Unreal Tournament on the PS2 looks better than the PC version.

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Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
You are ignant of consoles if you think that the majority of it's users are kids. Consoles, along with their players, have grown up. Yes, there's some easy games on consoles, but then, there's easy games on the pc too, but that doesn't mean the pc market is made up entirely of minors.

The reason why a lot of games today are easier, is becuz most of the games market has become a monopoly that sony started.

Eye candy with very little to no gameplay. That's why I stay away from Sony, the evil mofo's. That's why I seriously doubt that most of the PS2 games will be any good. Have you seen all the sh*t that they've been pumping thru PS's rotting body.

I don't think you've really talked with a whole lot of dc players, cuz if you had, you'd know that most of them are mature gamers, serious about gameplay.


habitual line stepper
Aug 6, 2000
Boston, MA
Robo, I am a recovered AOL user. I got rid of AOL a week after buying my new computer and UT, becuase I couldn't play a complete CTF match without getting a disconnect. While it was annoying to update everyone on the new e-mail and that type of thing, it was probably one of the best decisions I have made since buying a computer. I can help you with the recovery process if you recognize that you are an AOLaholic!


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000

Speaking of disconnections, I haven't had as many as I should have until I got the 428 patch. Now it get's in this annoying habit of making me get disconnected, but still showing me in the game! It's like I get a case of major lag, but I've checked the server info & it doesn't list me as on the server. Is this that bug that was supposed to have been fixed in where the client would still send info to the server? hmm.... 430 better fix this :mad:

Me an AOLaholic?!?! :mad: I want to kill that little sh*t Steve Case for bringing aol on my computer!


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
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Quitch again you are saying that console games are shallow. How can you say that EVERY console game is shallow?? You should probably really think about something before you post it here because we're not going to buy this garbage and accept the rhetoric and jargon that is a decade old. Sure when the atari reigned supreme console games were pretty shallow, but the console market has advanced since then.

Alone in the Dark?? How can you compare that game to RE? No one gave a rat's ass about survival horror games until Capcom did it right. It redefined the genre. End of statement.

And then you go on to say that it doesn't matter how many developers are making games because the owner has control over what is published. You REALLY should do some research before you start talking "facts". It's called quality control. All this means is that consoles aren't going to see that $10 direct to Walmart "Sand Dune Kite Racing II" game that everybody wants. Do you really think Gates is going to look at Unreal II and tell Epic "I don't think this game encapsulates the xbox's current ideology. Maybe you should go to the PC, they don't have to get their titles approved." Absolutely ridiculous.

The xbox will have a harddrive to download maps, mods, etc for their games. When xbox launches it will be technologically superior to anything on the market (for at least 6 months). Also, because of its dedicated nature and the problematic nature of coding for PCs, the xbox will be technologically comparable to the PC for a good long time. It will cost $200. It will have a keyboard and mouse. It will be able to be hooked up to your current monitor. Many titles will originate on the xbox and then be ported over to the PC--others never will be ported. Porting games from PC to xbox will be simple, if a great game comes out for the PC, I'd bet my Aunt Mary that it will appear on the xbox too.

Of course, since this thing isn't out yet no one knows for sure--this is the most reliable information we have. If all this comes true (and we have no reason not to believe it, it sounds quite reasonable), I will buy an xbox, instead of shelling out hundreds of dollars more for essencially the same thing.

[Edited by Watchdog on 10-02-2000 at 12:21 AM]


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
The DC is capable of d/ling stuff, the only problem is, the VMU doesn't have enuff storage capacity for maps & mods.

Someone I know said that a vmu that is large enuff for this job will be made, but I don't know if this is going to happen.

I hope it does tho


New Member
Oct 2, 2000
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Sure it looks better, but why spend a great deal of dough on another console wich will just be out of fashion in a few years time?
and from memories FPS never seem to be very good on consoles, but I guess ill just have to wait and see


Fire in Ma Belly!
Jan 4, 2000
Shut yo mouth!
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I have an idea..

