Unreal Tournament on the PS2 looks better than the PC version.

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Godlike Drunken Spammer
Jun 21, 2000
Actually...a few of the 'smarter" developers have posted a method of how to implement Anti Aliasing on the PS2 for little to N0 performance hit. It is now going to be implemented in most if not all future games and even some of the games in the launch list. I have actually played and seen PS2. I have played American beta games, some aliased and some not. I couldn't really see a difference between the anti alised games and the non anti aliased games from my SEATING position....

When i rammed my face near the TV like us computer users do, I saw the jaggies but the anti aliased games had little to no jaggies.

i say look at GT 2000, madden 2k1 and Metal Gear Solid 2...for first generatin games they look quite nice.

I still don't understand the fact that people can justify comparing consoles ($150-$300) to PC's ($1000-3000). IMHO, they both look very similar and in certain things consoles look better while PC's look better at others.

If you really want to go to facts then look at PC versus console sales...you will see that consoles diminate the market quite easily.

Don't get me wrong, i like playing games on mac's/PC's but damnit i find consoles just as fun. So stop whining and buy the best of both worlds. if you cvan afford a PC then you can certainly afford a console. Oh, nop PC has ever been graced with the amount of quality (mostly squaresoft) RPG's that consoles have. The one square effort on PC failed miserably (FF& which was a GREAT colsole game).

NUFF said :)



Apr 10, 2000
Also, don't forget that UT for the PC is a year old now. If it were to be redone for the best technology now it would be awsome (unreal 2 engine screenshots ring a bell?)


Mar 27, 2000
Bothell, WA
I don't care about sales. I don't make any money from these games. I'm not going to buy a product simply because it sold more. I bought Battlezone and that sold about 50,000 copies. I also bought Diablo 2 which has sold in the millions. So quit talking about sales.

I care about gameplay and the console can't provide me with that. The only thing that's holding graphics back on the PC is slower computers.

I am not going to use the PS2. I am probably going to have one as my brother likes consoles, but I'm not going to play it.


New Member
Nov 29, 1999
windsor, ontaio, canada
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If UT was released today, it wouldn't look much better (if any) than it does now. Look at games coming out now, they don't look any better than UT does. I have a great computer right now, but honetsly I use it for games first, word proscessing second. Why not get a PC without "re-buying" the word processing abilities, etc etc. Essencially the xbox?

Roli, you are missing the point, when UT2 comes out, there will be a console (probably xbox) that will be able to handle it (at a fraction of the cost). No the PS1 can't match current PC graphics, but neither could your PC that you had in 1998. Your argument doesn't hold much weight.

I won't play the xbox on a tv, I'll play it on a 19" monitor. Imagine lan parties with an xbox--nothing to carry except a little console. Also, it's a hell of a lot easier to move a console to your buddy's house than a computer sys.


New Member
Dec 5, 1999
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I haven't seen any of the latest generation of consoles, but if they can give me as complete a gaming experience as the pc does, I'll buy one. But I doubt it will! A good example is a little ol' game called Half-Life. I haven't played the single player game in ages, but I still play some of the mods and maps that have sprung from the fertile minds of talented PC game fans. There seems to be no end to the quality games that I can download and run using the HL engine, and they don't cost me a cent. Some of you say that the next generation consoles can download maps and/or mods, but I ask you....Who is going to make those mods?? Certainly not the children that make up the majority of the console market! And if someone did want to make a mod for a console...how would they do it? On their PC? why bother? You don't honestly believe that manufacturers would encourage 3rd party mods for their consoles? That would cut into their game sales, and game sales is where the gravy is, not the console itself! Fear not! PC gaming will be around for a long time, and it will always be better, even if it is more expensive!


Godlike Drunken Spammer
Jun 21, 2000
KUKU I only brought in sales for people that are hard headed and won't listen to logic...no one in particular though.

Cool you don't like consoles...fine that is your perogative. Millions of others do so don't give a biased suggestion or opinion due to your dislike of consoles. Simply state that you do not like them and then it's all just fine. We weren't comparing gameply here anyways. They actually brought this up to compare the graphics but oh well :)

night all,


Undead Lackey
Sep 25, 2000
I don't care for consoles mostly due to the "in-your-face, x-treme, macdaddy, shiznat" culture associated with them. (Check out the difference between PC magazine writing styles and console magazines' articles for a good example of what I'm talking about.) Of course, much of that has to do with the demographics of the audience, so it's no fault of console game makers/marketers.

