Steelixx said:maybe
It has the tri-barrel thing and it's red... if you ask me it's pretty much certain.
Epic has been colour-coding a bunch of things to make them easily recognisable.
They changed the old RL (and ammo) from yellow to red, because the Flak Cannon (and ammo) was already yellow.
Of course for UC2 they changed the health to green, whereas in UT2003/4 it's blue.
(Well, in the early days it actually was green as well.)
This is because they made adrenaline blue... the stuff didn't really have a colour in UT2003/4, and truthfully it didn't really work very well in the first place in many people's opinions.
Anyway, it's a RL!
NeoNite said:I'd rather have a good name and a good game...
Well, I'd rather have a good name, and good game, and hot, blond twins for girlfriends, but that really wasn't one of the options.
I personally don't care much for the yearly naming scheme, but it's a lot better than the stupid incremening of numbers.
At least this way it's clear when a game is released (or soon before that date), so it adds some extra information, even if I don't think it's useful.
It's stupid that after Halo you simply play Halo again.
Well, Halo 2, but that's just a number... doesn't change the name whatsoever.
I think if Epic would add a subtitle to the yearly naming scheme I'd be happy.
UC2 was UC2, but it at least had a new title "The Liandri Conflict".
In the end, if I can't have that, I have to reach the same conclusion as RaptoR.
TomWithTheWeather said:I'm just against weapons that you can't obviously tell what they are. What happened to the good solid weapons? Like the Quake3 rocket lancher or the Doom2 Super Shotgun. The gun in that third pic looks so fragile. Don't get me wrong, it looks good technically, but it just looks so tacky at the same time. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Is that a salad shooter?".
I'd say the colour-coding does that, unless of course you're new to the game.
As for Doom's weapons... the double barelled shotgun was of course VERY nice ... but also really uninspired when you think of it, just a shotgun.
I have no idea what to imagine when reading about a gun shooting salad, but although it does look pretty fragile, this is Unreal we're talking about, and besides, in that future we have very strong materials to build weapons and other things with.
Finally and most importantly it all comes down to taste.
I'll reserve my judgement for the weapon for after I've seen it in action, or rather after I used it.