Unreal Tournament on the PS2 looks better than the PC version.

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Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
new metal gear game :) hope it's not as easy as MGS tho (minus Liquid Snake in Metal Gear ofcourse. :eek: lol). That's the only real reason I plan on buying PS2 (for now anyways)

As for my little joke...

Well, I've seen some other moderators of forums totally abuse their powers & then make excuses for why they did it (lame), since I have yet to see u do that (or see any posts talking about you in that subject) ur kool by me.

lol :D


New Member
Mar 29, 2000
You know kaz made me realize that i may have led readers to believe im against consoles which im not i plan on getting a gamecube just for mario and metroid you know games ive loved since i was younger, i own a dreamcast just for sonic and a few others, but my first reply to this post was just about the ut comparison and it was very funny i think, tell me you dint laugh kaz.


Minitech Executive
Sep 30, 2000
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The day I play UT with a damn console controller is the same day I put an AOL cd in my drive without breaking down crying hysterically.


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
You haven't obviously been paying attention parias, as it's been posted before that both console versions will have kb/mouse support.


Apr 10, 2000
There are good arguments for both: personally I'm leaning more and more toward the PC. That's why the Xbox sounds so good to me (as I said earlier, it's going to pump out 200 million pologons, where the PS2 can only handle 75 million).

Most of my posts in this threads have been mainly supporting the PC. But there is one thing I've seen here (as well as MANY other places) is people's opinions that the PC as we know it today is dead. I don't quite agree. I believe that it will still be used in every capacity that it is today, as well as many more. Having one central computer having a game console, your lights, music systems, etc all running off of it is probably where this will all be going, but I don't see that as the end of the computer of today. The computer is constantly changing, there are tons of different ways they are used. The computer is already used as a hub for many devices. This started with printers, and scanners. Now it's expanded to notebooks, palm systems, Calculators, even your vehicles. Because of this I see this central PC of the future already being a reality, it's just that it will continue to be used with more and more other devices.


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000

Ofcourse computers will always be around, in some form or another, since as human technology grows, the more need for information that can be accessed fast & jobs that require speeds no human could possibley perform at. I also agree that when the time is possible for every house/building to be run by a central computer, the entertainment center will be part of its programming. & if this happens, then obviously there will be no consoles or pc gaming rigs. But I seriously doubt that this will become a possibility (for every house/building) in our lifetime, so I don't think you should be worried about pc's dying off as gaming platforms. :)


Minitech Executive
Sep 30, 2000
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Er, yeah! I knew that Robo! It was, um, my cat that wrote that, haha! Just wanted to be sure that everyone knew as much as it did, or something... it's planning to take over the world! THE WORLD I TELL YOU!

*Continues trying to cover up his blatant stupidity, gives up, screams, and dives out a 30-story window*


Apr 10, 2000
Robo: Yeah, but what I'm saying is that even when this happens the PC would still be the gaming platform.. and that it's already beginning to happen. I didn't mean to make it sound like the computer would be dying out, but that the way some people talk about everything becoming more like consoles, 1 small system for games, 1 small system for this, 1 small system for that, would be moving AWAY from where the technology is actually going.


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
Stupid f*cking aol

Actually logs me off for being inactive as I'm writing this...

Piece of sh*t...

sheesh. Now I've forgotten what I was going to post... Excuse my while I take a hammer to my p.o.s. computer...


Looks like I'm gonna have to use my DC for the internet from now on :p

Well, I remember something I had written before aol logged itself off...

Consoles & pc's will eventually come to a standstill in graphics & people will buy what's cheaper & is a lot more stable, consoles (duh :p). Since people don't have to worry about upgrading their systems every six months to be able to play the latest games without it looking like a stop-go animation. Ofcourse, this will take many years & I imagine that about the same time later, the whole central computer core thing will be inside most houses, meaning that pc gaming (in a sense), will be ultimate victor in the console pc wars. I agree that eventually, consoles will no longer be necessary, but consoles still have a long life ahead of them & becuz they don't need to be upgraded, developers don't have to worry about compatibility issues & can spend more time concentrating on bugs & getting framerates up instead of having to make patches for it. Ofcourse, when the central computer core idea is a reality, I imagine games wont need patches, unless it happens to be Tomb Raider 259 *still* Starring Lara Croft. lol :D


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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I don't see what everyone is so grumpy dumpy about. Looks like amazing games for everyone. I already got a computer, so I'm just gonna keep upgrading it and playing UT that way. But I would be perfectly happy playing UT on one of those console thingies (long as I had a mouse/keyboard setup).

Fact is, UT on the PC, and UT on the consoles are both a heck of a lot better than "Combat" on the Atari 2600 ever was.

We are all very lucky. Expecially me, because I may find the cash to upgrade my PIII 450 to an 800. :D


New Member
It look OK...I guess

Well hell I've only got a Voodoo 2 in this machine and I get better graphics than that. It looks terribly washed out.

But the reason I don't like consoles that much is there, in that screenshot, staring you in the face. Look at that HUD. They *simplified* it. And that is why I don't like consoles, they constantly try to make games as simple as possible, even removing a useful number and replacing it with a meaningless bar (should I get the medi pack or health vial? No idea, a bar doesn't tell me).

I remember so many people telling me what a great game Crazy Taxi (sorry if I screwed the name) was. I played it, and I couldn't stand it. Pick up people and drop them off somewhere while driving badly. Repeat.....until you wish you were dead.

I went back to UT where there are million ways to play, which weapon to use, which attack route to use, who to target, how to work with your team........I fear the console simply because in its history it tries to simplfy everything for the lowest common denomonator, and that can ruin a game. With games being made for the PC & Dreamcast, I worry that there may start to be a drift towards arcade type games, and other consoles could only worsen this situation.

