and broken vehicles/turrets. (still not fixed as far as I'm aware)