More power to them.

As to the graphics, though, consoles usually always have their PC cousins beat whenever a new generation of the machines spring up for the first few months. Sure, PC's will inevitably catch up, but for at least a couple of months, PC loyalists will have to hear the crowing of the console crowd. (At least until the next wave of 3D cards.)

The screen resolution issue is moot. Keep in mind that we typically view the PC screen from inches away, whereas TV viewing is normally done with a few feet of distance. Most great works of art look pretty mediocre when you look at them with your nose on the canvas. I think the screenshots of the PS2 version of UT look just fine and reflect well on the team coding it.

I think it's interesting that every UT PC user has the tools available to create maps and mods for free (thanks to Epic), while PS2 UT players will not.


New Member
Mar 29, 2000

Lets get a ps2 and play JaggyTournament or UnrealJagz and then we can choose from capture the jag or deathjag or tactital jagz wait a minute we wouldnt be able to download that oh well, but if we get really board we can invite our friends over and have some split screen fun OH YEAH!!!


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
I just had to say something :)

About what Prophetus said about the Console figures...

In (north) america & europe, those "figures" would be closer to accurate. But unfortunetly, most other parts of the world have much higher rates of faux games. Some even higher than 90% I believe... I'm assuming you were talking about the whole world market when you were giving those console & pc figures. I know you were only guesstimating, but I just thought I'd point out that the console market isn't as safe you made it out to be.

As for consoles vs. pc's...

This debate will probably go on for a long time (until (like prophetus said) pc graphics end up at a stalemate with consoles).

I think that 2 of the main reasons pc (as game platforms) are so popular, is because of the incredible graphics that their games have & the fact that people can play each other, without having to stare at 1/4th of a tv screen. Unfortunetly for pc's, that's obviously changing with the next gen consoles.

PS2 will definetly draw in a lot of you pc heads with it's sweet graphics (heheh :D). That pic of PS2 UT looks almost as good as UT does for me on high resolution & details. But unlike my pc, PS2 will be able to play at that level of depth without getting choppier than a cheesey kung fu movie (bad joke, I know :p). While I have no intentions of buying a PS2 (not yet anyway), I'm pretty sure a lot of people that like pc graphics will end up with one, as they don't want to shell out $2000 just to play a few games. Dreamcast will (finally) allow poor people (hehehe) the chance to do what they dreamed of for years, playing someone without having to share a damn tv screen! Once again, the console which will do the exact same thing they've been wanting to do on a pc, for 1/10th the price. No having to worry about the damn thing crashing because it's run out of virtual memory or some other lame reason. Consoles don't crash because their main purpose is to play the damn games. & you don't have to worry about running out of space for your game, just pop in the disc & it's go time. No critical errors popping up becuz you press a button. I have a pc now, but I was raised on consoles (like I'm pretty sure a lot of you were) & I can honestly say that my pc is the most frustrating piece of electronics I've ever owned. I never had to worry about this stuff when I played on my ps or genesis *aah, simplier times...*.

Can't think of anything else to say, so that's it for me :p (go ahead & quote me away Proph <g>)


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
Originally posted by Freezerburn
I haven't seen any of the latest generation of consoles, but if they can give me as complete a gaming experience as the pc does, I'll buy one. But I doubt it will! A good example is a little ol' game called Half-Life. I haven't played the single player game in ages, but I still play some of the mods and maps that have sprung from the fertile minds of talented PC game fans. There seems to be no end to the quality games that I can download and run using the HL engine, and they don't cost me a cent. Some of you say that the next generation consoles can download maps and/or mods, but I ask you....Who is going to make those mods?? Certainly not the children that make up the majority of the console market! And if someone did want to make a mod for a console...how would they do it? On their PC? why bother? You don't honestly believe that manufacturers would encourage 3rd party mods for their consoles? That would cut into their game sales, and game sales is where the gravy is, not the console itself! Fear not! PC gaming will be around for a long time, and it will always be better, even if it is more expensive!