The advantage of the PC is in its choice. There is no one at the top, limiting what games can be developed, so anyone can make anything and this is what gives a PC user such a choice, such variety. Could you imagine C&C appearing on the console first? I doubt it. What about Messiah? A totally unique game, and that is why a console developer would never have done it.

It's not a question of hardware to me, more a question of attitude.


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
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Well, firstly, you can't compare a game like Crazy Taxi to UT--it's just not fair. My GF's brother has DC and I really enjoy Crazy taxi. There's a lot more to it than "driving badly" and dropping people off. A comment like that is on par with saying Street Fighter is just two people kicking and punching each other. You're being reductionalistic and that's not fair to it. You said you liked the different weapons and routes to take; CT has different vehicles and short cuts to take. They are differnt games, and sure CT may not be your favourite game, but your opinion is definately a minority one. This is besides the point however.

Another problem with your argument is that you say that unique games come out on the PC first. This opinion is based in ignorance I fear. For one thing, the xbox has literally hundreds of developers and many of those developers have stated that they will now develope for consoles first, PCs second. Tony Hawk (pretty innovative) first appeared on a console. What about Resident Evil? Ground breaking? Yes. On a PC first? No. Final Fantasy (a game which renewed interest in RPGs) appeared first on a console. Crazy taxi, like it or not, is pretty damn innovative. Jet Grind Radio, Seaman, Mario Bros, Sonic, Zelda, Castlevania etc. These games all started on the console and are great innovaters in their genre. PC games are unfortunately relegated to racing, FPS, and RTS games. You'll never see a decent Street Fighter game, side scrolling game, shooter, mario type etc. Capcom, Konami, Square, Sega, Nintendo, Acclaim, Rare (and countless others)--how any games from these undeniably great developers develop for PCs (Sega does, but not their recent games). Variety exists on consoles, so does innovation--just because you deny it, doesn't make it false. It seems that when people argue for something that they believe in they are often blinded by the facts. I love PC games, but I don't close my eyes to the benefits that a console can deliver. The Xbox isn't even out yet, no one in the world has seen a game let alone played one and already you guys are denouncing its viability as a game machine. I'm not going to say its going to be great, but there is a good chance it will and I would like to be open minded enough to consider the purchanse of a $200 machine that can do as good or better than your $2000 machine.


habitual line stepper
Aug 6, 2000
Boston, MA
Originally posted by Watchdog

Cool word! All this talk about console versus pc has me thinking about my own gaming experience. Boom mentioned Combat for the atari 2600, and I can remember an even simpler console before the 2600 that had the games built into it (no cartridges). My point in mentioning these is that most of us have probably begun our gaming experiences on a console. After the 2600 I got Nintendo Ent. Sys. After that a SEGA master sys. After that a Genesis, then a super Nintendo, finally I picked up a dreamcast and sold it after a few months, because I was frustrated with SEGA not pumping out the really good games fast enough. When STALLONE made me play UT at his house, I immediately gave my old computer to my mother and bought a brand spankin new one(I needed a serious upgrade anyway.) I got hooked on UT and now, my opinion is that I definitely would not invest in any of the consoles on the market or in the works, because they can't make a game with the replay value of a PC version of UT. You would not be able to download anything to keep the game fun and with the limited online play for console users, I don't think we could even compare any console to a pc at this point. However I don't think we should hammer the console users with insults or look down on them. I began as a console only player and used to think pc gamers were geeks. That is only because I didn't know anything about pc gaming, I was ignorant of the pc world and needed a "UT" to wake me up. I have rambled enough. I love you guys!!


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000

hmm.... what you said is so true :)

Having been a consoler only my whole life (oregon trail doesn't count :p), when I bought the dc, I thought it would all I needed since it would have good games & online gaming.

Well, I waited...

& waited...

& waited...

No online games on the horizon, so I finally decided to get a pc (oh how I wish i knew about DSL & how much aol sux back then :(). Up until that time, I had thought that most pc games were just mindless FPS's, as just like Quitch is ignant of consoles, I was really ignant of pc games. Well, I think if it weren't for civilizationII, I'd probably still be feeling that way about pc's. A lot of consolers that I've met also felt the way I did about pc's, well, I'm just glad that civ 2 showed me how blind I had been & opened me to new experiences (a little too overdone maybe? heh :)).

Quitch, get over your fears of the playstation & go play a real console system. DC may not have as many games as the pc does, but that isn't stopping it from becoming an online gaming machine. Not thinking about it wont make it go away.

Just another victim of ignorance...

p.s. Crazy Taxi is better than any pc game (besides UT & unreal :))


New Member

I don't think people are reading my post. I never said anything about online games, nor anything to do with that. The number of developers incidently doesn't mean squat if the company that owns the console decides to have final say over what goes out. That's the beauty of the PC, no one owns it.

I said I find console games simplistic. I am certinally not iggnorant of consoles (though I'm no console buff either), and I have played on every console, except the PSX2. However I do find console games a lot more simplistic than PC game....on average. The very fact that it is aimed at a mass, and generally younger, market means the game are generally designed to be easy to get into and out of, because that's the way the main audience likes it.

If consoles offer gaming cheaper, that's great! But if they offer gaming diluted of all depth......

I was merely offering CT as a popular game on the consoles. Not as a anything similar to UT, but just to show the real differences between console and PC gamer tastes, basically, what is popular for each machine. CT is a lot more repetitive than UT, there are simply less options.

"What about Resident Evil? Ground breaking?"

No, it wasn't. Alone in the Dark had done it all well before Resident Evil. AitD was a PC game.