Instead of continuing to post in this thread, why not just go to the first page and read it all again. Since everyone keeps saying the same things over and over. ;)


Robot XMP Beta Tester
Mar 6, 2000
Secret Hideout
Originally posted by De_JacklA
Sure it looks better, but why spend a great deal of dough on another console wich will just be out of fashion in a few years time?
and from memories FPS never seem to be very good on consoles, but I guess ill just have to wait and see

I spend hundreds of dollars a year upgrading my PC. Consoles are practically disposible. Most consoles I've bought have been in the $100 to $200 range. They last usually a year.

The PS2 will be more expensive. $300. But it is two things. A DVD player as well as a game console. Why pay $150 for a decent DVD player, and $150 for a Dreamcast when I can get a better deal with the PSX?

If I want to play DC games I can go to my friend's house nad play it with him. And if he wants to play PS2 games he can come to my place.


habitual line stepper
Aug 6, 2000
Boston, MA
I wouldn't get too excited ove the DVD feature in the PS2. All of the major elecronics companies will start to release recordable DVD players by the time the PS2 hits the shelves. This will most likely bring the price of non-recordable DVDs down a bit, so it isn't that big of a deal to have them bundled together. Another thing to consider is what will the quality be of the DVD that comes with the PS2? It will most likely be a low level DVD, since most decent SONY DVDs cost more than $300.


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
Originally posted by Watchdog
That's a moot point. PCs go obsolete ust as quickly (2-3 years).

Pc lifespans are constantly decreasing due to the fact that technology keeps coming out (relatively) quickly. & most consoles last 4-5 years in their lifespan, usually well into the next gen consoles birth :)


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
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You are right Robo, but I was referring to how long a console's performance will be considered cutting edge. between a PC and a console I think the lifespan is about the same. The only previso is that consoles are cheaper to replace.


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000

Cutting edge, usually not.

But lots of console games can push that console to the limit. Ofcourse, I'd still rather have a console, as I don't have to worry about constantly upgrading it, d/ling patches, & worrying about compatibility issues. Ofcourse, console game developers only get one shot at the game


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Originally posted by I_B_Bangin'
I wouldn't get too excited ove the DVD feature in the PS2. All of the major elecronics companies will start to release recordable DVD players by the time the PS2 hits the shelves. This will most likely bring the price of non-recordable DVDs down a bit, so it isn't that big of a deal to have them bundled together. Another thing to consider is what will the quality be of the DVD that comes with the PS2? It will most likely be a low level DVD, since most decent SONY DVDs cost more than $300.

I would expect that it would be a decent DVD player. After all, you have to remember that Sony loses money on the hardware and makes it's money on the software. So the 300.00 price tag doesn't even cover the cost of the unit.


New Member
Oct 3, 2000

I am amazed at the amount of insubordinate behavior going on here! What are you folks, sissy ass console gamers wanting to be pandered to with your pre-rendered crap, or are you gonna stick up for yourself and try to claim bragging rights with your beefed up Duron 950? Come on people, we're FPSers (if that wasn't a term... well, it is now), and FPSing (another new term...) isn't really FPSing unless your sitting half a foot in front of your monitor, deathmatching against opponents like Shai'tan at the FragPU, and getting blown away by your huge ass THX certified Cambridge Soundworks or Klipsch Pro Media speakers. It's an EXPERIENCE. And plus, it really does look like complete and utter sh1t on the PS2 anyway. Especially without a real HUD. Ick.

And BTW, was anyone else slightly confused at first when whoever opened this thread said that you could plug your mouse and keyboard into the "PS2's USB" slots? Heh... PS/2... Heh. Get it? Har har?
Feb 4, 2000
Visit site
Well, it looks pretty good to me. My UT won't connect to a multi game :(

I have a few questions:

1. Can I hook a PS2 to my monitor?
2. Can I hook a PS2 to my cable modum?
3. Can I play mulitplay agianst PC users?
4. Can I run Mods?

Who?...Me? Camping?!? No way!