hmm... You haven't played the Dreamcast or PS2 & yet you're sure that they will fail. I don't know if you've played a console, but unlike pc's, their main purpose is to play games, not to multi-task. Consoles offer good games on a system that costs a fraction the price of a pc & is a lot more stable (both the game & the system it's played on). Most 1st party games are better than any pc game could hope to be (besides Sony ofcourse) & when they turn their attention towards multiplayer, you can be damn sure it'll be something special indeed. But, if you're idea of "a complete gaming experience" happens to be multiplayer, well, DC will give that too you next month, when the first of the multiplayer games arrive. As for how you perceive consolers in general, you're far from the truth. I've had the DC from day 1 & from that time, I've met a lot of serious & mature gamers, & they all have more intelligence about the game market than apparently you have. As for who'd want to make a mod/map for a console version of a pc game? Hmm... well, I dunno, who'd want to make a mod or map for a pc game? They're not getting paid for it... Most people do it because they enjoy the game very much or they feel that they can express their ideas in it. & what makes you think a company wouldn't want people to show their support of their game by making extras for it? People see all the different mods that have been developed for a game & will have even more reasons to buy that game. & not to mention the fact that they'd probably tell their friends about it as well (more money in the bank for the publishers) & would encourage them to buy it as well. You've certainly got a lot of your "information" ass backwards my confused friend. Make sure you don't go in half-cocked next time Freezerburn.

I just know someone gonna quote me for something I wrote here <g>


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000

Blown away by those pics eh? heheh. I'm already desensitized to those graphics, as I've already seen a sh*tload of PS2 pics :D

As for the controller issue, there's already a keyboard for the dc, but a mouse is coming for it next month I believe. & ps2 will get it's own mouse/kb as soon as the games hit... :D


New Member
Jan 4, 2000
The PS2 Keyboard and mouse are already out. Any standard USB mouse and Keyboard are supported by UT for PS2, Including my sweet Intellieye Explorer.

This debate will go on for ages. And as someone stated, graphics will eventually get to a point where they just cant get any better. The PC will always be more customizable, and will be a sort of development platform for consile games as well. But ya know what? Alot more people will get to play together, and that's what it's all about, making E-friends and playing games together. Long live UT!!!

P.S. I just had to go pay in full for my PS2 to supposedly get on on launch day. They were already pre-sold out when they were shipping a million, Now they're only shipping 500,000. Why do you mock me god?.. why...


New Member
Jan 11, 2000
Kalmar, Sweden
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Hey, I just saw a television program that was about Consoles and PCs. The experts that were there said that the consoles were superior to the PCs. They also said that less and less games would come out on PCs. They also said that in a few years time (5-10 years) there would be no games left on the PCs. Why? Well they said that a PC is such an unstable platform so many companies choose consoles instead of PCs. Because console games sell better and so on. And now when consoles have access to internet the PC will have no market left for games.. PC’s are also too expensive for running games..

I choose a console instead of a PC because I can't afford spending $200 every month just so I can play the latest games. And with the superior consoles you can get Dolby Surround (5.1 or DTS ect.) straigt out of the box.
I have had so much fun with my comp (P2 400mhz 128ram TNT2) but now it’s time for it to do iwhat it was made to do WORK :D It has now meet it’s superior the time for the consoles have come. (hehe)

PC’s era is over – PSX magazine

- Utfan

PS: I wouldent get my hopes up too high about the X-box. Look here..




And remember those of you who are thinking of buying an X-box the tech demo of the Robat and the woman/man it wasent in real time.. Microsoft lied!
Btw with the PS2 and it's harddrive you'll be able to download any of the PSX1's game (there are over 2000 of them) according to Sony..

Thanks and I'll see ya!!

Oh yeah I just rememberd Sony has over 300 developers working for them on games.. it will have over 800 games within 2-3 years.


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Jan 21, 2000
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5-10 years in the IT industry is a very very long time. 10 years ago I was playing 3DTetris and I was hooked. Nobody can be sure what will happen then. If the industry manages to bring the best gaming ONLY on a console which costs 1/3 of a PC (or whatever) then so be it - that's what I'll be using too :p

But don't for a minute bring yourself to believe that you will be paying less for high quality gaming in the future. If I were nVidia, MS, Sony, Epic it would never cross my mind to charge you less in the long run for the products/services that I provide.

