Unreal Tournament on the PS2 looks better than the PC version.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2000
Gotcha... I missed that at first. Heh. I got one of those emails from PU saying my message was responded to, got on here, saw your message, and replied. Wrong message I guess. =)


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Man, I can't believe this hasn't gotten far enough off topic yet to be on the subject of virgin dead people and twinkie squeezing. Quite impressive. Tho, it looks like it's gonna just degenerate into a flame war at this point.


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
Visit site
Lol Nights. You could probably ask any of the 100s of ppl that post here and I bet none of them will tell you I'm a llama. I'll also bet that most of them would have told you the same thing (use the search forums or go back a page or two and find your answer). You have time to post three messages now, but not take literally 2 minutes to read a page or two of posts?? But you seem to think that my time is expendable and I can provide an indepth summary to the obtuse and lazy?? Obviously, someone is supposed to be around to do this whenever someone isn't motivated enough to read it for themselves. If you are looking for a llama look no further than yourself. This post went on for 7 pages (I posted many times) and only now when you start posting does it seem like it's going to get ruined because of your attitude. Think about it.

[Edited by Watchdog on 10-04-2000 at 04:14 PM]