What should I say... well... didn't read the whole thread, but I must admit that your motives are noble-minded, but find a team developing that improvement of ut on an even inferior engine ! yet there's much more effort keeping something like a "community" alive rather than creating any new big content like this...That's what I'm saying, why UE3?
Any further effort could go into expanding a community, a little bit of advertising, maybe tooling with getting a comp style mod, and some cheat protection (I dislike bskins, and newnet, but consistency is nice, and some models in that game are just lost on some maps like that brown robot chick on curse).
- UT is cheap.
- UT sys reqs (recommended): 266 MHz proc, 64 MB ram, 605 MB free HDD space. Everyone has that.
- The community will be so niche, I doubt cheats would be a problem.
- It's easier to map in. You could port back UT3 maps that you like.
- The project would be significantly smaller, and as such more likely to be completed.
I've heard of one community patch that was made, and apparently, there is a community for something similar maybe, at ut99.org. Gonna read up on it some more, but man... I'd love to have some developing input on a patch for that game... and on the old engine, that everyone can run.
Looks good, but I think it is cramped with UT3 details which sometimes appear pointlessly surfeited. I think the design needs to be somewhat simpler, grittier, more functional, in short; less UT3ish.People will want an accurate port. A bit more difficult without the UDK but more than possible.
Work is still continuing on this.
We need another modeller.
Unreal already had co-op, and checkpoints are stupid if you can't choose when to save your game.