So let's keep fighting over brands while the brands pocket our cash :)
Mar 6, 2000

I'm not having a go at you .... but

I can't afford spending $200 every month just so I can play the latest games.
How come if you spend that money you still only have a P2-400mhz with 128ram and a TNT2? :D

And with the superior consoles you can get Dolby Surround (5.1 or DTS ect.) straigt out of the box.
Does anyone know of anygames that are coming out with DTS or AC3 audio?
Admittedly one of the plus sides of the PS2 is that it will play DVD's, but I've seen one and the DVD quality is absoloute shite.
A close friend of mine has more money than sense and has an imported japanese PS2. Going through his 32" Sony Wega 100hz tele the dvd quality (and sound) does not come anywhere close to his stand alone (fairly average)DVD player and Sony DB-930 Dolby Digital/DTS amp (I highly recommend this amp to anyone thinking of buying a digital amp ... it's fecking awesome and pretty damn cheap).
They might have sorted this out by the time they go on sale in europe and the states, but I'm still not buying one.
The main resaon for this is principal.
PS2 in the states will cost $299 on release.
PS2 in the uk will cost £299 on release!
WTF going on there!?!?
£299 = $440 !!!!!
Thats an increase of almost 50%

Bugger that for a game of cricket

International Jetsetter and Wannabe Pornstar


Neighborhood godless fragger
Mar 30, 2000
Yorktown, VA
so easily fooled

ROFL... you console zealots crack me up...

I give you a 100% guarantee that those "schweet" pictures of the "in game" scenes from GT2000 are NOT from in-game.(ok, some are.. but that very first one is NOT) They are from the PRE-RENDERED demo that will be played at the beginning of the game. Sure, the shots of the Alfa Romero might be in game, but the car animation is probably pre-rendered as well... *lol*...

I laugh at every single last one of you that thinks the PSX2 will look that good in game (even on a high res monitor).

I looked at the 50 or so shots on ps2.ign.com and quite frankly, they didn't look too good. Thye showed some lighting effects, and the ability to use texture-mapping (all these cars use photographs for textures)..hehe

And I thought everyone knew the day the x-box "renders" came out that they were pre-rendered. Just goes to show, that some people really can't tell.. Maybe if they actually KNEW what they were talking about... :rolleyes:

Anyhow, you think 4 megs of texture ram and reading the rest from disc is gunna be faster than reading it all from ram? All I can say is : you are dumb. I say that because you OBVIOUSLY have NO CLUE what the HELL you are talking about...
I mean, 4 megs of VRam isn't much, and with the "blazing fast PC superior ram speeds" they are claiming, the disc won't be able to keep up with supplying the 4 megs of VRAM with textures...

Anyhow, here's $1.00 call me when console or PC graphics looks that good in real time-in game renders. That's how much a local cost will call by then..

Anyone seen the Chrono Cross commercials? Or any square commercials.. You are thinking ... holy SH!T that game looks phat.. then you play it, and it's the same old blocky crap.. hehe

Has anyone watched the Nvidia demos for the Geforce 2 GTS? When the PSX2 can do some of those things, I will be willing to listen.

Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT saying th PS2 won't kick ass... I just don't see it being "the ultimate PC crusher" that so many sheep..ermm. people are led to believe... I DO like what I am seeing from it, and am eager to play it =)


New Member
Jan 11, 2000
Kalmar, Sweden
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Sorry to disappoint you Alarion! But those pictures are in REAL TIME and they are from when you play the game..
Want facts?? Go here to view the videos of the game..


Sweet the game is running in 60fps.. You can really feel the car going in 200km/h!
Btw if you want to look at more sweeeeeet IN GAME screen shot of Gran Turismo 3 (Yesterday it was Gran Turismo 2000 Aspec but Sony has changed the name to Gran Turismo 3) go here: http://www.scei.co.jp/sd2/gt2000/

- UTfan

This is from the replay mode

And this image was taken when they were playing the game!

They both look SWEEET!! Dont they???
Want more proof??? Well there was a PLAYABLE version of it on ECTS!


Neighborhood godless fragger
Mar 30, 2000
Yorktown, VA
again, they only demonstrate the "l337" ability to use texture mapping (and specular highlights and emboss mapping).. not very hard...

Sure the cars look decent, but those backgrounds look absolutely terrible (IMO)..

I can believe *some* of them are in game.. but some are obviously not...

Like I said, I am not saying the PS2 doesn't have nice grfx, it's just not going to kill the PC(in terms of graphics.. sales..yes, graphics ..NOPE).. sorry
